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"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gene basic information echo "Gene Information"; echo "Gene ID:"; echo "$row_result[1]"; if ($row_result[2]!=""){ echo "Symbol:$row_result[2]"; } if ($row_result[8]!="" and $row_result[8]!="-"){ echo "Full Name:$row_result[8]"; } if ($row_result[3]!="" and $row_result[3]!="-"){ echo "Alias:$row_result[3]"; } $organism="Homo sapiens (Human)"; echo "Organism:$organism"; $sp=$row_result[0]; // species echo "Chromosome:$row_result[5]"; if ($row_result[6]!="" and $row_result[6]!="-"){ echo "Genetic Location:$row_result[6]"; } if ($row_result[7]!=""){ echo "Gene Type:$row_result[7]"; } // ortholog gene $sqlor="select * from Ortholog_Genes where Human_GeneID = '".$geneid."'"; $reor=mysql_query($sqlor,$conn); $numor=mysql_num_rows($reor); // have ortholog for other 4 species // maybe have several orthologs in other sp echo "Orthologs:"; echo "This gene has"; while ($rowor=mysql_fetch_row($reor)){ $sqlorh="select * from GeneInfo where GeneID = '".$rowor[1]."'"; $reorh=mysql_query($sqlorh,$conn); $roworh=mysql_fetch_row($reorh); echo " $rowor[2]: $rowor[1]"; } echo " ortholog(s) in other dataset(s)."; echo "Note:This human gene is not in any current ERGR human datasets, but its ortholog exists in datasets of other species."; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gene cross-link part // dbXrefs, $row_result[4] is the dbXrefs echo "Other Database Cross Links"; echo "NCBI Entrez Gene:"; echo "$geneid"; if ($row_result[4]!=""){ // HGNC preg_match('/HGNC:(\w+)/',$row_result[4],$matches); echo "HGNC:"; echo "$matches[1]"; // Ensembl preg_match('/Ensembl:(\w+)/',$row_result[4],$matches); echo "Ensembl:"; echo "$matches[1]"; // MIM preg_match('/MIM:(\w+)/',$row_result[4],$matches); echo "MIM:"; echo "$matches[1]"; // HPRD preg_match('/HPRD:(\w+)/',$row_result[4],$matches); echo "HPRD:"; echo "$matches[1]"; } // HuGE Navigator echo "HuGE Navigator:"; echo "$geneid"; // dbSNP echo "dbSNP:"; echo "$row_result[2]"; // GeneCard echo "GeneCard:"; echo "$row_result[2]"; // AceView echo "AceView:"; echo "$row_result[2]"; echo ""; include('footer.php'); ?>