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Gene Information
Gene ID:154
Full Name:adrenergic, beta-2-, receptor, surface
Organism:Homo sapiens (Human)
Genetic Location:5q31-q32
Physical Location:148186348-148188380 on NC_000005.8
Gene Type:protein-coding
Orthologs:This gene has Rat: 24176 ortholog(s) in other dataset(s).
Gene in Ethanol Study Datasets
Gene Information
Original ID1:ADRB2
Dataset Information
Method:Addiction array gene list
Publication:Hodgkinson et al. Alcohol Alcohol. (2008) Addictions Biology: Haplotype-Based Analysis for 130 Candidate Genes on a Single Array. PubMed
Summary:To develop a panel of markers able to extract full haplotype information for candidate genes in alcoholism, other addictions and disorders of mood and anxiety. Methods: A total of 130 genes were haplotype tagged and genotyped in 7 case/control populations and 51 reference populations using Illumina GoldenGate SNP genotyping technology, determining haplotype coverage. The 130 candidate genes were selected on the basis of their roles in functional domains important in the addictions and in the related phenotypes of anxiety and depression. The candidate genes included a limited number involved in the pharmacokinetic domain (e.g. several genes in the ADH gene cluster, and ALDH genes). The majority of the genes represent the domains of vulnerability to drug use and pharmacodynamic response. These include dopamine, serotonin, glutamine, GABA, and opioid neurotransmitter genes, signaling genes, and genes modulating stress resiliency and behavioral dyscontrol domains. There is a high degree of overlap between functional gene categories because of pleiotropic actions of molecules on behavior.
Gene Information
Original ID1:ADRB2
Dataset Information
Name:Literature Search
Method:Literature search
Summary:We search all human protein coding gene names and the keywords Alcohol or Ethanol or Alcoholism in the title or abstract of all PUBMED publications. For those gene name less than 3 characters or search result hits more than 100, we use the full name to search again and manually check the results to reduce false positive.
Gene Refseq Sequence Annotation
mRNAProteinReference assembly Genomic
NM_000024.4NP_000015.1NC_000005.8 range: 148186348..148188380
Gene Ontology (GO) Annotation
GO IDGO TermCategoryEvidence (PubMed)
GO:0005768endosomeCellular ComponentTAS (10734107)
GO:0043235receptor complexCellular ComponentIDA (15123695)
GO:0005887integral to plasma membraneCellular ComponentTAS (9228019)
GO:0005886plasma membraneCellular ComponentIDA (9235896)
GO:0005764lysosomeCellular ComponentTAS (9507004)
GO:0042803protein homodimerization activityMolecular FunctionIDA (15123695)
GO:0051380norepinephrine bindingMolecular FunctionIDA (15123695)
GO:0005515protein bindingMolecular FunctionIPI (9560162)
GO:0004941beta2-adrenergic receptor activityMolecular FunctionIDA (15123695)
GO:0004872receptor activityMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0001584rhodopsin-like receptor activityMolecular FunctionIEA
GO:0043410positive regulation of MAPKKK cascadeBiological ProcessIDA (15123695)
GO:0008333endosome to lysosome transportBiological ProcessTAS (9507004)
GO:0007243protein kinase cascadeBiological ProcessTAS (10734107)
GO:0007190activation of adenylate cyclase activityBiological ProcessIDA (15123695)
GO:0007188G-protein signaling, coupled to cAMP nucleotide second messengerBiological ProcessTAS (2823249)
GO:0007186G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathwayBiological ProcessTAS (9924018)
GO:0007171activation of transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activityBiological ProcessTAS (10734107)
GO:0006898receptor-mediated endocytosisBiological ProcessIDA (15123695)
GO:0002032desensitization of G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway by arrestinBiological ProcessIDA (15123695)
GO:0000187activation of MAPK activityBiological ProcessTAS (9924018)
Other Database Cross Links
NCBI Entrez Gene:154
HuGE Navigator:154