Search results: The pahtway p725 has 42 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 10 genes in SZGR 2.0 (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

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Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Location SZ group ? Functional group ?
245936DEFB123DEFB-23 | DEFB23 | ESC42-RELDdefensin beta 12320q11.1DMG:Wockner_2014
729230CCR2CC-CKR-2 | CCR-2 | CCR2A | CCR2B | CD192 | CKR2 | CKR2A | CKR2B | CMKBR2 | MCP-1-RC-C motif chemokine receptor 23p21.31CV:PGCnp
7096TLR1CD281 | TIL | TIL. LPRS5 | rsc786toll like receptor 14p14CV:PGCnp
7097TLR2CD282 | TIL4toll like receptor 24q32CV:PGCnp
1235CCR6BN-1 | C-C CKR-6 | CC-CKR-6 | CCR-6 | CD196 | CKR-L3 | CKRL3 | CMKBR6 | DCR2 | DRY6 | GPR29 | GPRCY4 | STRL22C-C motif chemokine receptor 66q27CV:PGCnp
613209DEFB135DEFB136defensin beta 1358p23.1CV:PGCnp
613210DEFB136DEFB137defensin beta 1368p23.1CV:PGCnp
613211DEFB134-defensin beta 1348p23.1CV:GWASdb
1672DEFB1BD1 | DEFB-1 | DEFB101 | HBD1defensin beta 18p23.1CV:GWASdb
245940DEFB130DEFB-30 | DEFB130L | DEFB30defensin beta 1308p23.1CV:GWASdb