#"Supplemental Table 1. The list of samples used on each platform with associated subtype calls from each technology platforms, and clinical data. Note that not all samples were characterized on each platform." Complete TCGA ID Gender Age at Initial Pathologic Diagnosis ER Status PR Status HER2 Final Status Tumor Tumor--T1 Coded Node Node-Coded Metastasis Metastasis-Coded AJCC Stage Converted Stage Survival Data Form Vital Status Days to Date of Last Contact Days to date of Death OS event OS Time PAM50 mRNA SigClust Unsupervised mRNA SigClust Intrinsic mRNA miRNA Clusters methylation Clusters RPPA Clusters CN Clusters Integrated Clusters (with PAM50) Integrated Clusters (no exp) Integrated Clusters (unsup exp) TCGA-A2-A0T2 FEMALE 66 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N3 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion followup DECEASED 240 240 1 240 Basal-like 0 -13 3 5 Basal 3 2 2 2 TCGA-A2-A04P FEMALE 36 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC No_Conversion followup DECEASED 547 547 1 547 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A1-A0SK FEMALE 54 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup DECEASED 594 967 1 967 Basal-like -6 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A2-A0CM FEMALE 40 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup DECEASED 754 754 1 754 Basal-like -12 -13 4 4 Basal 4 2 1 1 TCGA-AR-A1AR FEMALE 50 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 523 1 523 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0WX FEMALE 40 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup DECEASED 653 653 1 653 Basal-like 0 -13 4 5 X 1 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A1F0 FEMALE 80 Negative Indeterminate Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 785 1 785 Basal-like -12 -13 6 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0I6 FEMALE 49 Negative Negative Not Available T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup DECEASED 991 997 1 997 Basal-like 0 -13 4 5 Basal NA NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A18V FEMALE 48 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED 1555 1555 1 1555 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A18Q FEMALE 56 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED 1692 1692 1 1692 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A18K FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment DECEASED 2547 2762 1 2762 Basal-like -12 -13 5 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0HL FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 72 NA 0 72 Basal-like 0 -13 4 3 LumA/B NA NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0E0 FEMALE 38 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC No_Conversion followup LIVING 133 NA 0 133 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0RX FEMALE 59 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 170 NA 0 170 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 ReacII 4 2 3 2 TCGA-A7-A13D FEMALE 46 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 267 NA 0 267 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 ReacII 3 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0E6 FEMALE 69 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 292 NA 0 292 Basal-like 0 -13 4 1 ReacI 1 3 1 4 TCGA-AO-A0J4 FEMALE 41 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 294 NA 0 294 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A0CE FEMALE 57 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 309 NA 0 309 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A7-A13E FEMALE 62 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 326 NA 0 326 Basal-like -12 -13 5 4 Basal 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A0DA FEMALE 62 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 373 NA 0 373 Basal-like 0 -13 4 5 X 1 2 2 2 TCGA-D8-A142 FEMALE 74 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 425 NA 0 425 Basal-like 0 -13 3 5 X 1 2 2 2 TCGA-D8-A143 FEMALE 51 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 431 NA 0 431 Basal-like 0 -13 NA 5 Basal 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AQ-A04J FEMALE 45 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 499 NA 0 499 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0HN FEMALE 67 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 516 NA 0 516 Basal-like 0 -13 6 2 ReacI NA NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0T0 FEMALE 59 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 533 NA 0 533 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A2-A0YE FEMALE 48 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 553 NA 0 553 Basal-like -12 -13 NA 5 X 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0YJ FEMALE 39 Positive Negative Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 565 NA 0 565 Basal-like -12 -13 NA 5 Basal 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0D0 FEMALE 60 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 643 NA 0 643 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A2-A04U FEMALE 47 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 670 NA 0 670 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal NA NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A0J6 FEMALE 61 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 775 NA 0 775 Basal-like -12 -13 2 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A2-A0YM FEMALE 67 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 964 NA 0 964 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 3 2 2 2 TCGA-A2-A0D2 FEMALE 45 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIA followup LIVING 1027 NA 0 1027 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 Basal 3 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0B3 FEMALE 53 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1203 NA 0 1203 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A2-A04Q FEMALE 48 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 1275 NA 0 1275 Basal-like -12 -13 4 1 ReacII 3 3 1 2 TCGA-A2-A0SX FEMALE 48 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 1288 NA 0 1288 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AO-A0JL FEMALE 59 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1319 NA 0 1319 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 3 2 2 2 TCGA-AO-A12F FEMALE 36 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1471 NA 0 1471 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0B9 FEMALE 44 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 1572 NA 0 1572 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A2-A04T FEMALE 62 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 2246 NA 0 2246 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 1 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0RT FEMALE 39 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 2721 NA 0 2721 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 ReacII 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AO-A128 FEMALE 61 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 2877 NA 0 2877 Basal-like 0 -13 6 5 Basal 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A129 FEMALE 29 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 2923 NA 0 2923 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AO-A124 FEMALE 38 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 3119 NA 0 3119 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 Basal 3 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0RU FEMALE 49 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 3991 NA 0 3991 Basal-like -11 -13 6 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-B6-A0IQ FEMALE 40 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 4284 NA 0 4284 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-B6-A0I2 FEMALE 45 Performed but Not Available Performed but Not Available Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 4360 NA 0 4360 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 ReacII 3 2 2 2 TCGA-B6-A0IJ FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 5383 NA 0 5383 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 3 2 2 2 TCGA-B6-A0X1 FEMALE 48 Negative Negative Not Available T2 T_Other N2 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion followup LIVING 5671 NA 0 5671 Basal-like -12 -13 NA 5 Basal 3 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0RE FEMALE 61 Negative Negative Negative TX N0 Negative M0 Negative [Not Available] No_Conversion followup LIVING 6434 NA 0 6434 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0ST FEMALE 62 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 1643 NA 0 1643 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AR-A0TP FEMALE 43 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 2392 NA 0 2392 Basal-like -11 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A1-A0SO FEMALE 67 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 852 NA 0 852 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A8-A07C FEMALE 57 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 580 NA 0 580 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A07O FEMALE 51 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 304 NA 0 304 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A8-A07R FEMALE 80 Negative Negative Equivocal T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 273 NA 0 273 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 Basal 3 2 2 2 TCGA-A8-A07U FEMALE 66 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 303 NA 0 303 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A08H FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Basal-like -8 -5 4 1 ReacI 1 3 1 4 TCGA-A8-A08R FEMALE 52 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 30 NA 0 30 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A04D FEMALE 58 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 52 NA 0 52 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AN-A0AL FEMALE 41 Negative Negative Negative T4 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 197 NA 0 197 Basal-like 0 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AN-A0AR FEMALE 55 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 9 NA 0 9 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AN-A0AT FEMALE 62 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Basal-like -12 -13 NA 5 Basal 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A0FJ FEMALE 59 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IV No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 241 NA 0 241 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AN-A0FL FEMALE 62 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 230 NA 0 230 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AN-A0FX FEMALE 52 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Basal-like -11 -13 4 4 ReacII 1 2 1 1 TCGA-AN-A0G0 FEMALE 56 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 16 NA 0 16 Basal-like 0 -13 3 5 Basal NA NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A0XU FEMALE 54 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AR-A0TS FEMALE 46 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 1138 NA 0 1138 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 4 2 2 2 TCGA-AR-A0TU FEMALE 35 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 360 NA 0 360 Basal-like -12 -13 NA 5 Basal 4 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A0U0 FEMALE 73 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 8 NA 0 8 Basal-like -12 -13 NA 1 Basal 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A0U1 FEMALE 36 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 185 NA 0 185 Basal-like 0 -13 6 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AR-A0U4 FEMALE 54 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 1627 NA 0 1627 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 ReacII 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AR-A1AH FEMALE 51 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 2298 NA 0 2298 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AR-A1AI FEMALE 47 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1881 NA 0 1881 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AR-A1AJ FEMALE 83 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1604 NA 0 1604 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 ReacI 3 2 1 2 TCGA-AR-A1AQ FEMALE 49 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1309 NA 0 1309 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AR-A1AY FEMALE 65 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 614 NA 0 614 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0AV FEMALE 52 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1180 NA 0 1180 Basal-like 0 -13 4 5 ReacII 1 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0BG FEMALE 73 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 756 NA 0 756 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0BL FEMALE 35 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1339 NA 0 1339 Basal-like -12 -13 4 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0BW FEMALE 71 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 355 NA 0 355 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0DL FEMALE 64 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1467 NA 0 1467 Basal-like 0 -13 4 5 Basal 3 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0WA FEMALE 82 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 372 NA 0 372 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A18G FEMALE 81 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage X No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 61 NA 0 61 Basal-like 0 -13 4 4 Basal 3 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A12K FEMALE 80 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-C8-A12V FEMALE 55 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-C8-A131 FEMALE 82 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Basal-like 0 -13 5 1 ReacII 1 2 2 2 TCGA-C8-A134 FEMALE 52 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Basal-like -12 -13 6 4 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-D8-A147 FEMALE 45 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage X Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 2 NA 0 2 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-E2-A14N FEMALE 37 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1350 NA 0 1350 Basal-like -12 -13 6 5 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A14R FEMALE 62 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 845 NA 0 845 Basal-like -12 -13 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A14X FEMALE 55 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 692 NA 0 692 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 ReacII 4 2 3 2 TCGA-E2-A14Y FEMALE 35 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 688 NA 0 688 Basal-like 0 -13 5 2 ReacII 2 3 3 3 TCGA-E2-A150 FEMALE 48 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 591 NA 0 591 Basal-like -12 -13 3 5 X 1 2 2 2 TCGA-E2-A158 FEMALE 43 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 450 NA 0 450 Basal-like 0 -13 5 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-E2-A159 FEMALE 50 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 515 NA 0 515 Basal-like -10 -13 3 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-E2-A1AZ FEMALE 63 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1964 NA 0 1964 Basal-like -12 -13 NA 5 Basal 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1B5 FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 774 NA 0 774 Basal-like -12 -13 6 1 ReacI 3 3 3 4 TCGA-A8-A08L FEMALE 89 Positive Negative Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment DECEASED 304 304 1 304 HER2-enriched -6 -2 1 4 X 1 1 5 2 TCGA-BH-A1EV FEMALE 45 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 365 1 365 HER2-enriched -5 -1 7 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0I9 FEMALE 62 Indeterminate Positive Positive T3 T_Other N0 Negative M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion followup DECEASED 369 369 1 369 HER2-enriched -5 -2 4 4 Her2 5 1 1 1 TCGA-A8-A09X FEMALE 62 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment DECEASED 426 426 1 426 HER2-enriched -5 -11 3 4 Her2 3 1 2 1 TCGA-B6-A0IK FEMALE 63 Negative Negative Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB No_Conversion followup DECEASED 571 571 1 571 HER2-enriched -5 -11 4 4 ReacII 5 1 1 1 TCGA-BH-A18P FEMALE 60 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment DECEASED 921 921 1 921 HER2-enriched -1 -1 5 4 X 2 1 1 3 TCGA-A8-A08J FEMALE 52 Positive Negative Negative T4 T_Other N3 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV Stage IV enrollment DECEASED 1127 1127 1 1127 HER2-enriched -5 -2 4 4 Her2 5 1 1 1 TCGA-BH-A18R FEMALE 50 Indeterminate Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IB No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED 1099 1141 1 1141 HER2-enriched 0 -2 4 4 Her2 3 1 1 1 TCGA-AR-A1AT FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1272 1 1272 HER2-enriched -5 -11 4 1 Her2 NA NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0RS FEMALE 38 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup DECEASED 3062 3062 1 3062 HER2-enriched 0 0 4 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0DZ FEMALE 43 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 495 NA 0 495 HER2-enriched -3 -2 4 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0T1 FEMALE 55 Negative Negative Positive T3 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC No_Conversion followup LIVING 520 NA 0 520 HER2-enriched -5 -11 4 5 Her2 4 1 1 1 TCGA-AO-A0J2 FEMALE 41 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 585 NA 0 585 HER2-enriched -9 -11 4 5 Basal 3 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0AW FEMALE 56 Positive Negative Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 622 NA 0 622 HER2-enriched -5 -11 5 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0EE FEMALE 68 Negative Negative Positive T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 943 NA 0 943 HER2-enriched -9 -11 7 1 Basal 5 1 2 3 TCGA-A2-A0D1 FEMALE 76 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1051 NA 0 1051 HER2-enriched -6 -2 1 3 Basal 1 1 2 2 TCGA-AO-A03N FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1645 NA 0 1645 HER2-enriched -3 -2 6 2 Her2 3 4 3 3 TCGA-A2-A0CY FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1673 NA 0 1673 HER2-enriched -3 0 7 5 LumA/B 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A04X FEMALE 34 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1686 NA 0 1686 HER2-enriched -5 -2 4 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0CX FEMALE 52 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1728 NA 0 1728 HER2-enriched -5 -11 NA 4 Her2 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A04W FEMALE 50 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1948 NA 0 1948 HER2-enriched -5 -11 4 1 Her2 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A12D FEMALE 43 Negative Negative Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1948 NA 0 1948 HER2-enriched -10 -11 3 5 Her2 3 1 2 2 TCGA-A2-A0CL FEMALE 37 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1963 NA 0 1963 HER2-enriched -5 -2 4 1 Basal 3 1 1 1 TCGA-AO-A0JE FEMALE 53 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1965 NA 0 1965 HER2-enriched -5 -11 4 4 Her2 5 1 1 1 TCGA-A2-A0EQ FEMALE 64 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 2426 NA 0 2426 HER2-enriched -5 -2 5 4 Basal 4 4 1 1 TCGA-AO-A03L FEMALE 34 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 2442 NA 0 2442 HER2-enriched -4 -2 1 4 Basal 5 1 1 3 TCGA-B6-A0RH FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 5748 NA 0 5748 HER2-enriched -5 -1 6 2 ReacII 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A8-A075 FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 517 NA 0 517 HER2-enriched -5 -2 1 5 X 2 1 5 2 TCGA-A8-A076 FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1641 NA 0 1641 HER2-enriched -5 -2 4 3 Her2 4 1 1 1 TCGA-A8-A07B FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1004 NA 0 1004 HER2-enriched -3 -1 2 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A07I FEMALE 69 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 426 NA 0 426 HER2-enriched -5 -2 4 3 Her2 3 1 1 1 TCGA-A8-A081 FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -5 -2 3 4 Her2 5 1 1 1 TCGA-A8-A08B FEMALE 52 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 702 NA 0 702 HER2-enriched -5 -1 7 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A08X FEMALE 43 Negative Negative Positive T4 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 1034 NA 0 1034 HER2-enriched -10 -13 3 1 Her2 3 1 2 2 TCGA-A8-A092 FEMALE 48 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 518 NA 0 518 HER2-enriched -3 -2 4 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A094 FEMALE 75 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -5 -11 3 1 Basal 1 1 2 2 TCGA-A8-A09G FEMALE 79 Positive Negative Positive T3 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -5 -11 3 1 Her2 2 1 3 2 TCGA-A8-A0A7 FEMALE 57 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 30 NA 0 30 HER2-enriched -5 -2 4 1 Her2 3 1 1 1 TCGA-AN-A04C FEMALE 51 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 54 NA 0 54 HER2-enriched -9 -11 5 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A0FV FEMALE 58 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 HER2-enriched -5 -11 4 2 Her2 1 1 1 1 TCGA-AR-A0TX FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 15 NA 0 15 HER2-enriched -5 -11 1 1 ReacII 1 1 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0B7 FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1733 NA 0 1733 HER2-enriched -8 -11 3 5 Her2 3 1 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0HY FEMALE 60 Positive Negative Not Available T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 867 NA 0 867 HER2-enriched -5 -1 4 3 ReacII NA NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A12L FEMALE 67 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -9 -11 4 4 Her2 1 1 1 1 TCGA-C8-A12P FEMALE 55 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -10 -11 4 1 Her2 3 1 1 1 TCGA-C8-A12Q FEMALE 78 Negative Negative Positive T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -5 -11 4 2 Her2 5 1 1 1 TCGA-C8-A12T FEMALE 43 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -1 -2 4 4 ReacII 4 1 1 1 TCGA-C8-A12Z FEMALE 45 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -5 -11 4 4 Her2 2 1 1 1 TCGA-C8-A130 FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Equivocal T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched 0 -2 4 2 Her2 1 1 1 1 TCGA-C8-A135 FEMALE 64 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -5 -11 7 1 Her2 1 1 2 2 TCGA-C8-A137 FEMALE 34 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 3 NA 0 3 HER2-enriched -5 -11 NA 4 Her2 5 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A138 FEMALE 54 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 7 NA 0 7 HER2-enriched -5 -2 1 2 Basal 2 1 3 2 TCGA-C8-A1HF FEMALE 48 Negative Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 HER2-enriched -5 -11 6 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A13Z FEMALE 51 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage X Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 210 NA 0 210 HER2-enriched -10 -13 4 1 Basal 1 1 2 2 TCGA-E2-A14P FEMALE 79 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 487 NA 0 487 HER2-enriched -5 -11 4 1 Her2 3 1 1 1 TCGA-E2-A14V FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 748 NA 0 748 HER2-enriched -5 -1 4 4 Her2 5 1 1 1 TCGA-E2-A152 FEMALE 56 Positive Negative Positive T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 588 NA 0 588 HER2-enriched -5 -1 5 1 Her2 1 1 2 2 TCGA-E2-A1B0 FEMALE 50 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1271 NA 0 1271 HER2-enriched -10 -13 4 5 ReacI 3 2 1 2 TCGA-A2-A0CU FEMALE 73 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup DECEASED 139 157 1 157 Luminal A -3 0 2 2 LumA/B 5 3 3 3 TCGA-AR-A0TR FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED 21 160 1 160 Luminal A -3 -12 7 2 LumA/B 1 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A18T FEMALE 70 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED 224 224 1 224 Luminal A -3 0 2 5 ReacII 1 2 2 2 TCGA-B6-A0I8 FEMALE 46 Not Performed Not Performed Not Available T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative [Not Available] No_Conversion followup DECEASED 749 749 1 749 Luminal A -3 0 4 2 Her2 NA NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0X4 FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup DECEASED 776 859 1 859 Luminal A -3 -12 1 2 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A06U FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Equivocal T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment DECEASED 882 882 1 882 Luminal A -5 -2 4 4 LumA/B NA NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0EA FEMALE 72 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED 831 993 1 993 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A18N FEMALE 88 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED 1148 1148 1 1148 Luminal A -3 -12 6 2 LumA 3 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A1EU FEMALE 83 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1286 1 1286 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0X7 FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative NA NA [Not Available] No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED 1791 1791 1 1791 Luminal A -3 -5 3 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A04V FEMALE 39 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED 1920 1920 1 1920 Luminal A -3 0 2 2 LumA/B 2 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A18S FEMALE 79 Positive Positive Not Available T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment DECEASED 2009 2009 1 2009 Luminal A -3 -12 7 2 LumA/B 5 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A18M FEMALE 39 Positive Positive Positive T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIIA enrollment DECEASED 2207 2207 1 2207 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-B6-A0RM FEMALE 57 Positive Positive Negative TX N0 Negative NA NA [Not Available] No_Conversion followup DECEASED 2373 2373 1 2373 Luminal A -3 -10 2 2 LumA 4 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A1ET FEMALE 55 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage I enrollment DECEASED [Completed] 2520 1 2520 Luminal A -7 -12 6 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0IN FEMALE 45 Positive Negative Not Available T1 T1 N0 Negative NA NA [Not Available] No_Conversion followup DECEASED 2573 2573 1 2573 Luminal A -3 -2 1 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1EO FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 2798 1 2798 Luminal A -3 -5 6 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0WS FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative [Not Available] Stage I followup DECEASED [Not Available] 2965 1 2965 Luminal A -4 0 7 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0RP FEMALE 73 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB No_Conversion followup DECEASED 3126 3126 1 3126 Luminal A -4 -12 4 2 LumA 4 3 3 3 TCGA-B6-A0IH FEMALE 81 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA followup DECEASED [Not Available] 3418 1 3418 Luminal A -7 -5 6 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0WY FEMALE 40 Positive Negative Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup DECEASED 3410 3460 1 3460 Luminal A -3 -5 4 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1ES FEMALE 35 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 3462 1 3462 Luminal A -3 -9 5 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0X0 FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup DECEASED [Not Available] 3945 1 3945 Luminal A -3 -5 7 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-B6-A0RQ FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup DECEASED [Not Available] 4273 1 4273 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 ReacI 1 3 3 4 TCGA-B6-A0IG FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Not Available T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup DECEASED 4456 4456 1 4456 Luminal A 0 -2 7 4 Her2 NA NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0HO FEMALE 48 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 76 NA 0 76 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0DS FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 77 NA 0 77 Luminal A -7 -5 6 3 LumA 3 3 4 5 TCGA-BH-A0DQ FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 98 NA 0 98 Luminal A 0 -5 6 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0HK FEMALE 81 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 178 NA 0 178 Luminal A 0 0 7 3 LumA/B 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A7-A0CG FEMALE 78 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 230 NA 0 230 Luminal A -7 -5 7 1 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-A7-A0CH FEMALE 79 Performed but Not Available Performed but Not Available Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 232 NA 0 232 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A7-A0DB FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 266 NA 0 266 Luminal A -7 -5 4 1 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A7-A0D9 FEMALE 37 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 272 NA 0 272 Luminal A -3 -3 5 2 ReacII 4 3 3 3 TCGA-AO-A0J8 FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 277 NA 0 277 Luminal A -3 -12 2 1 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0GZ FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 328 NA 0 328 Luminal A -3 0 2 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A0JA FEMALE 36 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC No_Conversion followup LIVING 346 NA 0 346 Luminal A -4 -4 1 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A0JF FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 354 NA 0 354 Luminal A -7 -5 7 2 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-A7-A0CD FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 372 NA 0 372 Luminal A -3 -10 2 3 LumA 3 3 4 3 TCGA-D8-A145 FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 410 NA 0 410 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 ReacI 1 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0HP FEMALE 65 Positive Negative Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 414 NA 0 414 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0DK FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 423 NA 0 423 Luminal A -4 -4 2 3 LumA/B 2 3 4 3 TCGA-BH-A0E2 FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 435 NA 0 435 Luminal A -3 -8 NA 4 LumA/B 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0YI FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 441 NA 0 441 Luminal A -4 -12 4 1 ReacI 3 3 1 4 TCGA-A2-A0YL FEMALE 48 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 445 NA 0 445 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-AO-A0JG FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 449 NA 0 449 Luminal A -7 -5 1 4 LumA/B 5 3 1 3 TCGA-A2-A0YF FEMALE 67 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 469 NA 0 469 Luminal A -3 -12 1 2 ReacII 2 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A0DP FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 476 NA 0 476 Luminal A -7 -5 2 4 ReacI 2 3 1 4 TCGA-BH-A0E1 FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 477 NA 0 477 Luminal A -3 -12 6 2 ReacII 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A2-A0T5 FEMALE 39 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIA followup LIVING 531 NA 0 531 Luminal A -3 -5 6 2 LumA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0T6 FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 575 NA 0 575 Luminal A -7 -5 2 4 ReacI 2 3 1 4 TCGA-BH-A0HI FEMALE 78 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 619 NA 0 619 Luminal A -3 -12 7 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0T7 FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 631 NA 0 631 Luminal A 0 -3 4 1 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0BJ FEMALE 41 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 660 NA 0 660 Luminal A -7 -5 7 2 ReacI 3 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0H7 FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 701 NA 0 701 Luminal A -3 -3 4 4 ReacII 3 3 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0HF FEMALE 77 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 727 NA 0 727 Luminal A -7 -5 4 2 NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0EB FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 745 NA 0 745 Luminal A -4 -12 NA 1 LumA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0H6 FEMALE 82 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA No_Conversion followup LIVING 747 NA 0 747 Luminal A -3 -5 2 2 ReacI 4 3 3 3 TCGA-A2-A0YD FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 769 NA 0 769 Luminal A -7 -5 4 1 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A0HB FEMALE 55 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 806 NA 0 806 Luminal A -3 -8 4 1 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0HX FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 829 NA 0 829 Luminal A -3 -10 4 4 LumA/B 4 3 1 3 TCGA-AO-A12H FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 862 NA 0 862 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 LumA/B 1 3 3 3 TCGA-E2-A10E FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 865 NA 0 865 Luminal A -3 -12 4 4 LumA/B 2 3 1 3 TCGA-A2-A0D3 FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 875 NA 0 875 Luminal A -3 -5 6 4 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-E2-A10F FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 878 NA 0 878 Luminal A -4 -5 4 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A03V FEMALE 41 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 886 NA 0 886 Luminal A -3 0 7 2 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0EW FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC No_Conversion followup LIVING 904 NA 0 904 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0GY FEMALE 67 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 923 NA 0 923 Luminal A -3 -3 5 2 ReacI 3 3 3 3 TCGA-A2-A0EV FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 968 NA 0 968 Luminal A -4 0 4 2 ReacI 3 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0BC FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC No_Conversion followup LIVING 974 NA 0 974 Luminal A -4 -4 4 2 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-A2-A0YC FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 989 NA 0 989 Luminal A -3 -12 4 4 ReacII 2 3 1 3 TCGA-A2-A0EU FEMALE 79 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 1043 NA 0 1043 Luminal A -3 -10 2 2 ReacI 4 3 3 3 TCGA-A2-A0ET FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1066 NA 0 1066 Luminal A -3 -10 1 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A04Y FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1099 NA 0 1099 Luminal A -3 -2 5 1 LumA 5 3 2 3 TCGA-BH-A0HQ FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1121 NA 0 1121 Luminal A -3 -5 2 4 NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0ES FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1127 NA 0 1127 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 ReacII 4 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0BA FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC No_Conversion followup LIVING 1132 NA 0 1132 Luminal A 0 -5 6 4 ReacI 3 3 1 4 TCGA-E2-A10B FEMALE 67 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1141 NA 0 1141 Luminal A -3 -12 4 4 LumA 3 3 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0B1 FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1148 NA 0 1148 Luminal A -3 -3 6 NA LumA/B NA NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0DH FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1156 NA 0 1156 Luminal A -3 0 1 3 X 2 3 5 3 TCGA-BH-A0B4 MALE 65 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1191 NA 0 1191 Luminal A -3 -3 6 4 ReacII 5 3 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0H9 FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1247 NA 0 1247 Luminal A -3 -3 6 5 LumA/B 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AO-A0J9 FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC No_Conversion followup LIVING 1255 NA 0 1255 Luminal A -3 -2 2 4 ReacI 2 3 1 4 TCGA-AO-A12G FEMALE 75 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1265 NA 0 1265 Luminal A 0 -1 2 4 LumA/B 2 3 1 3 TCGA-A2-A0SY FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Positive T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1347 NA 0 1347 Luminal A -7 -5 6 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0E7 FEMALE 79 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1362 NA 0 1362 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 LumA 4 3 3 3 TCGA-AO-A03M FEMALE 29 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 1455 NA 0 1455 Luminal A -5 -2 7 1 ReacII 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0BV FEMALE 78 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1519 NA 0 1519 Luminal A -4 0 7 4 LumA/B 5 3 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0B8 FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IB Stage I followup LIVING 1569 NA 0 1569 Luminal A -3 -10 7 3 NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0CZ FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1615 NA 0 1615 Luminal A -7 -5 2 1 ReacII 4 3 3 4 TCGA-A2-A0SU FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1661 NA 0 1661 Luminal A 0 0 2 2 LumA/B 2 3 3 3 TCGA-AO-A12E FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 1742 NA 0 1742 Luminal A -7 -5 1 3 LumA/B 3 3 4 3 TCGA-E2-A106 FEMALE 34 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1807 NA 0 1807 Luminal A -3 0 4 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0CV FEMALE 41 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1929 NA 0 1929 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 LumA/B 2 3 3 4 TCGA-AO-A12C FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1993 NA 0 1993 Luminal A -7 -5 6 4 ReacI 2 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0RG FEMALE 26 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 2082 NA 0 2082 Luminal A -3 0 4 2 ReacII 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A2-A0CS FEMALE 73 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N3 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion followup LIVING 2298 NA 0 2298 Luminal A -3 -12 4 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A2-A0EO FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 2441 NA 0 2441 Luminal A -7 -5 2 4 LumA 2 3 1 4 TCGA-A2-A0CQ FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 2694 NA 0 2694 Luminal A -3 -12 2 4 LumA/B 2 3 1 3 TCGA-A2-A0EN FEMALE 70 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 2717 NA 0 2717 Luminal A -7 -5 2 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A12A FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 2754 NA 0 2754 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 LumA 2 3 3 4 TCGA-A2-A0CP FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 2813 NA 0 2813 Luminal A -7 -5 4 1 X 4 3 1 4 TCGA-AO-A126 FEMALE 39 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 2850 NA 0 2850 Luminal A -3 0 6 4 Her2 5 3 1 3 TCGA-AO-A125 FEMALE 72 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 3018 NA 0 3018 Luminal A -3 -12 3 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0EM FEMALE 73 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 3093 NA 0 3093 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A04N FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 3188 NA 0 3188 Luminal A -3 -5 6 2 LumA 4 3 3 3 TCGA-AQ-A04L FEMALE 48 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 3344 NA 0 3344 Luminal A -5 -1 3 3 ReacI 1 2 2 2 TCGA-B6-A0IO FEMALE 66 Positive Indeterminate Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 3350 NA 0 3350 Luminal A -3 0 1 2 X 3 3 3 3 TCGA-B6-A0IP FEMALE 74 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 3374 NA 0 3374 Luminal A 0 -5 2 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0WZ FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 3941 NA 0 3941 Luminal A -3 -12 4 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0I5 FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 4549 NA 0 4549 Luminal A -3 -5 6 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0RV FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 4788 NA 0 4788 Luminal A 0 -5 6 1 ReacII 4 3 3 4 TCGA-B6-A0RO FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 4928 NA 0 4928 Luminal A -3 0 1 2 ReacI 3 3 3 3 TCGA-B6-A0RN FEMALE 60 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 5261 NA 0 5261 Luminal A -3 -5 2 4 ReacI 2 3 1 4 TCGA-B6-A0WT FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 5739 NA 0 5739 Luminal A -4 -2 4 2 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0IA FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 6718 NA 0 6718 Luminal A -3 -12 4 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0RI FEMALE 44 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 7125 NA 0 7125 Luminal A -3 -7 4 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SE FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1320 NA 0 1320 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0EX FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 549 NA 0 549 Luminal A -7 -5 4 4 ReacI 4 3 1 4 TCGA-AO-A0JJ FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 1512 NA 0 1512 Luminal A -7 -5 7 1 LumA/B 2 3 3 4 TCGA-E2-A105 FEMALE 79 Positive Positive Equivocal T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1163 NA 0 1163 Luminal A -3 -10 1 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SD FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 437 NA 0 437 Luminal A -3 -9 6 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SH FEMALE 39 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1437 NA 0 1437 Luminal A -7 -5 4 2 Her2 5 1 1 1 TCGA-A1-A0SJ FEMALE 39 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 426 NA 0 426 Luminal A -3 -3 4 4 ReacI 3 3 1 3 TCGA-A8-A06P FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 396 NA 0 396 Luminal A -3 -5 4 2 ReacI 4 3 3 3 TCGA-A8-A06T FEMALE 75 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1249 NA 0 1249 Luminal A -3 -10 2 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A06Y FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 791 NA 0 791 Luminal A -3 0 2 4 LumA 4 3 1 3 TCGA-A8-A07E FEMALE 81 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage X Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 608 NA 0 608 Luminal A -3 -4 1 4 ReacII 2 3 1 3 TCGA-A8-A07F FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 576 NA 0 576 Luminal A -1 -1 4 4 ReacI 2 3 1 4 TCGA-A8-A07G FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 576 NA 0 576 Luminal A -7 -5 4 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A07J FEMALE 35 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 365 NA 0 365 Luminal A -7 -5 4 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A07P FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 334 NA 0 334 Luminal A -3 -10 2 3 LumA/B 4 3 4 3 TCGA-A8-A083 FEMALE 67 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A8-A086 FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 396 NA 0 396 Luminal A -3 -9 5 2 LumA 5 3 2 3 TCGA-A8-A08A FEMALE 89 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 30 NA 0 30 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A8-A08C FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 607 NA 0 607 Luminal A -3 -12 NA 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A08O FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV Stage IV enrollment LIVING 942 NA 0 942 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-A8-A08T FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV Stage IV enrollment LIVING 2830 NA 0 2830 Luminal A -3 -5 2 4 LumA 4 3 1 3 TCGA-A8-A08Z FEMALE 76 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 1217 NA 0 1217 Luminal A -3 -5 4 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A8-A090 FEMALE 74 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal A -3 0 2 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A091 FEMALE 61 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 580 NA 0 580 Luminal A -3 -10 2 4 LumA/B 4 3 1 3 TCGA-A8-A093 FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 545 NA 0 545 Luminal A -3 -12 2 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A099 FEMALE 76 Positive Positive Positive T4 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage X Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 304 NA 0 304 Luminal A -3 -12 1 3 LumA/B 2 3 4 3 TCGA-A8-A09A FEMALE 40 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage X Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 304 NA 0 304 Luminal A -3 -3 4 4 LumA 4 3 1 3 TCGA-A8-A09B FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIB enrollment LIVING 365 NA 0 365 Luminal A -3 0 4 4 LumA 4 3 1 3 TCGA-A8-A09T FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage X Stage I enrollment LIVING 578 NA 0 578 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A09V FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 457 NA 0 457 Luminal A -3 -12 NA 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A0A1 FEMALE 84 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 365 NA 0 365 Luminal A -7 -5 4 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A0A2 FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 578 NA 0 578 Luminal A -3 0 2 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A0A4 FEMALE 73 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 396 NA 0 396 Luminal A -7 -5 3 4 ReacII 2 3 1 3 TCGA-A8-A0A6 FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 640 NA 0 640 Luminal A -4 -5 1 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A0AD FEMALE 83 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1157 NA 0 1157 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A03X FEMALE 74 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal A -3 0 4 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A046 FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal A -3 0 4 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A04A FEMALE 36 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 89 NA 0 89 Luminal A -3 -5 4 2 LumA/B 5 3 3 3 TCGA-AN-A0FD FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 195 NA 0 195 Luminal A -3 -8 4 2 LumA/B 1 3 3 3 TCGA-AN-A0FN FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 218 NA 0 218 Luminal A -7 -5 4 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A0FS FEMALE 55 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 191 NA 0 191 Luminal A -7 -5 2 2 ReacII 2 3 3 4 TCGA-AN-A0FT FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 183 NA 0 183 Luminal A -3 -2 5 3 Her2 3 3 4 5 TCGA-AN-A0FW FEMALE 67 Positive Indeterminate Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 11 NA 0 11 Luminal A -3 -4 1 3 LumA/B 3 3 4 3 TCGA-AN-A0FZ FEMALE 45 Positive Negative Equivocal T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal A -3 -3 4 2 LumA/B 3 3 3 3 TCGA-AN-A0XL FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A0XN FEMALE 68 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal A -3 -5 4 3 ReacI 4 3 1 3 TCGA-AN-A0XO FEMALE 59 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 375 NA 0 375 Luminal A -3 -7 4 4 LumA/B 2 3 1 3 TCGA-AN-A0XP FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 9 NA 0 9 Luminal A -3 -12 4 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-AN-A0XS FEMALE 63 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal A -4 -5 4 2 LumA 4 3 3 3 TCGA-AN-A0XT FEMALE 54 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal A -3 0 7 5 LumA/B 2 3 3 3 TCGA-AN-A0XV FEMALE 67 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 162 NA 0 162 Luminal A 0 0 2 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A0TW FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage III No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 739 NA 0 739 Luminal A -5 -2 NA 4 Basal 4 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A1AK FEMALE 70 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1558 NA 0 1558 Luminal A 0 -5 4 1 ReacI 3 3 1 4 TCGA-AR-A1AL FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1485 NA 0 1485 Luminal A 0 -4 6 2 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-AR-A1AN FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1329 NA 0 1329 Luminal A -7 -5 6 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A1AP FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1215 NA 0 1215 Luminal A 0 0 4 4 LumA/B 2 3 1 3 TCGA-AR-A1AS FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1242 NA 0 1242 Luminal A -3 -7 4 2 LumA 3 3 3 3 TCGA-AR-A1AU FEMALE 39 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1409 NA 0 1409 Luminal A -7 -3 6 2 ReacI 4 3 3 4 TCGA-AR-A1AW FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1072 NA 0 1072 Luminal A -3 -12 3 1 ReacII 3 3 2 2 TCGA-AR-A1AX FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1103 NA 0 1103 Luminal A -5 0 6 5 ReacII 4 3 3 1 TCGA-BH-A0AZ FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 867 NA 0 867 Luminal A -7 -5 4 2 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0B0 FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1427 NA 0 1427 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0BM FEMALE 54 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 1117 NA 0 1117 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0BO FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1085 NA 0 1085 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 ReacI 1 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0BP FEMALE 76 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1481 NA 0 1481 Luminal A -7 -5 4 4 ReacI 2 3 1 4 TCGA-BH-A0BQ FEMALE 39 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 826 NA 0 826 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 Her2 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0BR FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1632 NA 0 1632 Luminal A -3 -4 4 4 ReacI 1 3 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0BS FEMALE 55 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1640 NA 0 1640 Luminal A -2 0 7 2 LumA/B 2 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A0BT FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1386 NA 0 1386 Luminal A -3 -12 6 2 ReacII 4 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A0C1 FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1338 NA 0 1338 Luminal A -1 -1 5 4 ReacII 2 3 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0DE FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 948 NA 0 948 Luminal A -7 -5 6 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0DG FEMALE 30 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 713 NA 0 713 Luminal A -4 -4 4 1 ReacI 3 3 1 4 TCGA-BH-A0DI FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 673 NA 0 673 Luminal A -7 -5 4 1 ReacI 5 3 1 4 TCGA-BH-A0DO FEMALE 78 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 525 NA 0 525 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0DT FEMALE 41 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1170 NA 0 1170 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 LumA 2 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0DX FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1442 NA 0 1442 Luminal A -7 -4 6 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0E9 FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1405 NA 0 1405 Luminal A -7 -5 6 1 ReacI 3 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0EI FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 743 NA 0 743 Luminal A -7 -5 4 4 LumA 5 3 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0H3 FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1149 NA 0 1149 Luminal A -4 -2 6 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0H5 FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1080 NA 0 1080 Luminal A -5 -2 3 1 Basal 1 1 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0HA FEMALE 31 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 856 NA 0 856 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 ReacI 1 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0W4 FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 175 NA 0 175 Luminal A -7 -5 4 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-BH-A0W5 FEMALE 77 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 543 NA 0 543 Luminal A -4 -5 4 1 LumA 4 3 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0W7 FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 558 NA 0 558 Luminal A -4 -4 4 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A18H FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IB Stage I enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal A -5 -2 6 1 LumA/B 3 3 3 1 TCGA-BH-A18I FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 220 NA 0 220 Luminal A -4 -5 4 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A12N FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal A -3 -12 6 2 ReacI 4 3 3 3 TCGA-C8-A12O FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Not Available T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal A 0 -2 4 1 Her2 NA NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A12Y FEMALE 44 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal A -3 0 6 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-C8-A132 FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal A -4 -2 5 1 Her2 5 3 2 3 TCGA-C8-A133 FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal A -3 -12 1 2 LumA/B 1 3 3 3 TCGA-C8-A1HI FEMALE 40 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 2 NA 0 2 Luminal A 0 -5 6 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A141 FEMALE 40 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage X Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 113 NA 0 113 Luminal A -4 -5 4 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A14Q FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 974 NA 0 974 Luminal A -7 0 2 2 LumA 2 3 3 4 TCGA-E2-A14T FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 890 NA 0 890 Luminal A -3 0 1 2 LumA/B NA NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A14Z FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 518 NA 0 518 Luminal A -2 0 6 1 LumA 1 3 3 2 TCGA-E2-A153 FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 586 NA 0 586 Luminal A -3 -12 4 1 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-E2-A154 FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 325 NA 0 325 Luminal A -3 -12 6 4 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-E2-A156 FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 481 NA 0 481 Luminal A -3 -12 2 2 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-E2-A15C FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 496 NA 0 496 Luminal A -4 -5 2 2 ReacI 4 3 3 3 TCGA-E2-A15D FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 315 NA 0 315 Luminal A -3 -5 4 1 LumA NA NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A15E FEMALE 40 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 517 NA 0 517 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 Her2 4 3 3 4 TCGA-E2-A15F FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 468 NA 0 468 Luminal A -3 -3 4 2 ReacI NA NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A15G FEMALE 76 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 315 NA 0 315 Luminal A -3 -12 1 1 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-E2-A15H FEMALE 38 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 42 NA 0 42 Luminal A 0 0 4 2 Her2 2 3 3 1 TCGA-E2-A15I FEMALE 44 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 411 NA 0 411 Luminal A -7 -5 7 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A15J FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 463 NA 0 463 Luminal A -3 -12 4 4 LumA/B 2 3 1 3 TCGA-E2-A15O FEMALE 89 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 395 NA 0 395 Luminal A -3 0 2 4 LumA 4 3 1 3 TCGA-E2-A15P FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 315 NA 0 315 Luminal A -7 -5 2 2 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-E2-A15R FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 330 NA 0 330 Luminal A -3 -10 5 3 LumA/B 4 3 4 3 TCGA-E2-A1B1 FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1361 NA 0 1361 Luminal A -7 -5 4 5 ReacI 3 3 1 2 TCGA-E2-A1B4 FEMALE 74 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 911 NA 0 911 Luminal A -3 -12 6 2 LumA/B 2 3 3 3 TCGA-E2-A1B6 FEMALE 44 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 338 NA 0 338 Luminal A -7 -5 6 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-E2-A1BC FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 297 NA 0 297 Luminal A -7 -5 6 2 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-E2-A1BD FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 317 NA 0 317 Luminal A -3 -7 6 4 LumA 2 3 3 3 TCGA-A2-A0SV FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion followup DECEASED 825 825 1 825 Luminal B -3 -2 6 2 Basal 5 4 3 3 TCGA-AO-A03O FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup DECEASED 993 2483 1 2483 Luminal B -5 -2 1 4 LumA/B 3 4 1 1 TCGA-A2-A0SW FEMALE 82 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion followup DECEASED 1364 1364 1 1364 Luminal B -5 -2 3 4 Basal 4 4 1 1 TCGA-B6-A0WW FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive NA NA [Not Available] No_Conversion followup DECEASED 546 557 1 557 Luminal B -3 0 2 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A18J FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N2 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED 611 611 1 611 Luminal B -3 -1 4 1 ReacII 2 4 3 3 TCGA-BH-A18L FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Not Available T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIIA enrollment DECEASED 372 811 1 811 Luminal B -5 -10 1 4 ReacII 5 4 1 1 TCGA-A8-A06X FEMALE 77 Positive Negative Positive T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment DECEASED 943 943 1 943 Luminal B -5 -2 NA 3 LumA/B 1 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0IC FEMALE 90 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative NA NA [Not Available] No_Conversion followup DECEASED 1542 1542 1 1542 Luminal B -3 -12 2 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A18U FEMALE 72 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment DECEASED 1317 1563 1 1563 Luminal B -5 -2 5 3 ReacI 3 4 4 5 TCGA-BH-A1EW FEMALE 38 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1694 1 1694 Luminal B -3 -3 6 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A0TY FEMALE 54 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED 544 1699 1 1699 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 LumA/B 1 4 1 1 TCGA-B6-A0X5 FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup DECEASED 2097 2097 1 2097 Luminal B -3 0 1 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0WV FEMALE 67 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup DECEASED 2422 2422 1 2422 Luminal B -3 0 4 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0RL FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup DECEASED 2469 2469 1 2469 Luminal B -3 -10 5 3 LumA/B 2 4 4 3 TCGA-AR-A0U2 FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED 1608 2551 1 2551 Luminal B -5 -10 5 2 ReacII 5 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0IB FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N3 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion followup DECEASED 3941 3941 1 3941 Luminal B -3 0 1 4 LumA/B 4 4 1 3 TCGA-AO-A0J7 FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 260 NA 0 260 Luminal B -3 0 2 4 LumA/B 2 4 1 3 TCGA-AO-A0J3 FEMALE 67 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 302 NA 0 302 Luminal B -3 -10 1 3 LumA/B 5 4 4 3 TCGA-D8-A13Y FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA No_Conversion followup LIVING 362 NA 0 362 Luminal B -6 -2 1 2 Basal 5 4 3 2 TCGA-A7-A13F FEMALE 44 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 387 NA 0 387 Luminal B -3 0 4 4 LumA/B 3 4 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0HU FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 392 NA 0 392 Luminal B -3 -2 4 2 Her2 2 4 3 1 TCGA-D8-A140 FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 403 NA 0 403 Luminal B -5 -10 6 3 LumA/B NA NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A0CJ FEMALE 57 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 409 NA 0 409 Luminal B -3 -6 2 3 LumA/B 1 4 4 3 TCGA-AQ-A04H FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive NA NA Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 439 NA 0 439 Luminal B -3 -10 7 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0H0 FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 461 NA 0 461 Luminal B -3 -10 2 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0BD FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 554 NA 0 554 Luminal B 0 0 4 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0T3 FEMALE 37 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IA Stage IIA followup LIVING 569 NA 0 569 Luminal B -3 0 7 3 ReacII 3 4 4 5 TCGA-A2-A0T4 FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 624 NA 0 624 Luminal B -7 -5 4 4 ReacI 2 3 1 4 TCGA-A2-A0YH FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 658 NA 0 658 Luminal B -5 -2 4 2 LumA/B 4 4 3 3 TCGA-A2-A0YG FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC No_Conversion followup LIVING 665 NA 0 665 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 Her2 5 4 1 1 TCGA-A2-A0EY FEMALE 62 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 735 NA 0 735 Luminal B -5 -2 1 4 Her2 3 4 1 1 TCGA-A2-A0D4 FEMALE 37 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 767 NA 0 767 Luminal B -3 -10 5 3 LumA/B 5 4 4 3 TCGA-BH-A0AY FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 777 NA 0 777 Luminal B -3 -1 4 1 ReacI 3 3 1 4 TCGA-E2-A107 FEMALE 54 Positive Negative Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1046 NA 0 1046 Luminal B -3 0 4 4 LumA/B 2 4 1 3 TCGA-AO-A0JI FEMALE 56 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1172 NA 0 1172 Luminal B -3 -10 2 3 LumA/B 4 4 4 3 TCGA-E2-A10C FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1219 NA 0 1219 Luminal B -5 -2 7 4 ReacI 3 4 1 1 TCGA-E2-A10A FEMALE 41 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 1229 NA 0 1229 Luminal B -3 0 1 2 LumA/B 2 4 3 3 TCGA-BH-A0C0 FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1270 NA 0 1270 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 Basal 3 4 1 1 TCGA-E2-A109 FEMALE 64 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1417 NA 0 1417 Luminal B -5 -10 6 3 LumA/B 5 4 4 1 TCGA-AO-A0JC FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 1547 NA 0 1547 Luminal B -5 -2 2 5 LumA 1 2 2 2 TCGA-BH-A0HW FEMALE 62 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 1560 NA 0 1560 Luminal B -3 -10 2 2 LumA/B 4 4 3 3 TCGA-AO-A0JD FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1813 NA 0 1813 Luminal B -2 -2 5 2 Basal 2 4 3 3 TCGA-AO-A0JM FEMALE 40 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1826 NA 0 1826 Luminal B -5 -2 5 3 ReacII 3 4 4 5 TCGA-A2-A0CW FEMALE 67 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1947 NA 0 1947 Luminal B -5 -2 NA 1 LumA/B 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0ER FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IB No_Conversion followup LIVING 2262 NA 0 2262 Luminal B -3 -10 2 2 ReacII 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0CT FEMALE 71 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 2288 NA 0 2288 Luminal B -3 -10 2 3 LumA/B 5 4 4 3 TCGA-AO-A12B FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 2359 NA 0 2359 Luminal B -3 -12 3 2 LumA/B 3 4 3 3 TCGA-A2-A04R FEMALE 36 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 2499 NA 0 2499 Luminal B -3 -10 4 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A0IM FEMALE 75 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 3836 NA 0 3836 Luminal B -3 -10 4 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A03P FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 2576 NA 0 2576 Luminal B -5 -10 NA 2 LumA/B 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SM MALE 77 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 242 NA 0 242 Luminal B -3 -1 4 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A06N FEMALE 66 Positive Negative Negative T4 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal B -3 -10 2 4 LumA/B 3 4 1 3 TCGA-A8-A06O FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 396 NA 0 396 Luminal B -3 -2 4 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A06Q FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 31 NA 0 31 Luminal B -3 -2 7 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A06R FEMALE 69 Positive Negative Equivocal T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 546 NA 0 546 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 ReacI NA NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A06Z FEMALE 84 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 31 NA 0 31 Luminal B -3 -10 1 5 Her2 5 4 1 3 TCGA-A8-A079 FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 274 NA 0 274 Luminal B -3 -6 5 3 LumA/B 5 4 4 3 TCGA-A8-A07L FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 517 NA 0 517 Luminal B -3 -10 5 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A07S FEMALE 73 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 242 NA 0 242 Luminal B -3 -12 7 2 LumA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A07W FEMALE 76 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M1 Positive Stage IV Stage IV enrollment LIVING 304 NA 0 304 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 LumA/B 3 4 1 1 TCGA-A8-A07Z FEMALE 85 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 853 NA 0 853 Luminal B -3 -12 2 2 LumA 3 4 3 3 TCGA-A8-A082 FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 549 NA 0 549 Luminal B -3 -9 5 4 LumA 4 4 1 3 TCGA-A8-A084 FEMALE 81 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 458 NA 0 458 Luminal B -5 -1 3 3 X 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A8-A085 MALE 44 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1124 NA 0 1124 Luminal B -3 -10 2 4 LumA/B 5 4 1 3 TCGA-A8-A08F FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 549 NA 0 549 Luminal B -3 -2 NA 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A08G FEMALE 41 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 606 NA 0 606 Luminal B -3 -10 4 2 LumA/B 3 4 3 3 TCGA-A8-A08I FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 365 NA 0 365 Luminal B -5 -2 3 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A08P FEMALE 70 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 942 NA 0 942 Luminal B -5 -2 NA 4 ReacII 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A095 FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1276 NA 0 1276 Luminal B -3 -7 4 4 ReacII 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A096 FEMALE 73 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal B -4 -12 4 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A097 FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 365 NA 0 365 Luminal B -2 0 4 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A09C FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage X Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 31 NA 0 31 Luminal B -3 0 2 2 LumA 4 4 3 3 TCGA-A8-A09D FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 396 NA 0 396 Luminal B -3 -3 1 1 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A09I FEMALE 84 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1006 NA 0 1006 Luminal B -5 -2 4 3 Her2 5 4 1 1 TCGA-A8-A09M FEMALE 75 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 457 NA 0 457 Luminal B -5 -2 5 4 LumA/B 5 4 1 1 TCGA-A8-A09N FEMALE 57 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 31 NA 0 31 Luminal B -3 0 7 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A09Q FEMALE 83 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIB enrollment LIVING 761 NA 0 761 Luminal B -5 -2 4 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A09R FEMALE 82 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 273 NA 0 273 Luminal B -3 0 4 4 Her2 5 4 1 1 TCGA-A8-A09W FEMALE 70 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 30 NA 0 30 Luminal B -5 -2 NA 4 Her2 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A09Z FEMALE 83 Positive Negative Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal B -5 0 2 4 Basal 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A0A9 FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 396 NA 0 396 Luminal B -3 0 2 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A0AB FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 517 NA 0 517 Luminal B -3 -1 2 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A03Y FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal B -3 -1 5 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A041 FEMALE 29 Positive Negative Equivocal T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 7 NA 0 7 Luminal B -3 -2 4 4 LumA 5 4 1 3 TCGA-AN-A049 FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 19 NA 0 19 Luminal B -3 0 3 4 ReacI 5 4 1 3 TCGA-AN-A0AJ FEMALE 79 Positive Positive Positive T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 243 NA 0 243 Luminal B -5 -2 4 3 LumA 5 4 1 1 TCGA-AN-A0AK FEMALE 76 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 223 NA 0 223 Luminal B -5 -10 1 4 Basal 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A0AM FEMALE 56 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 5 NA 0 5 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 LumA/B 3 4 1 1 TCGA-AN-A0AS FEMALE 70 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 9 NA 0 9 Luminal B -3 -1 2 2 Basal 3 4 3 3 TCGA-AN-A0FF FEMALE 32 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 140 NA 0 140 Luminal B -3 0 1 4 LumA 3 4 1 3 TCGA-AN-A0FK FEMALE 88 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 212 NA 0 212 Luminal B -3 -12 4 2 LumA 2 4 3 3 TCGA-AN-A0FY FEMALE 55 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal B -3 -2 5 2 LumA 3 4 3 3 TCGA-AN-A0XR FEMALE 55 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 Luminal B -3 -12 4 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AN-A0XW FEMALE 36 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 170 NA 0 170 Luminal B -4 -2 4 2 Her2 5 4 1 1 TCGA-AR-A0TQ FEMALE 27 Positive Negative Positive T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage III No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 1500 NA 0 1500 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 Her2 3 4 1 1 TCGA-AR-A0TT FEMALE 53 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 1679 NA 0 1679 Luminal B -5 -2 4 1 LumA/B 3 4 1 1 TCGA-AR-A0TV FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 904 NA 0 904 Luminal B -5 -10 2 4 LumA/B 1 4 1 1 TCGA-AR-A0TZ FEMALE 43 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 1313 NA 0 1313 Luminal B -3 -10 2 3 ReacII 5 4 4 3 TCGA-AR-A0U3 FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 2263 NA 0 2263 Luminal B -3 0 7 3 LumA/B 4 4 4 3 TCGA-AR-A1AV MALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1295 NA 0 1295 Luminal B -5 -2 7 3 LumA/B 3 4 4 5 TCGA-BH-A0AU FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 746 NA 0 746 Luminal B -3 -3 6 2 ReacI 1 3 3 4 TCGA-BH-A0B5 FEMALE 40 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1471 NA 0 1471 Luminal B -3 -7 7 4 ReacII 2 4 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0BF FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 781 NA 0 781 Luminal B -5 -2 4 1 Basal 2 4 3 1 TCGA-BH-A0BZ FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1492 NA 0 1492 Luminal B -5 -2 6 4 X 4 4 1 1 TCGA-BH-A0C3 FEMALE 47 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1464 NA 0 1464 Luminal B 0 -4 6 2 Her2 3 4 3 3 TCGA-BH-A0C7 FEMALE 48 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1305 NA 0 1305 Luminal B -3 0 4 4 LumA/B 5 4 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0DD MALE 58 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1393 NA 0 1393 Luminal B -3 -6 4 4 LumA/B 3 4 1 3 TCGA-BH-A0W3 FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 180 NA 0 180 Luminal B -3 -12 5 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A18F FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 268 NA 0 268 Luminal B -7 -4 6 1 ReacI 2 3 3 4 TCGA-C8-A12M FEMALE 70 Positive Negative Not Available T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal B -5 -10 4 3 LumA/B 5 4 4 1 TCGA-C8-A12U FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal B -5 -2 5 4 Basal 5 4 1 1 TCGA-C8-A12W FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 ReacII 3 4 1 1 TCGA-C8-A12X FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal B -3 -10 1 3 LumA/B 4 4 4 3 TCGA-C8-A1HG FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 Luminal B -5 -2 3 5 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A1HL FEMALE 38 Positive Negative Positive T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 2 NA 0 2 Luminal B -3 -2 4 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A1HM FEMALE 74 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 6 NA 0 6 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A1HN FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Equivocal T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 2 NA 0 2 Luminal B -5 -10 7 2 NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A14O FEMALE 76 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1172 NA 0 1172 Luminal B -3 0 4 4 LumA/B 2 4 1 3 TCGA-E2-A14S FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 834 NA 0 834 Luminal B -3 -10 2 4 LumA/B 4 4 1 3 TCGA-E2-A14W FEMALE 78 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 833 NA 0 833 Luminal B -3 0 7 2 Her2 5 4 3 3 TCGA-E2-A155 FEMALE 58 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 553 NA 0 553 Luminal B -3 -10 5 3 LumA/B 1 4 4 3 TCGA-E2-A15A FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 502 NA 0 502 Luminal B -5 -2 4 4 Her2 4 4 1 1 TCGA-E2-A15K FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 34 NA 0 34 Luminal B -3 -12 4 2 LumA 2 4 3 3 TCGA-E2-A15L FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 331 NA 0 331 Luminal B -3 -12 NA 2 ReacI 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A15M FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 234 NA 0 234 Luminal B -4 -4 6 1 ReacI 3 3 3 4 TCGA-E2-A15S FEMALE 34 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 274 NA 0 274 Luminal B -3 -10 6 4 LumA/B NA NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A15T FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 267 NA 0 267 Luminal B -3 -10 2 4 LumA/B NA NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A03U FEMALE 31 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup DECEASED 1727 1796 1 1796 Normal-like 0 -5 4 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-B6-A0IE FEMALE 38 Negative Negative Negative TX N1 Positive M0 Negative [Not Available] No_Conversion followup DECEASED 1998 1998 1 1998 Normal-like -3 -2 4 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A0YK FEMALE 61 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 587 NA 0 587 Normal-like -7 -5 6 1 ReacII 5 3 3 4 TCGA-E2-A108 FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 837 NA 0 837 Normal-like -8 -5 4 1 ReacI 4 3 1 4 TCGA-AO-A0JB FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA No_Conversion followup LIVING 1150 NA 0 1150 Normal-like -3 -2 2 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-AO-A03R FEMALE 57 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion followup LIVING 1707 NA 0 1707 Normal-like 0 0 2 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A03T FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB No_Conversion enrollment LIVING 1187 NA 0 1187 Normal-like -3 -2 4 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A1AO FEMALE 47 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1324 NA 0 1324 Normal-like -8 -5 4 5 Basal 1 2 2 2 TCGA-A2-A0YT FEMALE 56 Positive Negative Negative T4 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB No_Conversion followup DECEASED 669 723 1 723 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-AQ-A0Y5 FEMALE 70 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA followup DECEASED [Not Available] 161 1 161 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1P8 FEMALE 58 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment DECEASED 239 239 1 239 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1LK FEMALE 84 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 266 1 266 NA NA NA 5 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1EY FEMALE 79 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 538 1 538 NA NA NA 1 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1F8 FEMALE 90 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIC enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 749 1 749 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1F2 FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Positive T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 959 1 959 NA NA NA 6 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FD FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1008 1 1008 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FH FEMALE 47 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1123 1 1123 NA NA NA 6 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A203 FEMALE 78 Performed but Not Available Performed but Not Available NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1174 1 1174 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FM FEMALE 44 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1388 1 1388 NA NA NA 4 3 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1EX FEMALE 67 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1508 1 1508 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FL FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1673 1 1673 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A208 FEMALE 48 Performed but Not Available Performed but Not Available NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1759 1 1759 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2D9 FEMALE 69 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1812 1 1812 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FJ FEMALE 66 Negative Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 1927 1 1927 NA NA NA 2 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1EN FEMALE 78 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 2052 1 2052 NA NA NA 3 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FN FEMALE 34 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 2192 1 2192 NA NA NA 4 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FU FEMALE 44 Negative Negative Positive T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 2192 1 2192 NA NA NA 6 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FE FEMALE 31 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 2273 1 2273 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A204 FEMALE 80 Performed but Not Available Performed but Not Available NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 2534 1 2534 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1F5 FEMALE 62 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 2712 1 2712 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A256 FEMALE 45 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED 2854 2854 1 2854 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1F6 FEMALE 51 Negative Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 2965 1 2965 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FC FEMALE 78 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 3471 1 3471 NA NA NA 3 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FB FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 3669 1 3669 NA NA NA 6 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FG FEMALE 88 Positive Positive Not Available T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 3738 1 3738 NA NA NA 2 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A209 FEMALE 77 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 3959 1 3959 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A1FR FEMALE 73 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB No_Conversion enrollment DECEASED [Not Available] 4398 1 4398 NA NA NA 1 2 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A1KS FEMALE 69 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 16 NA 0 16 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A13G FEMALE 79 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 348 NA 0 348 NA NA NA 3 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JS FEMALE 77 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 371 NA 0 371 NA NA NA 3 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A0DC FEMALE 63 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 386 NA 0 386 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JT FEMALE 70 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 405 NA 0 405 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A26E FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA followup LIVING 421 NA 0 421 NA NA NA 7 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JH FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 426 NA 0 426 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JU FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I followup LIVING 447 NA 0 447 NA NA NA 6 5 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A1KO FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 448 NA 0 448 NA NA NA 6 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A1KT FEMALE 78 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 541 NA 0 541 NA NA NA 4 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A0J5 FEMALE 48 Positive Negative Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M1 Positive Stage IV No_Conversion followup LIVING 704 NA 0 704 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A1KC FEMALE 67 Positive Negative Not Available T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIB followup LIVING 1326 NA 0 1326 NA NA NA 5 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A1KQ MALE 84 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIB followup LIVING 1519 NA 0 1519 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A1KI FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I followup LIVING 2236 NA 0 2236 NA NA NA 2 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A1KP FEMALE 77 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA followup LIVING 2513 NA 0 2513 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A1KF FEMALE 68 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB followup LIVING 3088 NA 0 3088 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-B6-A1KN FEMALE 57 Negative Negative Positive T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIC followup LIVING 4233 NA 0 4233 NA NA NA 6 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XO FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 242 NA 0 242 NA NA NA 7 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XT FEMALE 61 Negative Negative Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 193 NA 0 193 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SP FEMALE 40 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 583 NA 0 583 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1J8 FEMALE 77 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 256 NA 0 256 NA NA NA 4 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JF FEMALE 79 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 96 NA 0 96 NA NA NA 3 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JG FEMALE 62 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 187 NA 0 187 NA NA NA 3 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XS MALE 48 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 18 NA 0 18 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SB FEMALE 70 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 259 NA 0 259 NA NA NA 3 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SF FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1463 NA 0 1463 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SG FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 433 NA 0 433 NA NA NA 5 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SI FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 634 NA 0 634 NA NA NA 7 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SN FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1196 NA 0 1196 NA NA NA 4 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A1-A0SQ FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 553 NA 0 553 NA NA NA 2 2 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A1FV FEMALE 74 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 460 NA 0 460 NA NA NA 6 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A1FW FEMALE 62 Positive Negative Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 221 NA 0 221 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A1FX FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 935 NA 0 935 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A1FZ FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 409 NA 0 409 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A1G0 FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 380 NA 0 380 NA NA NA 6 2 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A1G1 FEMALE 85 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 371 NA 0 371 NA NA NA 6 5 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A1G4 FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 372 NA 0 372 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A1G6 FEMALE 50 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 132 NA 0 132 NA NA NA 6 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A259 FEMALE 70 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 1285 NA 0 1285 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A25A FEMALE 44 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 2968 NA 0 2968 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A25B FEMALE 39 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 258 NA 0 258 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A25C FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 285 NA 0 285 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A25D FEMALE 90 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 243 NA 0 243 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A25E FEMALE 34 Positive Positive Equivocal T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 2511 NA 0 2511 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-A2-A25F FEMALE 66 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 113 NA 0 113 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A26F FEMALE 55 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 257 NA 0 257 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A26G FEMALE 50 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 209 NA 0 209 NA NA NA 4 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A26H FEMALE 72 Positive Negative Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 64 NA 0 64 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A26I FEMALE 65 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 122 NA 0 122 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-A7-A26J FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 67 NA 0 67 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A08S FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 580 NA 0 580 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A09E FEMALE 73 Positive Positive Equivocal T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIB enrollment LIVING 942 NA 0 942 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-A8-A09K FEMALE 68 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 911 NA 0 911 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-AC-A23C FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative [Not Available] Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 29 NA 0 29 NA NA NA 7 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AC-A23E FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative [Not Available] Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 72 NA 0 72 NA NA NA NA 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AC-A23H FEMALE 90 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative [Not Available] Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 81 NA 0 81 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AO-A1KR FEMALE 51 Negative Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 2140 NA 0 2140 NA NA NA 3 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AQ-A1H2 FEMALE 84 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 197 NA 0 197 NA NA NA 1 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-AQ-A1H3 FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 138 NA 0 138 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24H FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 3333 NA 0 3333 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24K FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1548 NA 0 1548 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24L FEMALE 26 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 2221 NA 0 2221 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24M FEMALE 38 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1990 NA 0 1990 NA NA NA 7 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24N FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 2074 NA 0 2074 NA NA NA 3 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24O FEMALE 43 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1997 NA 0 1997 NA NA NA 7 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24P FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 26 NA 0 26 NA NA NA 2 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24Q FEMALE 49 Positive Negative Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 2008 NA 0 2008 NA NA NA 6 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24R FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1745 NA 0 1745 NA NA NA 5 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24S FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1888 NA 0 1888 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24T FEMALE 46 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 1620 NA 0 1620 NA NA NA 2 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24U FEMALE 47 Negative Negative Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1623 NA 0 1623 NA NA NA 7 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24V FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1648 NA 0 1648 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24X FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1465 NA 0 1465 NA NA NA 2 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24Z FEMALE 57 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1574 NA 0 1574 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A250 FEMALE 58 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1707 NA 0 1707 NA NA NA 4 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A251 FEMALE 51 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1373 NA 0 1373 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A252 FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1236 NA 0 1236 NA NA NA 1 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A254 FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1212 NA 0 1212 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A255 FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1058 NA 0 1058 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0B2 FEMALE 43 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 1242 NA 0 1242 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A0DV FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1374 NA 0 1374 NA NA NA 6 1 ReacII 3 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A201 FEMALE 64 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 209 NA 0 209 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A202 FEMALE 60 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 22 NA 0 22 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-BH-A28Q FEMALE 46 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 196 NA 0 196 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A1HE FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 2 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A1HJ FEMALE 53 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 5 NA 0 5 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A1HK FEMALE 53 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 7 NA 0 7 NA NA NA 1 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A1HO FEMALE 34 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 5 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A26V FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage III Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 9 NA 0 9 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A26W FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 7 NA 0 7 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A26X FEMALE 58 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 11 NA 0 11 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A26Y FEMALE 90 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage II Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 13 NA 0 13 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A26Z FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 4 NA 0 4 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A273 FEMALE 29 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 6 NA 0 6 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A274 FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1 NA 0 1 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A275 FEMALE 56 Not Performed Not Performed Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1 NA 0 1 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A278 FEMALE 61 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1 NA 0 1 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A27A FEMALE 48 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 371 NA 0 371 NA NA NA 5 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-C8-A27B FEMALE 48 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 30 NA 0 30 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A146 FEMALE 57 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 344 NA 0 344 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1J9 FEMALE 48 Positive Negative Positive T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 248 NA 0 248 NA NA NA 1 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JA FEMALE 60 Negative Negative Positive T4 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage X Stage IIIB enrollment LIVING 18 NA 0 18 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JB FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 6 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JC FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 178 NA 0 178 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JD FEMALE 41 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 273 NA 0 273 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JE FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 57 NA 0 57 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JI FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 21 NA 0 21 NA NA NA 1 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JJ FEMALE 54 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 274 NA 0 274 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JK FEMALE 90 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 109 NA 0 109 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JL FEMALE 72 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 265 NA 0 265 NA NA NA 2 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JM FEMALE 59 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 238 NA 0 238 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JN FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 217 NA 0 217 NA NA NA 3 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1JP FEMALE 73 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 167 NA 0 167 NA NA NA 6 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1X5 FEMALE 81 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 171 NA 0 171 NA NA NA 5 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1X6 FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 236 NA 0 236 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1X7 FEMALE 40 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 85 NA 0 85 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1X8 FEMALE 62 Positive Indeterminate Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 272 NA 0 272 NA NA NA 1 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1X9 FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 380 NA 0 380 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XA FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 274 NA 0 274 NA NA NA 2 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XB FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 201 NA 0 201 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XC FEMALE 85 Positive Positive Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIB enrollment LIVING 81 NA 0 81 NA NA NA 7 2 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XD FEMALE 36 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 155 NA 0 155 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XF FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 197 NA 0 197 NA NA NA 5 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XG FEMALE 86 Positive Negative Negative T4 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIB enrollment LIVING 196 NA 0 196 NA NA NA 1 2 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XJ FEMALE 76 Positive Positive Positive T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 352 NA 0 352 NA NA NA 7 3 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XK FEMALE 55 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 326 NA 0 326 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XL FEMALE 34 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 319 NA 0 319 NA NA NA 7 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XM FEMALE 57 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 218 NA 0 218 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XQ FEMALE 69 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 177 NA 0 177 NA NA NA 3 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XR FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 168 NA 0 168 NA NA NA 3 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XU FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 149 NA 0 149 NA NA NA 6 3 NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XV FEMALE 84 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 146 NA 0 146 NA NA NA 7 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XW FEMALE 53 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 117 NA 0 117 NA NA NA 3 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XY FEMALE 74 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 81 NA 0 81 NA NA NA 4 2 NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1XZ FEMALE 81 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 120 NA 0 120 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1Y0 FEMALE 65 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 166 NA 0 166 NA NA NA 7 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1Y1 FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 115 NA 0 115 NA NA NA 7 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1Y2 FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 72 NA 0 72 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A1Y3 FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 124 NA 0 124 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27E FEMALE 66 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 182 NA 0 182 NA NA NA NA 5 NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27F FEMALE 40 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 227 NA 0 227 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27G FEMALE 75 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 209 NA 0 209 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27H FEMALE 72 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 140 NA 0 140 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27I FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 185 NA 0 185 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27K FEMALE 47 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 118 NA 0 118 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27L FEMALE 49 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 125 NA 0 125 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27M FEMALE 59 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage I enrollment LIVING 144 NA 0 144 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27N FEMALE 36 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 145 NA 0 145 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27P FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage I enrollment LIVING 22 NA 0 22 NA NA NA NA 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27R FEMALE 41 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 90 NA 0 90 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27T FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 135 NA 0 135 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27V FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 73 NA 0 73 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-D8-A27W FEMALE 55 Positive Positive Positive T4 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIIB Stage IIIB enrollment LIVING 15 NA 0 15 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IE FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 983 NA 0 983 NA NA NA 6 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IF FEMALE 74 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 956 NA 0 956 NA NA NA 6 5 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IG FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Not Available T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 755 NA 0 755 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IH FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 658 NA 0 658 NA NA NA 6 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1II FEMALE 51 Negative Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 850 NA 0 850 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IJ FEMALE 57 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 725 NA 0 725 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IK FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 518 NA 0 518 NA NA NA 7 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IL FEMALE 78 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 14 NA 0 14 NA NA NA 6 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IN FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 392 NA 0 392 NA NA NA 2 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IO FEMALE 37 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 448 NA 0 448 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IP FEMALE 42 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 427 NA 0 427 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1IU FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 127 NA 0 127 NA NA NA 2 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1L6 FEMALE 44 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1312 NA 0 1312 NA NA NA 7 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1L7 FEMALE 40 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 633 NA 0 633 NA NA NA 5 2 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1L8 FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1015 NA 0 1015 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1L9 FEMALE 40 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 388 NA 0 388 NA NA NA 6 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1LA FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 463 NA 0 463 NA NA NA 2 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1LB FEMALE 41 Negative Negative Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 972 NA 0 972 NA NA NA 3 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1LG FEMALE 50 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 350 NA 0 350 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1LH FEMALE 59 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 2875 NA 0 2875 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1LI FEMALE 57 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 2750 NA 0 2750 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1LL FEMALE 73 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 1014 NA 0 1014 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E2-A1LS FEMALE 46 Negative Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 239 NA 0 239 NA NA NA NA 3 NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1N3 FEMALE 70 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1N4 FEMALE 41 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 7 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1N5 FEMALE 45 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 2 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1N6 FEMALE 52 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1N8 FEMALE 48 Negative Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1N9 FEMALE 58 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 5 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1NA FEMALE 58 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 4 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1NC FEMALE 61 Negative Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1ND FEMALE 75 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1NE FEMALE 28 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 6 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1NF FEMALE 60 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1NG FEMALE 62 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1NH FEMALE 71 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1NI FEMALE 51 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1QZ FEMALE 61 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1R0 FEMALE 58 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1R2 FEMALE 51 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 19 NA 0 19 NA NA NA 7 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1R3 FEMALE 70 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 64 NA 0 64 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1R4 FEMALE 66 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 29 NA 0 29 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1R5 FEMALE 63 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 42 NA 0 42 NA NA NA 4 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1R6 FEMALE 63 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 84 NA 0 84 NA NA NA 2 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1R7 FEMALE 64 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 34 NA 0 34 NA NA NA 1 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1RA FEMALE 48 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 29 NA 0 29 NA NA NA 6 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1RB FEMALE 40 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 21 NA 0 21 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1RC FEMALE 56 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T4 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 1228 NA 0 1228 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1RD FEMALE 67 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 20 NA 0 20 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1RE FEMALE 74 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 47 NA 0 47 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1RF FEMALE 68 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 38 NA 0 38 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1RG FEMALE 62 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 35 NA 0 35 NA NA NA 5 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1RH FEMALE 63 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 14 NA 0 14 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A1RI FEMALE 43 Not Performed Not Performed Not Available T1 T1 N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 48 NA 0 48 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A226 FEMALE 45 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 16 NA 0 16 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A227 FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 24 NA 0 24 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A228 FEMALE 58 Not Performed Not Performed Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A229 FEMALE 37 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A22A FEMALE 74 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A22B FEMALE 71 Positive Negative Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A22D FEMALE 38 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A22E FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A22G FEMALE 47 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A22H FEMALE 42 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 0 NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A243 FEMALE 52 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 43 NA 0 43 NA NA NA 3 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A244 FEMALE 54 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 20 NA 0 20 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A245 FEMALE 47 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 25 NA 0 25 NA NA NA NA 2 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A247 FEMALE 59 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IB Stage I enrollment LIVING 12 NA 0 12 NA NA NA NA 3 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A248 FEMALE 51 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 21 NA 0 21 NA NA NA 3 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A249 FEMALE 45 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 28 NA 0 28 NA NA NA 3 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A24A FEMALE 69 Not Performed Not Performed Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 10 NA 0 10 NA NA NA 2 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1IW FEMALE 80 Positive Positive Positive T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 252 NA 0 252 NA NA NA 4 3 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1IX FEMALE 48 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 1082 NA 0 1082 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1IY FEMALE 38 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 258 NA 0 258 NA NA NA 7 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1IZ FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N2 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 260 NA 0 260 NA NA NA 3 2 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1J1 FEMALE 38 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 282 NA 0 282 NA NA NA 5 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1J2 FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 139 NA 0 139 NA NA NA 6 2 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1J3 FEMALE 61 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 252 NA 0 252 NA NA NA 2 4 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1J5 FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T3 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 227 NA 0 227 NA NA NA 7 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1J6 FEMALE 70 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage I Stage I enrollment LIVING 595 NA 0 595 NA NA NA 2 5 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1OV FEMALE 56 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 522 NA 0 522 NA NA NA 5 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1OW FEMALE 58 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 463 NA 0 463 NA NA NA NA 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1OX FEMALE 43 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 562 NA 0 562 NA NA NA 1 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1OY FEMALE 63 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 593 NA 0 593 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1OZ FEMALE 56 Positive Negative Positive T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 941 NA 0 941 NA NA NA 4 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1P0 FEMALE 55 Positive Negative Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 1121 NA 0 1121 NA NA NA 7 5 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1P1 FEMALE 68 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N3 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIC Stage IIIC enrollment LIVING 919 NA 0 919 NA NA NA 6 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1P3 FEMALE 48 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 987 NA 0 987 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1P4 FEMALE 43 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 501 NA 0 501 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1P5 FEMALE 77 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 365 NA 0 365 NA NA NA 3 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1P6 FEMALE 64 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 312 NA 0 312 NA NA NA 2 2 NA 4 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1P7 FEMALE 59 Negative Negative Negative T2 T_Other N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 635 NA 0 635 NA NA NA 3 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1PA FEMALE 59 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 267 NA 0 267 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1PB FEMALE 70 Negative Negative Negative T3 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIIA Stage IIIA enrollment LIVING 608 NA 0 608 NA NA NA 2 5 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1PD MALE 61 Positive Positive Positive T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 174 NA 0 174 NA NA NA 4 2 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1PE FEMALE 56 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 139 NA 0 139 NA NA NA 3 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1PF FEMALE 50 Positive Positive Negative T1 T1 N0 Negative M0 Negative Stage IA Stage I enrollment LIVING 139 NA 0 139 NA NA NA 4 1 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1PG FEMALE 53 Positive Positive Negative T2 T_Other N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIB Stage IIB enrollment LIVING 875 NA 0 875 NA NA NA 6 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A1PH FEMALE 52 Negative Negative Not Available T1 T1 N1 Positive M0 Negative Stage IIA Stage IIA enrollment LIVING 139 NA 0 139 NA NA NA 5 5 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A2FS FEMALE 41 Positive Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 1173 NA 0 1173 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 5 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A2FV FEMALE 39 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 238 NA 0 238 NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-EW-A2FW FEMALE 52 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 190 NA 0 190 NA NA NA NA 2 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DA FEMALE 46 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 5909 NA 0 5909 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DB FEMALE 62 Negative Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 1615 NA 0 1615 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DC FEMALE 57 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 1628 NA 0 1628 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DD FEMALE 53 Negative Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 1309 NA 0 1309 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DF FEMALE 53 Negative Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 1299 NA 0 1299 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DH FEMALE 58 Negative Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 1286 NA 0 1286 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DI FEMALE 52 Negative Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 1883 NA 0 1883 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DK FEMALE 58 Positive Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 1896 NA 0 1896 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DL FEMALE 50 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 2762 NA 0 2762 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DM FEMALE 57 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 2331 NA 0 2331 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DN FEMALE 58 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 2352 NA 0 2352 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-GM-A2DO FEMALE 54 Positive Positive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA enrollment LIVING 1622 NA 0 1622 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TCGA-AR-A24W NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AC-A2B8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-AC-A2FF NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA 1 NA NA NA TCGA-AC-A2FB NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-AC-A2FG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA 2 NA NA NA TCGA-GI-A2C8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 NA 3 NA NA NA TCGA-E9-A295 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 NA 3 NA NA NA