| GSE49321 | Improved Smart-Seq for sensitive full-length transcriptome profiling in single cells | 24056875 | 2013 | DG-75[7] HEK293T[39]
| GSE62952 | Integrated genome and transcriptome sequencing from the same cell | 25599178 | 2014 | Breast Cancer cell line (SKBR3)[21]
| GSE69292 | Integrative analyses of human reprogramming reveal dynamic nature of induced pluripotency [smartseq2] | 26186193 | 2015 | hiF-T cell[52]
| GSE52529 | Pseudo-temporal ordering of individual cells reveals regulators of differentiation | 24658644 | 2014 | Human Skeletal Muscle Myoblasts (HSMM)[372]
| GSE51254 | Quantitative assessment of single-cell RNA sequencing methods | 24141493 | 2013 | colon carcinoma HCT116[109]
| GSE86977 | REGION-SPECIFIC NEURAL STEM CELL LINEAGES REVEALED BY SINGLE-CELL RNA-SEQ FROM HUMAN EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS [Cel-seq] | NA | 2016 | cultured embryonic stem cells[0][40] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][12][241] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][19][110] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][26][85] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][40][156] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][54][270] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][12][263] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][19][168] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][26][41] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][40][346] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][54][495] cultured embryonic stem cells[SOX2-][26][48] cultured embryonic stem cells[SOX2+][26][421]
| GSE86982 | REGION-SPECIFIC NEURAL STEM CELL LINEAGES REVEALED BY SINGLE-CELL RNA-SEQ FROM HUMAN EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS [Smart-seq] | NA | 2016 | cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][BG121095][176] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][BG121099][174] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][RM165048][86] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][RM165049][174] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][RM165051][88] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX-][RM165051][viral_barcoded][86] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][BG121095][175] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][BG121099][172] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][RM165048][86] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][RM165049][172] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][RM165051][88] cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][RM165051][viral_barcoded][84] cultured embryonic stem cells[RM165095][viral_barcoded][285]
| GSE67980 | RNA-Seq of Single Prostate CTCs Implicates Non-Canonical Wnt Signaling in Antiandrogen Resistance | 26383955 | 2015 | candidate PCa CTC CRPC[33] candidate PCa CTC CSPC[12] lineage-confirmed PCa CTC CRPC enzalutamide-naive (Group A)[37] lineage-confirmed PCa CTC CRPC progressed on enzalutamide (Group B)[36] lineage-confirmed PCa CTC CSPC enzalutamide-naive (Group A)[4] PCa cell line[30] white blood cell CRPC[2] white blood cell healthy[3]
| GSE67259 | Robust In Vitro Induction of Human Germ Cell Fate from Pluripotent Stem Cells | 26189426 | 2015 | d2 AG+ cells[2] d2 BTAG+ cells[5] d4 AG+ cells[2] d4 BTAG+ cells[5] d6 BTAG+ cells[4] d6 CSM+ cells[2] d8 BTAG+ cells[2] hiPSC[11] iMeLC[4]
| GSE66357 | Scalable Microfluidics for Single Cell RNA Printing and Sequencing | 26047807 | 2015 | MCF10a human breast cancer cells[102] U87 human glioma cells[138] WI-38 human lung fibroblast cells[45]