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Gene Information
Gene ID:367
Full Name:androgen receptor (dihydrotestosterone receptor; testicular feminization; spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy; Kennedy disease)
Organism:Homo sapiens (Human)
Genetic Location:Xq11.2-q12
Physical Location:66680598-66860843 on NC_000023.9
Gene Type:protein-coding
Orthologs:This gene has no orthologs in other dataset(s).
Gene in Ethanol Study Datasets
Gene Information
Original ID1:AR
Dataset Information
Name:Literature Search
Method:Literature search
Summary:We search all human protein coding gene names and the keywords Alcohol or Ethanol or Alcoholism in the title or abstract of all PUBMED publications. For those gene name less than 3 characters or search result hits more than 100, we use the full name to search again and manually check the results to reduce false positive.
Gene Information
Original IDNo. of PublicationsPhenotype
AR1Alcohol-Related Disorders
HuGE Navigator Dataset
Name:HuGE Navigator
Method:Literature data mining
Publication:Wei Yu, Melinda Clyne, Anja Wulf, Ajay Yesupriya, Marta Gwinn and Muin J. Khoury. Phenopedia. HuGE Navigator. Available at: http://www.hugenavigator.net/HuGENavigator/startPagePhenoPedia.do. Accessed [Jun. 10, 2008].
Summary:HuGE Navigator Phenopedia provides a disease-centered view of genetic association studies summarized in the online Human Genome Epidemiology (HuGE) encyclopedia. We extracted genes associated to 9 Alcohol-related diseases (Alcohol Amnestic Disorder; Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium; Alcohol Withdrawal Seizures; Alcohol-Induced Disorders; Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Nervous System; Alcohol-Related Disorders; Alcoholic Intoxication; Alcoholic Neuropathy; Alcoholism) from HuGE Navigator Phenopedia.
Gene Refseq Sequence Annotation
mRNAProteinReference assembly Genomic
NM_000044.2NP_000035.2NC_000023.9 range: 66680598..66860843
NM_001011645.1NP_001011645.1NC_000023.9 range: 66680598..66860843
Gene Ontology (GO) Annotation
GO IDGO TermCategoryEvidence (PubMed)
GO:0005737cytoplasmCellular ComponentIDA (15572661)
GO:0005634nucleusCellular ComponentIDA (15572661)
GO:0003700transcription factor activityMolecular FunctionIDA (15572661)
GO:0046872metal ion bindingMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0043565sequence-specific DNA bindingMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0008270zinc ion bindingMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0046983protein dimerization activityMolecular FunctionNAS (10075738)
GO:0005497androgen bindingMolecular FunctionNAS (10075738)
GO:0004872receptor activityMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0004882androgen receptor activityMolecular FunctionNAS (10075738)
GO:0004882androgen receptor activityMolecular FunctionTAS (15572661)
GO:0005102receptor bindingMolecular FunctionIPI (11875111)
GO:0007267cell-cell signalingBiological ProcessTAS (10835690)
GO:0007548sex differentiationBiological ProcessNAS (10075738)
GO:0008283cell proliferationBiological ProcessNAS (10075738)
GO:0016049cell growthBiological ProcessNAS (15572661)
GO:0030850prostate gland developmentBiological ProcessNAS (10075738)
GO:0006810transportBiological ProcessTAS (10835690)
GO:0006355regulation of transcription, DNA-dependentBiological ProcessIEA
GO:0007165signal transductionBiological ProcessTAS (10835690)
Other Database Cross Links
NCBI Entrez Gene:367
HuGE Navigator:367