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Displaying 1541-1550 of 13440 results.
SeriesSampleInstrumentOrganismTitleCell SourceCharacteristics
GSE86982GSM2318319Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensSK_3_D03_smart-seqcultured embryonic stem cells[RM165095][viral_barcoded]days in culture: 54; differentiation#: RM165095; control: FALSE; viral barcoded: viral_barcoded
GSE52529GSM1269122Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensCell T24_CT_F07Human Skeletal Muscle Myoblasts (HSMM)cell type: Human Skeletal Muscle Myoblasts (HSMM); hour post serum-switch: 24; debris: FALSE; control well: FALSE; cells in well: 1; library protocol: Single-cell
GSE57872GSM1395507Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensSingle cell mRNA-seq_MGH26-2_B01glioblastoma [Pro]patient id: MGH26; cell type: Glioblastoma; subtype: Pro
GSE64016GSM1562603Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG1_Exp1.004single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G1 phase of the cell cycle onlycell type: human embryonic stem cells; passages: 35-40; treatment: FACS sorted
GSE71315GSM1832385Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensA1_N705_S502Cerebral Cortex GW20.5tissue: Cerebral Cortex; developmental stage: GW20.5
GSE71858GSM1846956Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensLive_PLRC [US-1457350-17]cultured embryonic stem cells (H1) DAPI- Live cells FRSCRcell line: H1; cell type: cultured embryonic stem cells; phenotype: DAPI-; sample group: Live cells_FRSCR
GSE75140GSM1957292Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapienswhOrg4_G7_hOrg41diPSC 409B2[41 days]Stage: 41 days; tissue: Dissociated whole cerebral organoid
GSE75140GSM1957565Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensmdOrg4_G12_hOrg_iPSC_reg4_58diPSC 409B2[58 days]Stage: 58 days; tissue: Microdissected cortical-like ventricle from cerebral organoid
GSE63818GSM1677648Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensF_PGC_8W_embryo1_sc15Primordial Germ Cells[female 8 week gestation]developmental stage: 8 week gestation; gender: female
GSE86977GSM2311899Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiens12Dp3_D05cultured embryonic stem cells[DCX+][12]days in culture: 12; cre line: DCX+; library prep#: 3
Displaying 1541-1550 of 13440 results.