DegronMD: protein-targeted degradation, mutation and drug response to degrons

Download data set in DegronMD

ID Description Download Size
1 Degron motifs, i.e., consensus motifs of particular E3 ubiquitin ligase, in humans downloaded from ELM. Degron_class. 3K
2 Known degron instances with well-defined motifs cruted from ELM and literature. Known degron_instance. 4K
3 Over 18,000 known and new degron instances in the human proteome with structural and physicochemical features. Degrome in human. 4,366K
4 Simulated degron instances from human proteome with structural and physicochemical features. Simulated degrons and property. 44K
5 Somatic mutations collected from CCLE, GDSC, TCGA, GDSC and COSMIC. All missense mutation five datasets . 104,655k
6 Somatic mutations in all degron proteins. Mutation_in_degron_proteins. 56,917k
7 Somatic mutations related to all degron instances. Degron related mutation. 8,788k
8 Degron muatation that destroys and perturbs UPS signals. Network-rewiring degron mutations. 9,447K
9 All drug response data from CCLE and GDSC for cell lines on degron proteins. Degron_drug_response. 4,599K
10 All drug response data from GDSC used for assessing drug resistance. Drug response for assessing resistance. 6,583k
11 Drug resistsnce results based GDSC drug treatment data based on degron mutations. Drug resistsnce. 30K