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- File description / column explanation (number of lines)

check002.gif Tissue-specific genes (TissGenes) with cancer type and tissue information
     TissGene-Cancer Type-Tissue (4795)

check002.gif Basic information of TissGenes
     TissGene-Entrez gID-Gene Name-UniProt Acc(2659)

check002.gif Aliases of TissGenes
     TissGene-Aliases (2456)

check002.gif Chromosomes of TissGenes
     TissGene-Chromosome (3977)

check002.gif Gene ontologies of TissGenes only IDA evidences
     Taxonomy-Entrez gID-GO id-GO Evidence-GO Term-GO category (5369)

check002.gif PubMed IDs for each TissGene
     Taxonomy-Entrez gID-PMID (116679)

check002.gif RefSeq information of TissGenes
     Taxonomy-Entrez gID-Status Information-NM ID-NP ID-Contig IC-Assembly Information - TissGene (36644)

check002.gif Gene information of TissGenes
     Taxonomy-Entrez gID-TissGene-Gene Name-Aliases (2456)

check002.gif Associated diseases of TissGenes
     Cancer type-Gene Id-Gene Name-Description-Disease Id-Disease Name-Score-Number of PMID- Number of SNPs-Source (57832)

check002.gif Drugs targeting TissGenes
     TissGene-UniProt Accession-DrugBank ID-Drug Name-Drug Mechanism-Drug Status(2468)

check002.gif Significantly anti-correlated miRNAs of TissGenes
     TissGene-Cancer Type-miRNA ID-miRNA Accession-FDR-Correlation Coeff.-Number of Samples (5401)
     (FDR<0.05 and Coeff.<-0.2)

check002.gif Significant differentially expressed TissGenes in the matched tumor and normal samples
     Cancer Type-TissGene-Mean Expression in Tumor-Mean Expression in Normal-log2(FC)-Pvalue-FDR (5401)
     (FDR<0.05 and |log2(FC|>1)

check002.gif Tissue-specific gene expression resource information for TissGenes
     TissGene-HPA-TiGER-GTEx (2461)

check002.gif TissGenesKTS or TissGenesLTS information for TissGenes
     TissGene-KTS or LTS Information (503)

check002.gif nsSNV information for TissGenes
     Cancer Type-TissGene-AA change-Number of Mutated Samples (182462)