Cancer Cell Metabolism Gene Database

  Cancer Cell Metabolism Gene DB






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Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine Laboratory Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine Laboratory

Gene Summary

Phenotypic Information (metabolism pathway, cancer, disease, phenome)

Mutations: SVs, CNVs, SNVs

Gene expression: GE, Protein, DEGE, CNV vs GE

Gene-Gene Network Information: Co-Expression Network, Interacting Genes & KEGG

Pharmacological Information: Drug-Gene Network

Cross referenced IDs

Gene Summary for SLCO1B1
Basic gene info.Gene symbolSLCO1B1
Gene namesolute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1
CytomapUCSC genome browser: 12p
Genomic locationchr12 :21284127-21392730
Type of geneprotein-coding
Ensembl idENSG00000134538
DescriptionOATP-2liver-specific organic anion transporter 1sodium-independent organic anion-transporting polypeptide 2solute carrier family 21 (organic anion transporter), member 6solute carrier family 21 member 6solute carrier organic anion transporter family
Modification date20141219
dbXrefs MIM : 604843
Ensembl : ENSG00000134538
HPRD : 09214
Vega : OTTHUMG00000169047
ProteinUniProt: Q9Y6L6
go to UniProt's Cross Reference DB Table
ExpressionCleanEX: HS_SLCO1B1
BioGPS: 10599
Gene Expression Atlas: ENSG00000134538
The Human Protein Atlas: ENSG00000134538
PathwayNCI Pathway Interaction Database: SLCO1B1
Pathway Commons: SLCO1B1
MetabolismMetaCyc: SLCO1B1
RegulationEnsembl's Regulation: ENSG00000134538
miRBase: chr12 :21,284,127-21,392,730
TargetScan: NM_006446
cisRED: ENSG00000134538
ContextiHOP: SLCO1B1
cancer metabolism search in PubMed: SLCO1B1
UCL Cancer Institute: SLCO1B1
Assigned class in ccmGDBA - This gene has a literature evidence and it belongs to cancer gene.
References showing role of SLCO1B1 in cancer cell metabolism1. Lee E, Luo J, Su Y-C, Lewinger JP, Schumacher FR, et al. (2014) Hormone metabolism pathway genes and mammographic density change after quitting estrogen and progestin combined hormone therapy in the California Teachers Study. Breast Cancer Research 16: 477. go to article

Phenotypic Information for SLCO1B1(metabolism pathway, cancer, disease, phenome)
check002.gifCancer Description
Cancer CGAP: SLCO1B1
Familial Cancer Database: SLCO1B1
* This gene is included in those cancer gene databases.


Oncogene 1

Tumor Suppressor gene 2

Cancer Gene Census 3

CancerGenes 4

Network of Cancer Gene 5

Significant driver gene in

Therapeutic Vulnerabilities in Cancer1

cf) number; DB name
1 Oncogene;,
2 Tumor Suppressor gene;,
3 Cancer Gene Census;,
4 CancerGenes;,
5 Network of Cancer Gene;,
1Therapeutic Vulnerabilities in Cancer;

check002.gifMetabolic Pathway Description

OMIM 237450; phenotype.
604843; gene.
Orphanet 240851; Atorvastatin toxicity.
240903; Pravastatin toxicity.
240909; Rosuvastatin toxicity.
240913; Simvastatin toxicity.
240961; Susceptibility to adverse reaction due to atorvastatin treatment.
240981; Susceptibility to adverse reaction due to pravastatin treatment.
240983; Susceptibility to adverse reaction due to rosuvastatin treatment.
240985; Susceptibility to adverse reaction due to simvastatin treatment.
306566; Susceptibility to myopathies due to statin treatment.
3111; Rotor syndrome.
DiseaseKEGG Disease: SLCO1B1
MedGen: SLCO1B1 (Human Medical Genetics with Condition)
ClinVar: SLCO1B1
PhenotypeMGI: SLCO1B1 (International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium)
PhenomicDB: SLCO1B1

Mutations for SLCO1B1
* Under tables are showing count per each tissue to give us broad intuition about tissue specific mutation patterns.You can go to the detailed page for each mutation database's web site.

check002.gifStructural Variants in COSMIC: go to COSMIC mutation histogram

- Statistics for Tissue and Mutation typeTop
- For Inter-chromosomal Variations
There's no inter-chromosomal structural variation.
- For Intra-chromosomal Variations
* Intra-chromosomal variantions includes 'intrachromosomal amplicon to amplicon', 'intrachromosomal amplicon to non-amplified dna', 'intrachromosomal deletion', 'intrachromosomal fold-back inversion', 'intrachromosomal inversion', 'intrachromosomal tandem duplication', 'Intrachromosomal unknown type', 'intrachromosomal with inverted orientation', 'intrachromosomal with non-inverted orientation'.
cf) Tissue number; Tissue name (1;Breast, 2;Central_nervous_system, 3;Haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue, 4;Large_intestine, 5;Liver, 6;Lung, 7;Ovary, 8;Pancreas, 9;Prostate, 10;Skin, 11;Soft_tissue, 12;Upper_aerodigestive_tract)

check002.gifRelated fusion transcripts : go to Chitars2.0
* From mRNA Sanger sequences, Chitars2.0 arranged chimeric transcripts. This table shows SLCO1B1 related fusion information.
IDHead GeneTail Gene

check002.gifOther DBs for Structural Variants
Structural Variants in Ensembl: go to Ensembl Structural variation
Structural Variants in dbVar: go to dbVar

check002.gifCopy Number Variations in COSMIC: go to COSMIC mutation CNV/Expr
Mutation type/ Tissue IDbrcacnscervendomehaematopokidnLintestliverlungnsovarypancreprostskinstomathyrourina
Total # sample7     1 2 2  11  
GAIN (# sample)7       2 2  11  
LOSS (# sample)      1          
cf) Tissue ID; Tissue type (1; Breast, 2; Central_nervous_system, 3; Cervix, 4; Endometrium, 5; Haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue, 6; Kidney, 7; Large_intestine, 8; Liver, 9; Lung, 10; NS, 11; Ovary, 12; Pancreas, 13; Prostate, 14; Skin, 15; Stomach, 16; Thyroid, 17; Urinary_tract)

check002.gifSNV Counts per Each Loci in COSMIC data: go to COSMIC point mutation

 : Non-synonymous mutation, : Synonymous mutation, Circle size denotes number of samples.
Maximum mutation count=6

check002.gifSomatic Mutation Counts per Tissue in COSMIC data
Stat. for Non-Synonymous SNVs
(# total SNVs=121)
Stat. for Synonymous SNVs
(# total SNVs=26)
Stat. for Deletions
(# total SNVs=1)
Stat. for Insertions
(# total SNVs=3)

check002.gifTop 10 SNVs Having the Most Samples in COSMIC data
* When you move the cursor on each content, you can see more deailed mutation information on the Tooltip. Those are primary_site,primary_histology,mutation(aa),pubmedID.
GRCh37 positionMutation(aa)Unique sampleID count

check002.gifSNV Counts per Each Loci in TCGA data

 : non-synonymous mutation, : synonymous mutation, Circle size denotes number of samples.
maximum mutation count=5

Point Mutation/ Tissue ID1234567891011121314151617181920
# sample62 25  8 4  21124 1209 7
# mutation62 20  8 4  23124 12211 13
nonsynonymous SNV52 15  4 4  19104 1159 12
synonymous SNV1  5  4    42   72 1
cf) Tissue ID; Tissue type (1; BLCA[Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma], 2; BRCA[Breast invasive carcinoma], 3; CESC[Cervical squamous cell carcinoma and endocervical adenocarcinoma], 4; COAD[Colon adenocarcinoma], 5; GBM[Glioblastoma multiforme], 6; Glioma Low Grade, 7; HNSC[Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma], 8; KICH[Kidney Chromophobe], 9; KIRC[Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma], 10; KIRP[Kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma], 11; LAML[Acute Myeloid Leukemia], 12; LUAD[Lung adenocarcinoma], 13; LUSC[Lung squamous cell carcinoma], 14; OV[Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma ], 15; PAAD[Pancreatic adenocarcinoma], 16; PRAD[Prostate adenocarcinoma], 17; SKCM[Skin Cutaneous Melanoma], 18:STAD[Stomach adenocarcinoma], 19:THCA[Thyroid carcinoma], 20:UCEC[Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma])

check002.gifTop 10 SNVs Having the Most Samples in TCGA data
* We represented just top 10 SNVs. When you move the cursor on each content, you can see more deailed mutation information on the Tooltip. Those are primary_site, primary_histology, mutation(aa), pubmedID.
Genomic PositionMutation(aa)Unique sampleID count

check002.gifOther DBs for Point Mutations
Point Mutation Table of Ensembl: go to Ensembl variation table
Mutation of cBioPortal: go to cBioPortal's Cross-cancer alteration summary

check002.gifCopy Number for SLCO1B1 in TCGA
* Copy number data were extracted from TCGA using R package TCGA-Assembler. The URLs of all public data files on TCGA DCC data server were gathered on Jan-05-2015. Function ProcessCNAData in TCGA-Assembler package was used to obtain gene-level copy number value which is calculated as the average copy number of the genomic region of a gene.
cf) Tissue ID[Tissue type]: BLCA[Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma], BRCA[Breast invasive carcinoma], CESC[Cervical squamous cell carcinoma and endocervical adenocarcinoma], COAD[Colon adenocarcinoma], GBM[Glioblastoma multiforme], Glioma Low Grade, HNSC[Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma], KICH[Kidney Chromophobe], KIRC[Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma], KIRP[Kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma], LAML[Acute Myeloid Leukemia], LUAD[Lung adenocarcinoma], LUSC[Lung squamous cell carcinoma], OV[Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma ], PAAD[Pancreatic adenocarcinoma], PRAD[Prostate adenocarcinoma], SKCM[Skin Cutaneous Melanoma], STAD[Stomach adenocarcinoma], THCA[Thyroid carcinoma], UCEC[Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma]

Gene Expression for SLCO1B1

check002.gifGene Expression in Cancer Cell-lines (CCLE)
* CCLE gene expression data were extracted from CCLE_Expression_Entrez_2012-10-18.res: Gene-centric RMA-normalized mRNA expression data.

check002.gifDifferential Gene Expression in Primary Tumors (TCGA)
* Normalized gene expression data of RNASeqV2 was extracted from TCGA using R package TCGA-Assembler. The URLs of all public data files on TCGA DCC data server were gathered at Jan-05-2015. Only eight cancer types have enough normal control samples for differential expression analysis.
(t test, adjusted p<0.05 (using Benjamini-Hochberg FDR))
check002.gifCNV vs Gene Expression Plot
* This plots show the correlation between CNV and gene expression.

: Open all plots for all cancer types

Gene-Gene Network Information
check002.gifCo-Expressed gene's network Plot
* Co-Expression network figures were drawn using R package igraph. Only the top 20 genes with the highest correlations were shown.
Red circle: input gene, orange circle: cell metabolism gene, sky circle: other gene

: Open all plots for all cancer types


check002.gifCo-Expressed gene's Protein-protein interaction Network Plot
* Co-Expression network figures were drawn using R package igraph. Only the top 20 genes with the highest correlations were shown.
Red circle: input gene, orange circle: cell metabolism gene, sky circle: other gene

: Open all plots for all cancer types

check002.gifInteracting Genes (from Pathway Commons)

: Open all interacting genes' information including KEGG pathway for all interacting genes from DAVID

Pharmacological Information for SLCO1B1
check002.gifCross-referenced pharmacological DB IDs from Uniprot
DB CategoryDB NameDB's ID and Url link
ChemistryBindingDB Q9Y6L6; -.
ChemistryChEMBL CHEMBL1697668; -.
ChemistryGuidetoPHARMACOLOGY 1220; -.
Organism-specific databasesPharmGKB PA134865839; -.
Organism-specific databasesCTD 10599; -.

check002.gifDrug-Gene Interaction Network
* Gene Centered Interaction Network.
* Drug Centered Interaction Network.
DrugBank IDTarget NameDrug GroupsGeneric NameDrug Centered NetworkDrug Structure
DB01169solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalArsenic trioxide
DB00279solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedLiothyronine
DB01053solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedPenicillin G
DB00688solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalMycophenolate mofetil
DB00877solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalSirolimus
DB00683solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1illicit; approvedMidazolam
DB01016solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedGlyburide
DB00257solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedClotrimazole
DB00834solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalMifepristone
DB01229solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedPaclitaxel
DB00197solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1withdrawnTroglitazone
DB00177solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalValsartan
DB00342solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; withdrawnTerfenadine
DB00520solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedCaspofungin
DB00917solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedDinoprostone
DB01132solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalPioglitazone
DB00275solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalOlmesartan
DB00563solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedMethotrexate
DB00584solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedEnalapril
DB00471solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedMontelukast
DB00318solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1illicit; approvedCodeine
DB00295solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalMorphine
DB00731solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalNateglinide
DB00412solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalRosiglitazone
DB00145solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; nutraceuticalGlycine
DB00390solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedDigoxin
DB01601solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedLopinavir
DB00641solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedSimvastatin
DB01076solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedAtorvastatin
DB00439solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1withdrawnCerivastatin
DB00343solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedDiltiazem
DB01241solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedGemfibrozil
DB01167solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalItraconazole
DB00227solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalLovastatin
DB00503solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalRitonavir
DB00661solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedVerapamil
DB00783solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalEstradiol
DB00559solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalBosentan
DB00950solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedFexofenadine
DB00718solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalAdefovir Dipivoxil
DB00501solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedCimetidine
DB00762solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalIrinotecan
DB00912solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalRepaglinide
DB01098solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedRosuvastatin
DB00973solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedEzetimibe
DB01045solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedRifampin
DB01095solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedFluvastatin
DB00175solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedPravastatin
DB00864solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalTacrolimus
DB01026solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalKetoconazole
DB01110solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approved; investigationalMiconazole
DB00515solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1approvedCisplatin

Cross referenced IDs for SLCO1B1
* We obtained these cross-references from Uniprot database. It covers 150 different DBs, 18 categories.

: Open all cross reference information

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