
Dataset View [GSE71318]

TitleTracing the expression of circular RNAs in human preimplantation embryos
ArticleNot set
Bio ProjectBioProject: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA291062
SraSRA: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra?term=SRP061636
Overall DesginWe sequenced individual single cells or embryos at seven consecutive stages (mature oocytes, zygotes, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell embryos, morulae, and blastocysts) and single hESC using single-cell RNA seq.
SummaryWe systematically analyzed transcriptome in individual human oocytes and preimplantation embryos with a new single-cell RNA seq method we recently developed.
Experimental ProtocolThe RNAs in individual oocyte or embryo were reverse transcribed and amplified using the single RNA-seq method we recently developed.; Libraries were constructed with TruSeq DNA library preparation kit (Illumina)
The RNAs in individual oocyte or embryo were reverse transcribed and amplified using the single RNA-seq method we recently developed.; Libraries were constructed with TruSeq DNA library preparation kit (Illumina); RNA-seq (single-cell)
Data processingIllumina CASAVA version 1.8 were used to the basecalling.; Reads were trimmed to remove the adapter sequences and low quality bases.; RNA-seq reads were aligned to the human refference genome (hg19) using Tophat software; Raw read counts and RPKM calculated by HTSeq; Genome_build: hg19; Supplementary_files_format_and_content: txt files reflect RPKM of each gene with Refseq ID.
Illumina CASAVA version 1.8 were used to the basecalling.; Reads were trimmed to remove the adapter sequences and low quality bases.; RNA-seq reads were aligned to the human refference genome (hg19) using Tophat software; Raw read counts and RPKM calculated by HTSeq; Genome_build: hg19; Supplementary_files_format_and_content: txt files reflect RPKM of each gene in Refseq.
Public OnPublic on May 13 2016

Cell Groups

Differential Expression Gene List

KEGG GO Others   

Gene SymbolEnsembl IDFDR
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