deTS Results for Diagnoses - main ICD10: D48 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of other and unspecified sites

Traits Information:

Trait ID:


Diagnoses - main ICD10: D48 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of other and unspecified sites
UK Biobank (UKBB)
Neale Lab, 2018
# cases = 544 | # controls = 360650
# SNPs = 8398939 | # genes = 21889
p (gene) < 0.05:  # TAGs = 1044
p (gene) < 0.01:  # TAGs = 201
p (gene) < 0.001:  # TAGs = 20
p (gene) < 1.0E-4:  # TAGs = 2
p (gene) < 1.0E-5: # TAGs = 0

Manhattan Plot of All SNPs in the GWAS

Manhattan Plot of All Genes in the GWAS

Image not ready !

deTS Enrichment Analysis Using the GTEx Panel

p < 0.05 p < 0.01 p < 0.001 0.4460.6590.8780.590.9120.6590.7240.6590.6590.7830.5180.5180.7240.8340.590.6590.940.8340.3770.7240.1180.5180.4460.7240.1560.3120.2530.3120.6590.8780.1560.8340.20.1560.8340.6590.8340.6590.6590.7830.3090.002280.4460.7830.9910.8340.4460.1680.7490.4260.4260.7490.09190.1680.1680.1680.1680.09190.09190.09190.1680.280.1680.1680.280.280.8730.7490.8730.1680.8730.1680.5910.5910.04610.7490.9870.8730.8730.9870.280.9870.7490.5910.7490.8730.7490.9870.4260.8730.5910.280.4260.8731. - SubcutaneousAdipose - Visceral (Omentum)Artery - AortaArtery - CoronaryArtery - TibialBrain - AmygdalaBrain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24)Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia)Brain - Cerebellar HemisphereBrain - CerebellumBrain - CortexBrain - Frontal Cortex (BA9)Brain - HippocampusBrain - HypothalamusBrain - Nucleus accumbens (basal ganglia)Brain - Putamen (basal ganglia)Brain - Spinal cord (cervical c-1)Brain - Substantia nigraBreast - Mammary TissueColon - SigmoidColon - TransverseEsophagus - Gastroesophageal JunctionEsophagus - MucosaEsophagus - MuscularisStomachHeart - Atrial AppendageHeart - Left VentricleAdrenal GlandKidney-CortexLiverLungMinor Salivary GlandMuscle - SkeletalNerve - TibialOvaryPancreasPituitaryProstateSkin - Not Sun Exposed (Suprapubic)Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg)Small Intestine - Terminal IleumSpleenTestisThyroidUterusVaginaWhole Blood

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deTS Enrichment Analysis Using the ENCODE Panel

p < 0.05 p < 0.01 p < 0.001 0.5590.9550.9030.4120.03560.6990.2180.6280.01570.1740.9550.6990.6240.03560.6990.8180.280.07190.3440.6990.1740.3370.5590.6280.990.3440.4850.5590.3440.07190.3370.990.5590.4820.9550.4090.6990.7620.05120.6990.7620.6990.9030.6310.5640.8580.8590.2569.86E-40.3980.03820.3979.72E-40.07970.8590.7270.8580.5640.2560.7270.5640.3980.1490.8590.7270.03820.9440.9440.9440.1490.2560.5640.9980.2560.1480.9850.7270.9980.5620.9850.9850.5640.5640.7270.7270.5640.5640.8591. Adipose TissueOmental Fat PadThoracic AortaCerebellumFrontal CortexSpinal CordOccipital LobeParietal LobeTemporal LobeDiencephalonBreast EpitheliumCamera type eyeSigmoid ColonTransverse ColonEsophagus Muscularis MucosaEsophagus Squamous EpitheliumGastroesophageal SphincterStomachHeartHeart - Left VentricleRight Atrium Auricular RegionAdrenal GlandMetanephrosLiverRight Lobe of LiverLungUpper Lobe of Left LungSkeletal Muscle TissueGastrocnemius MedialisTongueTibial NerveOvaryBody of PancreasPeyer's PatchProstate GlandSuprapubic SkinLower Leg SkinSkin of BodySpleenTestisThyroid GlandUmbilical CordUrinary BladderUterus

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