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  single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only

Overall DesignTotal 213 H1 single cells and 247 H1-Fucci single cells were sequenced. The 213 H1 cells were used to evaluate Oscope in identifying oscillatory genes. The H1-Fucci cells were used to confirm the cell cycle gene cluster identified by Oscope in the H1 hESCs. Normalized expected counts are provided in GSE64016_H1andFUCCI_normalized_EC.csv.gz
SummaryOscillatory gene expression is fundamental to mammalian development, but technologies to monitor expression oscillations are limited. We have developed a statistical approach called Oscope to identify and characterize the transcriptional dynamics of oscillating genes in single-cell RNA-seq data from an unsynchronized cell population. Applications to a number of data sets, include a single-cell RNA-seq data set of human embroyonic stem cells (hESCs), demonstrate advantages of the approach and also identify a potential artifact in the Fluidigm C1 platform.
Dataset viewGSE64016

Samples in single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only

Displaying 61-70 of 76 results.
SeriesSampleInstrumentOrganismTitleCell Source
GSE64016GSM1562840Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.062single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only
GSE64016GSM1562841Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.063single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only
GSE64016GSM1562842Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.064single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only
GSE64016GSM1562843Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.065single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only
GSE64016GSM1562844Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.066single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only
GSE64016GSM1562845Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.067single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only
GSE64016GSM1562846Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.068single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only
GSE64016GSM1562847Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.069single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only
GSE64016GSM1562848Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.070single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only
GSE64016GSM1562849Illumina HiSeq 2500Homo sapiensG2_Exp1.071single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only

Gene rank in single H1-Fucci cell sorted from G2-M phase of the cell cycle only

Displaying 17411-17420 of 17544 results.
Rank orderGene SymbolEnsembl ID