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Gene ID | Symbol | Synonyms | Official Full Name | Location | SZ group ? | Functional group ? |
7321 | UBE2D1 | E2(17)KB1 | SFT | UBC4/5 | UBCH5 | UBCH5A | ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 D1 | 10q21.1 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |
5702 | PSMC3 | TBP1 | proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 3 | 11p11.2 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 Network | G2Cdb.humanPSD G2Cdb.humanPSP |
5682 | PSMA1 | HC2 | HEL-S-275 | NU | PROS30 | proteasome subunit alpha 1 | 11p15.1 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 Network | |
5719 | PSMD13 | HSPC027 | Rpn9 | S11 | p40.5 | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 13 | 11p15.5 | DEG:Maycox_2009 | |
51434 | ANAPC7 | APC7 | anaphase promoting complex subunit 7 | 12q24.11 | CV:PGCnp | |
51433 | ANAPC5 | APC5 | anaphase promoting complex subunit 5 | 12q24.31 | CV:PGCnp DNM:Fromer_2014 | CompositeSet |
5715 | PSMD9 | Rpn4 | p27 | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 9 | 12q24.31-q24.32 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 PMID:cooccur | |
8881 | CDC16 | ANAPC6 | APC6 | CDC16Hs | CUT9 | cell division cycle 16 | 13q34 | CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp | |
5720 | PSME1 | HEL-S-129m | IFI5111 | PA28A | PA28alpha | REGalpha | proteasome activator subunit 1 | 14q11.2 | GSMA_I PMID:cooccur | |
5693 | PSMB5 | LMPX | MB1 | X | proteasome subunit beta 5 | 14q11.2 | CV:PGCnp GSMA_I | |
5687 | PSMA6 | IOTA | PROS27 | p27K | proteasome subunit alpha 6 | 14q13 | CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp Network | |
5684 | PSMA3 | HC8 | PSC3 | proteasome subunit alpha 3 | 14q23 | CV:PGCnp Network | |
5685 | PSMA4 | HC9 | HsT17706 | PSC9 | proteasome subunit alpha 4 | 15q25.1 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 PMID:cooccur | G2Cdb.humanPSD G2Cdb.humanPSP |
5699 | PSMB10 | LMP10 | MECL1 | beta2i | proteasome subunit beta 10 | 16q22.1 | CV:PGCnp Expression | |
5713 | PSMD7 | MOV34 | P40 | Rpn8 | S12 | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 7 | 16q22.3 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 | |
5694 | PSMB6 | DELTA | LMPY | Y | proteasome subunit beta 6 | 17p13 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 Expression | G2Cdb.human_BAYES-COLLINS-HUMAN-PSD-FULL |
5717 | PSMD11 | Rpn6 | S9 | p44.5 | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 11 | 17q11.2 | CV:PGCnp | |
5691 | PSMB3 | HC10-II | proteasome subunit beta 3 | 17q12 | CV:PGCnp Network | |
5709 | PSMD3 | P58 | RPN3 | S3 | TSTA2 | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 3 | 17q21.1 | CV:PGCnp | |
996 | CDC27 | ANAPC3 | APC3 | CDC27Hs | D0S1430E | D17S978E | H-NUC | HNUC | NUC2 | cell division cycle 27 | 17q21.32 | CV:PGCnp | |
5690 | PSMB2 | HC7-I | proteasome subunit beta 2 | 1p34.2 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |
5692 | PSMB4 | HN3 | HsN3 | PROS-26 | PROS26 | proteasome subunit beta 4 | 1q21 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 GSMA_I GSMA_IIA | |
5710 | PSMD4 | AF | AF-1 | ASF | MCB1 | Rpn10 | S5A | pUB-R5 | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 4 | 1q21.3 | CV:PGCnp GSMA_I GSMA_IIA | |
11065 | UBE2C | UBCH10 | dJ447F3.2 | ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 C | 20q13.12 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 | |
64682 | ANAPC1 | APC1 | MCPR | TSG24 | anaphase promoting complex subunit 1 | 2q12.1 | CV:PGCnp GSMA_I GSMA_IIA PMID:cooccur | CompositeSet Darnell FMRP targets |
10213 | PSMD14 | PAD1 | POH1 | RPN11 | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 14 | 2q24.2 | CV:PGCnp GSMA_IIA PMID:cooccur | G2Cdb.human_BAYES-COLLINS-HUMAN-PSD-FULL G2Cdb.humanPSD G2Cdb.humanPSP |
9861 | PSMD6 | Rpn7 | S10 | SGA-113M | p42A | p44S10 | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 6 | 3p14.1 | CV:PGCnp Network | |
5708 | PSMD2 | P97 | RPN1 | S2 | TRAP2 | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 2 | 3q27.1 | CV:PGCnp DNM:Fromer_2014 Network | G2Cdb.human_BAYES-COLLINS-HUMAN-PSD-FULL G2Cdb.humanPSD G2Cdb.humanPSP CompositeSet Ascano FMRP targets |
29945 | ANAPC4 | APC4 | anaphase promoting complex subunit 4 | 4p15.2 | CV:PGCnp | |
5696 | PSMB8 | ALDD | D6S216 | D6S216E | JMP | LMP7 | NKJO | PSMB5i | RING10 | proteasome subunit beta 8 | 6p21.3 | CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 DMG:Montano_2016 GSMA_I | |
5698 | PSMB9 | LMP2 | PSMB6i | RING12 | beta1i | proteasome subunit beta 9 | 6p21.3 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 DMG:Nishioka_2013 DMG:Wockner_2014 GSMA_I | |
5683 | PSMA2 | HC3 | MU | PMSA2 | PSC2 | proteasome subunit alpha 2 | 7p13 | CV:PGCnp Expression | |
5701 | PSMC2 | MSS1 | Nbla10058 | S7 | proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 2 | 7q22.1-q22.3 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 DMG:Wockner_2014 DNM:Guipponi_2014 | |
5716 | PSMD10 | dJ889N15.2 | p28 | p28(GANK) | proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 10 | Xq22.3 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | G2Cdb.humanPSD G2Cdb.humanPSP Potential synaptic genes |