Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase (PAHKB)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase

Download all ranked PAH-related genes

General annoucement: the gene ranked results are free to academic researchers world wide. Not for profit purposes. The gene ranking was performed by endeavour. The core gene list used to train endeavour tool include BMPR2, SLC6A4, EDN1, ACVRL1, NPPB, ENG, Tek, KCNA5, ACE.
The downloadable file are in Excel file format. The headline of each file gives out the information for each column.
All the gene ranking results for human PAH-related genes.
The Excel files here.

Browse all PH-related genes by significant funtional annotation

In this table all the 341 human genes were as input for biological functional analysis using webgestalt. The significant biological functional list are listed below. By clicking these significant annotation terms, the corresponding gene list can be retrieved with links to PAHKB.
Gene ontology enrichment analysis.
Phenotype enrichment analysis.
Disease enrichment analysis.
Wiki pathway enrichment analysis.
Pathway commones enrichment analysis.
Associated drug enrichment analysis.
Protein-interaction network module enrichment analysis.
Transcription factor target enrichment analysis.
MicroRNA target enrichment analysis.
Cytoband enrichment analysis.