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Please cite: Xia J, Wang Q, Jia P, Wang B, Pao W, Zhao Z (2012) NGS Catalog: A database of next
generation sequencing studies in humans. Human Mutation 33:E2341-2355 PubMed


Brief release history

9/19/2012:   An indel detection tool SplazerS added to the Software page.
8/22/2012:   The method nFuse uploaded by an user was moved to the Software page.
8/15/2012:   Documents of the NGS Catalog updated.
8/10/2012:   One paper uploaded into the Catalog by an user was updated.
7/24/2012:   The software for the detection of SNVs updated.
7/9/2012:     29 more papers were uploaded into the Catalog.
7/3/2012:     15 recently published papers were uploaded into the Catalog.
6/29/2012:   The software for the detection of structural variants and gene fusions updated.
1/30/2012:   The mutation list of each study was uploaded into the Catalog.
1/26/2012:   114 more studies were uploaded into the Catalog.
11/11/2011:  Eight studies were uploaded into the Catalog.
8/12/2011:   User manual and other documentations updated.
8/11/2011:   Software CREST and Avadis added.
8/9/2011:     Release with update of WGS.