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Gene Information
Gene ID:1105
Full Name:chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1
Organism:Homo sapiens (Human)
Genetic Location:5q15-q21
Physical Location:98218807-98290137 on NC_000005.8, complement
Gene Type:protein-coding
Orthologs:This gene has no orthologs in other dataset(s).
Gene in Ethanol Study Datasets
Gene Information
Original ID1:CHD1
Dataset Information
Name:Literature Search
Method:Literature search
Summary:We search all human protein coding gene names and the keywords Alcohol or Ethanol or Alcoholism in the title or abstract of all PUBMED publications. For those gene name less than 3 characters or search result hits more than 100, we use the full name to search again and manually check the results to reduce false positive.
Linkage Dataset
MarkerLODP valueLocation (bp)
D5S644  95838450
Phenotype:Alcoholism phenotype along with age, gender, and P300 or constraint
Publication:Hill et al. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. (2004) A genome wide search for alcoholism susceptibility genes. PubMed
Summary:A total of 360 markers for 22 autosomes were spaced at an average distance of 9.4cMand genotyping performed for 330 members of these multiplex families. Extensive clinical data, personality variation, and event-related potential characteristics were available for reducing heterogeneity and detecting robust linkage signals. Multipoint linkage analysis using different analytic strategies give strong support for loci on chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 17. Thirty five markers with LOD score >2.0 at baseline using the binary alcoholism phenotype along with age, gender, and P300 or constraint (Table III). Here we listed the genes between two near markers or genes near a separate marker (within 2Mb).
Gene Refseq Sequence Annotation
mRNAProteinReference assembly Genomic
NM_001270.2NP_001261.2NC_000005.8 range: 98218807..98290137, complement
Gene Ontology (GO) Annotation
GO IDGO TermCategoryEvidence (PubMed)
GO:0000785chromatinCellular ComponentIEA
GO:0005634nucleusCellular ComponentIEA
GO:0000166nucleotide bindingMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0005524ATP bindingMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0004386helicase activityMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0004003ATP-dependent DNA helicase activityMolecular FunctionTAS (9326634)
GO:0003682chromatin bindingMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0003677DNA bindingMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0016787hydrolase activityMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0006333chromatin assembly or disassemblyBiological ProcessIEA
GO:0006357regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoterBiological ProcessTAS (9326634)
Other Database Cross Links
NCBI Entrez Gene:1105
HuGE Navigator:1105