
Browse Sample

Displaying 571-580 of 13440 results.
SeriesSampleInstrumentOrganismTitleCell SourceCharacteristics
GSE36552GSM922162Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapiens8-cell embryo#2 -Cell#1human preimplantation blastomere [early blastomere]cell type: human preimplantation blastomere; developmental stage: early blastomere; tissue: human preimplantation embryos
GSE44183GSM1160135Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapienshuman 8-cell 3c8-cell blastomerecell type: 8-cell blastomere; ethnicity: Han Chinese; supplementary file: Human_expression_mat.txt
GSE51254GSM1241249Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapiensSingle Cell C1 Microfluidics 96colon carcinoma HCT116cdna synthesis method: Clontech SMARTer; library construction method: Nextera (transposon); cell line: HCT116
GSE58652GSM1416450Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapiensXT_500pg_rep2HEK293Tcell line: HEK293T
GSE69790GSM1708816Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapiensC1_SM1_C08iPSC-derived cortical neuroniPSc: AH017-7; reprogramming vector: Sendai virus (SeVdp(KOSM)302L); time: 72 days of neuronal differentiation; cell type: iPSC-derived cortical neuron
GSE70580GSM1810751Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapiensT75_P3_D5_ILC2Donor T75-tonsil innate lymphoid cell (ILC2)tonsil donor: Donor T75; facs gating: ILC2; cell type: tonsil Innate lymphoid cells
GSE70580GSM1811013Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapiensT86_P3_A11_ILC1Donor T86-tonsil innate lymphoid cell (ILC1)tonsil donor: Donor T86; facs gating: ILC1; cell type: tonsil Innate lymphoid cells
GSE36552GSM922163Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapiens8-cell embryo#2 -Cell#2human preimplantation blastomere [early blastomere]cell type: human preimplantation blastomere; developmental stage: early blastomere; tissue: human preimplantation embryos
GSE44183GSM1160136Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapienshuman 8-cell 5c8-cell blastomerecell type: 8-cell blastomere; ethnicity: Han Chinese; supplementary file: Human_expression_mat.txt
GSE58652GSM1416451Illumina HiSeq 2000Homo sapiensXT_500pg_rep3HEK293Tcell line: HEK293T
Displaying 571-580 of 13440 results.