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Gene Information
Gene ID:2670
Full Name:glial fibrillary acidic protein
Organism:Homo sapiens (Human)
Genetic Location:17q21
Physical Location:40338518-40348393 on NC_000017.9, complement
Gene Type:protein-coding
Orthologs:This gene has Mouse: 14580 Rat: 24387 ortholog(s) in other dataset(s).
Gene in Ethanol Study Datasets
Gene Information
Original ID1:AA059335
Fold Change:-3.1, -2.2
Note:Differential Expression on the cDNA array (two fold changes are from two case groups)
Dataset Information
Tissue:Frontal cortex
Phenotype:Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism
Publication:Lewohl et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. (2000) Gene expression in human alcoholism: microarray analysis of frontal cortex. PubMed
Summary:RNA was extracted from postmortem samples of superior frontal cortex of alcoholics and nonalcoholics. Relative levels of RNA were determined by array techniques. This study used both cDNA and oligonucleotide microarrays to provide coverage of a large number of genes and to allow cross-validation for those genes represented on both types of arrays. Expression levels were determined for over 4000 genes and 163 of these were found to differ by 40% or more between alcoholics and nonalcoholics.
Gene Information
Original ID1:AA059335
Dataset Information
Tissue:Frontal and motor cortices
Phenotype:Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism
Publication:Mayfield et al. J Neurochem. (2002) Patterns of gene expression are altered in the frontal and motor cortices of human alcoholics. PubMed
Summary:We used cDNA microarrays to analyze expression of approximately 10 000 genes in the frontal and motor cortices of three groups of chronic alcoholic and matched control cases. Fluorescent intensity ratios of 1.4-fold or greater in either direction (representing the 99% confidence interval) were used to indicate differentially expressed genes.
Gene Information
Original ID1:GFAP
Dataset Information
Name:Literature Search
Method:Literature search
Summary:We search all human protein coding gene names and the keywords Alcohol or Ethanol or Alcoholism in the title or abstract of all PUBMED publications. For those gene name less than 3 characters or search result hits more than 100, we use the full name to search again and manually check the results to reduce false positive.
Gene Refseq Sequence Annotation
mRNAProteinReference assembly Genomic
NM_002055.2NP_002046.1NC_000017.9 range: 40338518..40348393, complement
Gene Ontology (GO) Annotation
GO IDGO TermCategoryEvidence (PubMed)
GO:0005737cytoplasmCellular ComponentIEA
GO:0005882intermediate filamentCellular ComponentTAS (2740350)
GO:0005200structural constituent of cytoskeletonMolecular FunctionTAS (2740350)
Other Database Cross Links
NCBI Entrez Gene:2670
HuGE Navigator:2670