Gene View

General Information


Descriptionannexin A6
Database ReferenceMIM:114070 HGNC:544 HPRD:00231 Vega:OTTHUMG00000164179 

Gene Rank

Created with Highcharts 4.2.5RankRank of ANXA6 Expression in GSE63818Primordial Germ Cells[male 4 week gestation]Somatic Cells[male 11 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cells[female 4 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female 11 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cells[female 11 week gestation]Somatic Cells[male 7 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female 8 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cells[male 7 week gestation]Somatic Cells[male 10 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cells[male 11 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female 17 week gestation]Somatic Cells[male 19 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cells[male 10 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cells[female 8 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female 4 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female 10 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cells[male 19 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cells[female 17 week gestation]0102030405060708090100

Gene Expression

Created with Highcharts 4.2.5


Created with Highcharts 4.2.5Cell GroupGene Expression Level (TPM)ANXA6 Expression in Each Cell GroupPrimordial Germ Cells[…Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cell…Primordial Germ Cells[female 11 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cell…Primordial Germ Cells[female 17 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cell…Primordial Germ Cells[female 4 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cell…Primordial Germ Cells[female 8 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cell…Primordial Germ Cells[male 10 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cell…Primordial Germ Cells[male 11 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cell…Primordial Germ Cells[male 19 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cell…Primordial Germ Cells[male 4 week gestation]Primordial Germ Cell…Primordial Germ Cells[male 7 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female…Somatic Cells[female 10 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female…Somatic Cells[female 11 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female…Somatic Cells[female 17 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female…Somatic Cells[female 4 week gestation]Somatic Cells[female…Somatic Cells[female 8 week gestation]Somatic Cells[male 1…Somatic Cells[male 10 week gestation]Somatic Cells[male 1…Somatic Cells[male 11 week gestation]Somatic Cells[male 1…Somatic Cells[male 19 week gestation]Somatic Cells[male 7…Somatic Cells[male 7 week gestation]0200400600-200800
Displaying 1-20 of 171 results.
Comparing ANXA6 expression between groupsFDR
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[female 11 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[female 17 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[female 4 week gestation]0.00973984933561167
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[female 8 week gestation]0.0325638193022655
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[male 10 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[male 11 week gestation]0.00693546232421604
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[male 19 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[male 4 week gestation]0.0370106343073113
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[male 7 week gestation]0.000155840504847619
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Somatic Cells[female 10 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Somatic Cells[female 11 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Somatic Cells[female 17 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Somatic Cells[female 4 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Somatic Cells[female 8 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Somatic Cells[male 10 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Somatic Cells[male 11 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Somatic Cells[male 19 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 10 week gestation] VS Somatic Cells[male 7 week gestation]0.024339588357182
Primordial Germ Cells[female 11 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[female 17 week gestation]NS
Primordial Germ Cells[female 11 week gestation] VS Primordial Germ Cells[female 4 week gestation]0.0170816367361981
NS represents no significant differential expression between two groups was detected by using the BPSC method.

Top 100 positive and negative correlated genes for ANXA6

Top correlated genes were calculated by using Spearman rank correlation. Enrichment analysis can be performed on DAVID server using its API, while alternative links are also provided.

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