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Gene Information
Gene ID:83842
Full Name:carnitine O-octanoyltransferase
Organism:Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
Genetic Location:4q12
Physical Location:22023912-22067028 on NC_005103.2, complement
Gene Type:protein-coding
Human Ortholog:GeneID: 54677    Symbol (Name): CROT (carnitine O-octanoyltransferase)
Ortholog Status:The human GeneID 54677 is not in current human dataset.
Gene in Ethanol Study Datasets
Gene Information
Original ID1:Rn.4896
Original ID2:Crot
Fold Change:1.58
P Value:0.0001
Note:Lower levels in the hippocampus of iP than iNP rats
Dataset Information
Phenotype:Alcohol-preferring, alcohol-nonpreferring
Publication:Edenberg et al. Genes Brain Behav. (2005) Gene expression in the hippocampus of inbred alcohol-preferring and -nonpreferring rats. PubMed
Summary:The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that there are innate differences in gene expression in the hippocampus of inbred alcohol-preferring (iP) and -nonpreferring (iNP) rats that may contribute to differences in sensitivity to ethanol and/or in the development of tolerance. Affymetrix microarrays were used to measure gene expression in the hippocampus of alcohol-naive male iP and iNP rats in two experiments (n = 4 and 6 per strain in the two experiments). Combining data from the two experiments, there were 137 probesets representing 129 genes that significantly differed (P ? 0.01).
Gene Refseq Sequence Annotation
mRNAProteinReference assembly Genomic
NM_031987.1NP_114193.1NC_005103.2 range: 22023912..22067028, complement
Gene Ontology (GO) Annotation
GO IDGO TermCategoryEvidence (PubMed)
GO:0005777peroxisomeCellular ComponentISS
GO:0008415acyltransferase activityMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0008458carnitine O-octanoyltransferase activityMolecular FunctionISS
GO:0008458carnitine O-octanoyltransferase activityMolecular FunctionTAS (7495866)
GO:0016740transferase activityMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0001579medium-chain fatty acid transportBiological ProcessTAS (11790793)
GO:0015908fatty acid transportBiological ProcessISS
GO:0015909long-chain fatty acid transportBiological ProcessTAS (11790793)
Other Database Cross Links
NCBI Entrez Gene:83842