
Search by Cell

Displaying 111-120 of 200 results.
Cell GroupYearGSE NameTitlePMID
human late blastoycst2016GSE71318Tracing the expression of circular RNAs in human preimplantation embryosNA
human lung cancer cell line (H358)2015GSE69405Single-cell RNA sequencing of lung adenocarcinoma patient-derived cells26084335
human middle blastocyst2016GSE71318Tracing the expression of circular RNAs in human preimplantation embryosNA
human MII oocyte2016GSE71318Tracing the expression of circular RNAs in human preimplantation embryosNA
human morula2016GSE71318Tracing the expression of circular RNAs in human preimplantation embryosNA
human preimplantation blastomere (2-cell) [early blastomere]2013GSE36552Tracing pluripotency of human early embryos and embryonic stem cells by single cell RNA-seq23934149
human preimplantation blastomere (Oocyte) [early blastomere]2013GSE36552Tracing pluripotency of human early embryos and embryonic stem cells by single cell RNA-seq23934149
human preimplantation blastomere (zygote) [early blastomere]2013GSE36552Tracing pluripotency of human early embryos and embryonic stem cells by single cell RNA-seq23934149
human preimplantation blastomere [early blastomere]2013GSE36552Tracing pluripotency of human early embryos and embryonic stem cells by single cell RNA-seq23934149
Human Skeletal Muscle Myoblasts (HSMM)2014GSE52529Pseudo-temporal ordering of individual cells reveals regulators of differentiation24658644