p.E957V | TCGA-13-1497 | OV | TCGA | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E957V | TCGA-13-1497 | OV | TCGA | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.E957V | DO31959 | OV | ICGC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E957V | DO31959 | OV | ICGC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.S1577L | TCGA-19-5956 | GBM | TCGA | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.S1577L | TCGA-EO-A22R | UCEC | TCGA | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.S1577L | DO13863 | GBM | ICGC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.S1577L | DO42713 | UCEC | ICGC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.S968L | TCGA-55-8204 | LUAD | TCGA | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6667 |
p.S968L | TCGA-55-8204 | LUAD | TCGA | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6111 |
p.S968L | TCGA-55-8204 | LUAD | TCGA | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.7222 |
p.S968L | DO45322 | LUAD | ICGC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6667 |
p.S968L | DO45322 | LUAD | ICGC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6111 |
p.S968L | DO45322 | LUAD | ICGC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.7222 |
p.T1528A | TCGA-5P-A9JW | KIRP | TCGA | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6944 |
p.T1528A | DO223943 | KIRP | ICGC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6944 |
p.E935Q | TCGA-77-8136 | LUSC | TCGA | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.E935Q | DO26593 | LUSC | ICGC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.V945F | TCGA-85-7710 | LUSC | TCGA | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.V945F | DO26826 | LUSC | ICGC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.R1541H | TCGA-A5-A0G2 | UCEC | TCGA | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1541H | DO41235 | UCEC | ICGC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.E958K | TCGA-A5-A0G2 | UCEC | TCGA | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.E958K | TCGA-A5-A0G2 | UCEC | TCGA | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.E958K | DO41235 | UCEC | ICGC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.E958K | DO41235 | UCEC | ICGC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.S1594P | TCGA-A5-A0VP | UCEC | TCGA | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6752 |
p.S1594P | DO42600 | UCEC | ICGC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6752 |
p.R265W | TCGA-AA-3864 | COAD | TCGA | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8634 |
p.R265W | TCGA-AA-3864 | COAD | TCGA | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7523 |
p.R265W | DO8490 | COAD | ICGC | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8634 |
p.R265W | DO8490 | COAD | ICGC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7523 |
p.R265W | DO227549 | COCA | ICGC | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8634 |
p.R265W | DO227549 | COCA | ICGC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7523 |
p.L862F | TCGA-AP-A0LJ | UCEC | TCGA | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.L862F | DO42145 | UCEC | ICGC | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.P977L | TCGA-AP-A1DK | UCEC | TCGA | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.P977L | DO42033 | UCEC | ICGC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.S1535Y | TCGA-AP-A1DV | UCEC | TCGA | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.712 |
p.S1535Y | DO43186 | UCEC | ICGC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.712 |
p.G254C | TCGA-AX-A063 | UCEC | TCGA | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.G254C | TCGA-AX-A063 | UCEC | TCGA | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.G254C | DO42201 | UCEC | ICGC | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.G254C | DO42201 | UCEC | ICGC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.N946Y | TCGA-B0-5119 | KIRC | TCGA | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.N946Y | DO18721 | KIRC | ICGC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.Y967H | TCGA-B5-A3FA | UCEC | TCGA | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6944 |
p.Y967H | TCGA-B5-A3FA | UCEC | TCGA | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5833 |
p.Y967H | TCGA-B5-A3FA | UCEC | TCGA | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.75 |
p.Y967H | DO52402 | UCEC | ICGC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6944 |
p.Y967H | DO52402 | UCEC | ICGC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5833 |
p.Y967H | DO52402 | UCEC | ICGC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.75 |
p.Y967H | HT-144 | skin | COSMIC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6944 |
p.Y967H | HT-144 | skin | COSMIC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5833 |
p.Y967H | HT-144 | skin | COSMIC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.75 |
p.A1536V | TCGA-BG-A222 | UCEC | TCGA | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.A1536V | DO42977 | UCEC | ICGC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.Q1090H | TCGA-D8-A27M | BRCA | TCGA | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.Q1090H | TCGA-D8-A27M | BRCA | TCGA | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.Q1090H | DO1380 | BRCA | ICGC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.Q1090H | DO1380 | BRCA | ICGC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.P959L | TCGA-DD-A1EH | LIHC | TCGA | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6471 |
p.P959L | DO22986 | LIHC | ICGC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6471 |
p.P963S | TCGA-EE-A29E | SKCM | TCGA | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5641 |
p.P963S | TCGA-EE-A29E | SKCM | TCGA | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5641 |
p.P963S | DO37831 | SKCM | ICGC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5641 |
p.P963S | DO37831 | SKCM | ICGC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5641 |
p.N937S | TCGA-EI-6917 | READ | TCGA | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.N937S | DO36881 | READ | ICGC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.S878F | TCGA-EK-A2RJ | CESC | TCGA | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.S878F | DO49950 | CESC | ICGC | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.L932I | TCGA-EO-A22R | UCEC | TCGA | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.L932I | DO42713 | UCEC | ICGC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.S973Y | TCGA-EO-A22U | UCEC | TCGA | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5278 |
p.S973Y | TCGA-EO-A22U | UCEC | TCGA | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.75 |
p.S973Y | TCGA-EO-A22U | UCEC | TCGA | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5833 |
p.S973Y | DO43755 | UCEC | ICGC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5278 |
p.S973Y | DO43755 | UCEC | ICGC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.75 |
p.S973Y | DO43755 | UCEC | ICGC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5833 |
p.S973Y | SIDM00193 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5278 |
p.S973Y | SIDM00193 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.75 |
p.S973Y | SIDM00193 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5833 |
p.S973Y | ACH-000991 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5278 |
p.S973Y | ACH-000991 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.75 |
p.S973Y | ACH-000991 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5833 |
p.S973Y | SNU-81 | large intestine | COSMIC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5278 |
p.S973Y | SNU-81 | large intestine | COSMIC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.75 |
p.S973Y | SNU-81 | large intestine | COSMIC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5833 |
p.R819H | TCGA-FI-A2D0 | UCEC | TCGA | LDLHDD | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 813:818 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R819H | DO50407 | ESAD | ICGC | LDLHDD | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 813:818 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R819H | DO43891 | UCEC | ICGC | LDLHDD | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 813:818 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.I1595V | TCGA-IG-A97I | ESCA | TCGA | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5965 |
p.P272L | DO225337 | BRCA | ICGC | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6471 |
p.P272L | DO225337 | BRCA | ICGC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.L951V | DO222884 | COCA | ICGC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.L951V | DO222884 | COCA | ICGC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.Q856E | DO222675 | ESCA | ICGC | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.R1541C | DO233245 | GACA | ICGC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.L932F | DO233247 | GACA | ICGC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.N282D | DO233871 | GACA | ICGC | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.N282D | DO233871 | GACA | ICGC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.H1596Q | DO23152 | LINC | ICGC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.H1596Q | DO45081 | LINC | ICGC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.S284T | DO231742 | LINC | ICGC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5 |
p.D806N | DO45159 | LIRI | ICGC | LDLHDD | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 813:818 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.H816R | DO231127 | LUSC | ICGC | LDLHDD | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 813:818 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.L269S | DO229479 | SKCA | ICGC | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6556 |
p.L269S | DO229479 | SKCA | ICGC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6556 |
p.S966A | SIDM02021 | Esophageal Carcinoma | GDSC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.87 |
p.R1537Q | SIDM01282 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.R1537Q | SIDM00841 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.R1537Q | SW620 | large intestine | COSMIC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.S978N | SIDM00946 | T-Lymphoblastic Leukemia | GDSC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7069 |
p.S978N | SIDM00785 | Acute Myeloid Leukemia | GDSC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7069 |
p.R876W | SIDM00993 | Plasma Cell Myeloma | GDSC | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.R876W | AMO-1 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.E1089D | SIDM00845 | Burkitt's Lymphoma | GDSC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5647 |
p.E1089D | SIDM00845 | Burkitt's Lymphoma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5647 |
p.T942A | SIDM00845 | Burkitt's Lymphoma | GDSC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7139 |
p.T942A | SIDM01519 | Head and Neck Carcinoma | GDSC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7139 |
p.N937T | SIDM00845 | Burkitt's Lymphoma | GDSC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.N937T | SIDM00946 | T-Lymphoblastic Leukemia | GDSC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.N937T | SIDM01519 | Head and Neck Carcinoma | GDSC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R1083C | SIDM01176 | B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8301 |
p.R1083C | SIDM01164 | Glioma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8301 |
p.R1083C | SIDM00415 | B-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8301 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01145 | Gastric Carcinoma | GDSC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01145 | Gastric Carcinoma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01181 | Hepatocellular Carcinoma | GDSC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01181 | Hepatocellular Carcinoma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01368 | Gastric Carcinoma | GDSC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01368 | Gastric Carcinoma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01394 | Kidney Carcinoma | GDSC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01394 | Kidney Carcinoma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01574 | Plasma Cell Myeloma | GDSC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077H | SIDM01574 | Plasma Cell Myeloma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.S933L | SIDM00889 | Cervical Carcinoma | GDSC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6389 |
p.S933L | ACH-001333 | Cervical Cancer | CCLE | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6389 |
p.S933L | C-33-A | cervix | COSMIC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6389 |
p.R1077S | SIDM00097 | Breast Carcinoma | GDSC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077S | SIDM00097 | Breast Carcinoma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1077S | SIDM00861 | Ovarian Carcinoma | GDSC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077S | SIDM00861 | Ovarian Carcinoma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1077S | SIDM01613 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077S | SIDM01613 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1077S | ES-2 | ovary | COSMIC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077S | ES-2 | ovary | COSMIC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1077S | T47D | breast | COSMIC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1077S | T47D | breast | COSMIC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.D273H | SIDM00621 | Ewing's Sarcoma | GDSC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7688 |
p.D273H | EW-13 | bone | COSMIC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7688 |
p.Y983H | ACH-000322 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.Y983H | ACH-002458 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.Y983H | ACH-002459 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.Y983H | ACH-002460 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.Y983H | HT-144 | skin | COSMIC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.A1078T | ACH-000674 | Gastric Cancer | CCLE | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.A1078T | ACH-000674 | Gastric Cancer | CCLE | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.A1078T | NUGC-4 | stomach | COSMIC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.A1078T | NUGC-4 | stomach | COSMIC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.R880W | ACH-000838 | Myeloma | CCLE | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.R880W | AMO-1 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.P933L | ACH-000896 | Bladder Cancer | CCLE | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6389 |
p.P933L | 647-V | urinary tract | COSMIC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6389 |
p.V970A | ACH-000978 | Endometrial/Uterine Cancer | CCLE | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.V970A | ACH-000978 | Endometrial/Uterine Cancer | CCLE | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.V970A | ACH-000978 | Endometrial/Uterine Cancer | CCLE | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.V970A | EN | endometrium | COSMIC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.V970A | EN | endometrium | COSMIC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.V970A | EN | endometrium | COSMIC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.P1583T | ACH-000994 | Endometrial/Uterine Cancer | CCLE | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.P1583T | ACH-000994 | Endometrial/Uterine Cancer | CCLE | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.S975I | ACH-001081 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7341 |
p.S975I | HCC2998 | large intestine | COSMIC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7341 |
p.R269W | ACH-001184 | Sarcoma | CCLE | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8634 |
p.R269W | ACH-001184 | Sarcoma | CCLE | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8634 |
p.D863E | ACH-001977 | Primary | CCLE | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.D277H | ACH-002113 | Bone Cancer | CCLE | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6389 |
p.D277H | ACH-002113 | Bone Cancer | CCLE | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6944 |
p.D277H | EW-13 | bone | COSMIC | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6389 |
p.D277H | EW-13 | bone | COSMIC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6944 |
p.E1589K | SAT | upper aerodigestive tract | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7022 |
p.E1589K | P30-OHK | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7022 |
p.E1589K | BHY | upper aerodigestive tract | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7022 |
p.E1589K | SCH | stomach | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7022 |
p.E1589K | TE-6 | oesophagus | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7022 |
p.E1589K | TC-YIK | cervix | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7022 |
p.E1589K | HuO9 | bone | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7022 |
p.S971I | HCC2998 | large intestine | COSMIC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.S971I | HCC2998 | large intestine | COSMIC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.S971I | HCC2998 | large intestine | COSMIC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.D261H | EW-13 | bone | COSMIC | ERATLLNVP | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 264:272 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.D261H | EW-13 | bone | COSMIC | DERATLLNVPDL | DEG_COP1_1 | 263:274 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.R985S | T47D | breast | COSMIC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.R985S | ES-2 | ovary | COSMIC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.E1585K | SCH | stomach | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E1585K | SCH | stomach | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E1585K | TE-6 | oesophagus | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E1585K | TE-6 | oesophagus | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E1585K | BHY | upper aerodigestive tract | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E1585K | BHY | upper aerodigestive tract | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E1585K | P30-OHK | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E1585K | P30-OHK | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E1585K | HuO9 | bone | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E1585K | HuO9 | bone | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E1585K | TC-YIK | cervix | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E1585K | TC-YIK | cervix | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E1585K | SAT | upper aerodigestive tract | COSMIC | DSGVET | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1587:1592 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E1585K | SAT | upper aerodigestive tract | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.S959I | HCC2998 | large intestine | COSMIC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7341 |
p.V954A | EN | endometrium | COSMIC | PTPAPS | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 959:964 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.V954A | EN | endometrium | COSMIC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E1530A | NCI-H1304 | lung | COSMIC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.Y1099H | GP5d | large intestine | COSMIC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.Y1099H | GP5d | large intestine | COSMIC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.T828N | NAMALWA | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | LDLHDD | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 813:818 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5 |
p.G1598C | MDA-MB-231 | breast | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.76 |
p.A1074T | NUGC-4 | stomach | COSMIC | VPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1084:1089 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5 |
p.A1074T | NUGC-4 | stomach | COSMIC | RVPMYEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1083:1089 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5278 |
p.V1606M | MCC13 | skin | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.Y979H | HT-144 | skin | COSMIC | LRTPSTE | DEG_SCF_FBW7_2 | 974:980 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7229 |
p.E1530K | LP-1 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R864W | AMO-1 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | VGTPPES | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 866:872 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.P929L | 647-V | urinary tract | COSMIC | PASST | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 938:942 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.P1604H | NCI-H1048 | lung | COSMIC | FSIHAE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 1593:1598 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.E1542A | NCI-H1304 | lung | COSMIC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.25 |
p.V966A | EN | endometrium | COSMIC | APSTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 962:966 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6936 |
p.E1542K | LP-1 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PYTSS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1531:1535 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.25 |