Traits in the Panel: Expanded Trait Collection (ETC)

An alternative view of the table is available here with all significant tissues.

Trait Name Trait Full Name Panel Author Year Cases* Controls # TAG Sets Top 3 Tissues (GTEx): p (chi2)
2 Hour Glucose2-Hour GlucoseExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Saxena20100152343Pancreas: p = 0.00693
Pituitary: p = 0.03
Nerve - Tibial: p = 0.03
ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Demontis201719099341945Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 8.4E-6
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 2.18E-5
Brain - Hippocampus: p = 3.47E-5
Age At MenarcheAge At MenarcheExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Perry201401824134Brain - Cerebellum: p = 2.02E-4
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 3.28E-4
Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia): p = 0.00298
Age At MenopauseAge At MenopauseExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Day2015025455Adrenal Gland: p = 0.01
Uterus: p = 0.02
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.03
AlzheimersAlzheimer's DiseaseExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Lambert201317008371545Whole Blood: p = 2.47E-4
Pancreas: p = 0.00114
Lung: p = 0.00274
Clozapine Induced AgranulocytosisClozapine Induced AgranulocytosisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Goldstein201416111963Whole Blood: p = 4.09E-4
Spleen: p = 0.02
Artery - Aorta: p = 0.07
Depressive SymptomsDepressive SymptomsExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Okbay2016122210588353Spleen: p = 0.00128
Uterus: p = 0.00882
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 0.02
Hemoglobin A1cHemoglobin A1cExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Soranzo20100463685Whole Blood: p = 3.25E-4
Liver: p = 7.21E-4
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 0.00569
Internalizing ProblemsInternalizing ProblemsExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Benke2014045963Heart - Atrial Appendage: p = 0.00137
Heart - Left Ventricle: p = 0.00364
Adrenal Gland: p = 0.00377
MDDMajor Depressive DisorderExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Wray201816823256325Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 0.00208
Uterus: p = 0.00276
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 0.00294
Neuroticism SymptomsNeuroticism SymptomsExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Okbay201601709115Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 6.11E-4
Brain - Cortex: p = 0.00128
Brain - Nucleus accumbens (basal ganglia): p = 0.00128
Obsessive Compulsive DisorderObsessive Compulsive DisorderExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Arnold2017268870373Vagina: p = 0.00243
Colon - Sigmoid: p = 0.00333
Kidney - Cortex: p = 0.00333
Rheumatoid ArthritisRheumatoid ArthritisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Stahl20105539201695Spleen: p = 3.62E-9
Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 2.06E-5
Lung: p = 2.85E-4
Subjective Well BeingSubjective Well BeingExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Okbay201602984204Pituitary: p = 0.00147
Brain - Spinal cord (cervical c-1): p = 0.00761
Brain - Putamen (basal ganglia): p = 0.01
Type 2 DiabetesType 2 DiabetesExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Morris201212171568624Uterus: p = 7.0E-4
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 0.00117
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.00205
AnxietyAnxiety ContinuousExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Otowa20160181863Brain - Amygdala: p = 9.39E-4
Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia): p = 0.00157
Brain - Putamen (basal ganglia): p = 0.00157
AutismAutism EuropeansExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Psychiatric-Genomics-Consortium2017619773773Colon - Sigmoid: p = 0.00662
Minor Salivary Gland: p = 0.02
Brain - Spinal cord (cervical c-1): p = 0.02
Birth WeightBirth Weight EuropeanExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Horikoshi201601339034Lung: p = 7.44E-4
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 0.00118
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.00178
Blood LipidsHigh Density LipoproteinExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Teslovich20100999005Liver: p = 1.49E-6
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 2.49E-5
Adipose - Visceral (Omentum): p = 9.29E-5
Blood LipidsLow Density LipoproteinExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Teslovich20100954545Liver: p = 1.68E-9
Spleen: p = 3.54E-5
Kidney - Cortex: p = 0.00207
Blood LipidsTotal CholesterolExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Teslovich201001001845Liver: p = 2.6E-12
Adrenal Gland: p = 4.85E-4
Spleen: p = 7.81E-4
Blood LipidsTriglyceridesExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Teslovich20100965985Liver: p = 8.35E-9
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 7.04E-4
Adipose - Visceral (Omentum): p = 8.71E-4
BMIBMI EuropeanExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Locke201502340694Brain - Substantia nigra: p = 3.72E-5
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 1.92E-4
Brain - Hippocampus: p = 1.92E-4
Bone Mineral DensityFemoral Neck Bone Mineral DensityExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Zheng20150263205Artery - Coronary: p = 5.32E-6
Artery - Aorta: p = 5.17E-4
Uterus: p = 5.93E-4
Bone Mineral DensityForearm Bone Mineral DensityExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Zheng2015066273Artery - Tibial: p = 2.0E-4
Pancreas: p = 5.75E-4
Prostate: p = 0.00207
Educational AttainmentEducation Years AllExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Okbay201602937234Brain - Putamen (basal ganglia): p = 1.07E-5
Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia): p = 2.86E-5
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 2.86E-5
Estimated Glomerular Filtration RateChronic Kidney DiseaseExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Pattaro2016123851047805Liver: p = 0.00532
Whole Blood: p = 0.00637
Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 0.05
Glycemic TraitsFasting GlucoseExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Dupuis20100461865Liver: p = 6.94E-4
Pancreas: p = 0.0068
Artery - Coronary: p = 0.01
Glycemic TraitsFasting InsulinExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Dupuis20100382383Whole Blood: p = 0.03
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 0.04
Adipose - Visceral (Omentum): p = 0.04
Inflammatory Bowel Disease EuropeanCrohn's diseaseExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Liu20155956149275Whole Blood: p = 3.08E-10
Spleen: p = 5.27E-7
Lung: p = 6.59E-7
Inflammatory Bowel Disease EuropeanInflammatory Bowel DiseaseExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Liu201512882217704Whole Blood: p = 1.16E-9
Spleen: p = 7.81E-9
Lung: p = 6.17E-6
Inflammatory Bowel Disease EuropeanUlcerative ColitisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Liu20156968204645Spleen: p = 4.29E-7
Whole Blood: p = 2.4E-6
Lung: p = 3.66E-5
LeptinLeptin Not Adjusted For BMIExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Kilpelainen20160321613Brain - Cerebellum: p = 0.0094
Brain - Spinal cord (cervical c-1): p = 0.0094
Breast - Mammary Tissue: p = 0.02
Reproductive BehaviorAge First Birth PooledExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Barban201602380645Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 1.32E-4
Brain - Amygdala: p = 4.54E-4
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 4.54E-4
SmokingCigarettes Per DayExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Furberg20100381813Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 0.01
Liver: p = 0.02
Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 0.03
BIPBipolar disorderExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Stahl201820352313584Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 2.06E-4
Brain - Cortex: p = 5.7E-4
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 9.24E-4
SCZSchizophrenia Expanded Trait Collection (ETC)Ripke20143240503Brain - Cortex: p = 4.98E-8
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 9.88E-8
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 3.75E-7
T1DType 1 DiabetesExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Bradfield20119934169565Spleen: p = 4.28E-13
Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 2.12E-8
Lung: p = 1.65E-5
PANPancreatic CancerExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Amundadottir2009177118053Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 6.62E-5
Whole Blood: p = 0.00124
Pancreas: p = 0.00201
COLSSGAC_CollegeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Rietveld201301010694Brain - Putamen (basal ganglia): p = 0.00482
Brain - Cortex: p = 0.00616
Colon - Transverse: p = 0.00739
HGBHemoglobin ConcentrationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Astle201601734803Spleen: p = 2.62E-6
Kidney - Cortex: p = 4.47E-6
Liver: p = 3.94E-4
MCHMean Corpuscular HemoglobinExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Astle201601734803Whole Blood: p = 6.91E-8
Spleen: p = 8.56E-5
Liver: p = 0.00175
MCHCMean Corpuscular Hemoglobin ConcentrationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Astle201601734804Whole Blood: p = 1.12E-6
Spleen: p = 0.00146
Colon - Transverse: p = 0.03
MCVMean Corpuscular VolumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Astle201601734803Spleen: p = 3.45E-8
Whole Blood: p = 1.86E-7
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.00846
MPVMean Platelet VolumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Astle201601734803Whole Blood: p = 4.94E-12
Artery - Aorta: p = 0.00269
Spleen: p = 0.00406
PLTPlatelet CountExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Astle201601734803Whole Blood: p = 5.38E-9
Spleen: p = 1.8E-5
Liver: p = 0.00337
RBCRed Blood Cell CountExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Astle201601734803Kidney - Cortex: p = 1.04E-5
Spleen: p = 1.86E-4
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 4.44E-4
PBCPrimary Biliary CirrhosisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Cordell20152764104755Spleen: p = 2.9E-10
Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 1.68E-6
Lung: p = 4.43E-6
SLESystemic Lupus ErythematosusExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Bentham20157219159915Spleen: p = 8.23E-9
Whole Blood: p = 5.49E-7
Lung: p = 6.05E-4
RHRCAD Resting Heart RateExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Eppinga201602650464Artery - Coronary: p = 4.26E-6
Artery - Aorta: p = 6.85E-6
Artery - Tibial: p = 2.7E-5
T1D CAType1Diabetes (Childhood adiposity age < 17)Expanded Trait Collection (ETC)Censin2017591388284Spleen: p = 8.98E-9
Whole Blood: p = 4.08E-6
Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 4.68E-5
EOCEpithelial Ovarian CancerExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Phelan201725509409415Colon - Sigmoid: p = 1.67E-6
Kidney - Cortex: p = 2.09E-6
Colon - Transverse: p = 1.22E-5
AUDAlcohol DependencyExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Walters201811569349993Liver: p = 0.00153
Brain - Spinal cord (cervical c-1): p = 0.02
Uterus: p = 0.02
MSMultiple SclerosisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Patsopoulos201714802267034Spleen: p = 2.02E-19
Whole Blood: p = 6.28E-17
Lung: p = 3.78E-4
SCZSchizophrenia Expanded Trait Collection (ETC)Pardinas201840675646433Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 1.61E-9
Brain - Cortex: p = 1.19E-8
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 4.28E-8
CELCeliac DiseaseExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Trynka201112041122285Spleen: p = 1.91E-4
Whole Blood: p = 0.00183
Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 0.01
Glycine levelGlycine levels, both male and femaleExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jia20190301182Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 0.02
Whole Blood: p = 0.08
Nerve - Tibial: p = 0.16
HandednessHandedness, right-handed vs non-right-handedExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Kovel2019293857371804Artery - Tibial: p = 0.00212
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.01
Artery - Aorta: p = 0.02
AmbidextrousnessAmbidextrousnessExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Kovel201953243257133Brain - Nucleus accumbens (basal ganglia): p = 0.00816
Skin - Not Sun Exposed (Suprapubic): p = 0.00943
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 0.00943
HandednessHandedness, left-handed vs non-left-handedExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Kovel2019318562991815Artery - Tibial: p = 9.48E-4
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 0.00222
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 0.00222
ParkinsonsParkinsons disease, age of onsetExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Blauwendraat20190179963Adrenal Gland: p = 0.01
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 0.02
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 0.03
ActiveTime to most active 10 hoursExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones20190856703Heart - Left Ventricle: p = 0.00141
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.0021
Heart - Atrial Appendage: p = 0.0031
SleepSleep efficiencyExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones20190848104Colon - Sigmoid: p = 5.85E-4
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 7.28E-4
Brain - Substantia nigra: p = 0.00161
SleepSleep duration variabilityExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones20190848103Prostate: p = 0.00255
Brain - Amygdala: p = 0.00299
Brain - Hypothalamus: p = 0.00453
SleepSleep durationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones20190854495Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 2.5E-4
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 3.7E-4
Pituitary: p = 5.4E-4
SleepSleep time to midpointExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones20190848103Heart - Left Ventricle: p = 0.00128
Brain - Amygdala: p = 0.00139
Brain - Substantia nigra: p = 0.00277
SleepSleep time to least active 5 hoursExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones20190852053Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 9.8E-4
Brain - Hippocampus: p = 0.00214
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 0.00311
SleepDiurnal inactivityExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones20190847574Brain - Amygdala: p = 1.41E-6
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 3.09E-5
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 4.97E-5
SleepSleep number of episodesExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones20190848104Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 7.78E-5
Brain - Amygdala: p = 3.41E-4
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 3.41E-4
Facial attractivenessFacial attractiveness, male ratersExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hu2019039282Heart - Atrial Appendage: p = 0.02
Uterus: p = 0.02
Nerve - Tibial: p = 0.02
Facial attractivenessFacial attractiveness, female ratersExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hu2019039283Artery - Aorta: p = 5.69E-4
Artery - Coronary: p = 0.00558
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.00558
Facial attractivenessFacial attractiveness of males, male ratersExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hu2019017923Lung: p = 0.02
Uterus: p = 0.03
Thyroid: p = 0.05
Facial attractivenessFacial attractiveness of females, female ratersExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hu2019020623Stomach: p = 0.00414
Pancreas: p = 0.02
Heart - Atrial Appendage: p = 0.05
Facial attractivenessFacial attractiveness of males, female ratersExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hu2019017923Pancreas: p = 0.00368
Colon - Transverse: p = 0.03
Esophagus - Mucosa: p = 0.05
Facial attractivenessFacial attractiveness of females, male ratersExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hu2019020622Prostate: p = 0.00824
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 0.01
Stomach: p = 0.02
AsthmaAsthma, adult-onsetExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Ferreira2019265823006714Whole Blood: p = 2.61E-7
Lung: p = 1.74E-5
Spleen: p = 9.83E-4
AsthmaAsthma, childhood-onsetExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Ferreira2019139623006714Whole Blood: p = 1.4E-8
Spleen: p = 7.0E-5
Esophagus - Mucosa: p = 2.48E-4
NeuroticismGeneral factor of neuroticismExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hill201902700594Brain - Nucleus accumbens (basal ganglia): p = 1.13E-6
Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia): p = 8.17E-6
Brain - Cortex: p = 4.13E-5
NeuroticismWorry-vulnerability-special-factor-of-neuroticismExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hill201902700594Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 4.27E-5
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 7.4E-5
Brain - Cortex: p = 7.4E-5
NeuroticismAnxiety-tension-special-factor-of-neuroticismExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hill201902700594Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 4.27E-5
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 7.4E-5
Brain - Cortex: p = 7.4E-5
Na/K ratioUrinary sodium to potassium ratioExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Zanetti 201901089424Adrenal Gland: p = 3.09E-4
Pancreas: p = 0.00201
Uterus: p = 0.00347
K/C ratioUrinary potassium to creatinine ratioExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Zanetti 201902184354Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.0033
Pancreas: p = 0.00577
Spleen: p = 0.00897
SleepSleep duration, short sleepExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Dashti20191061923057424Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 3.81E-7
Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia): p = 2.46E-6
Brain - Cortex: p = 4.46E-6
SleepSleep duration, long sleepExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Dashti2019341843057425Adrenal Gland: p = 7.52E-4
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 0.00103
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 0.00465
SleepSleep durationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Dashti201904461184Brain - Putamen (basal ganglia): p = 6.08E-11
Brain - Cortex: p = 2.32E-10
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 4.48E-10
Glycine levelGlycine levelExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Wittemans20190800035Liver: p = 1.45E-5
Whole Blood: p = 0.00434
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 0.02
CTSCarpal tunnel syndromeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Wiberg2019123123893444Artery - Aorta: p = 6.24E-5
Whole Blood: p = 6.58E-4
Heart - Atrial Appendage: p = 0.00146
MI/CFMeconium ileus in cystic fibrosisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Gong2019111556553Kidney - Cortex: p = 0.00385
Liver: p = 0.01
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.03
InsomniaInsomnia symptoms, never-rarely vs sometimes usuallyExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Lane20193450221083574Brain - Amygdala: p = 1.18E-4
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 1.84E-4
Brain - Substantia nigra: p = 2.84E-4
FEV1/FVCLung-function-FEV1-FVCExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Shrine201903210473Artery - Aorta: p = 3.39E-12
Colon - Sigmoid: p = 3.39E-12
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 3.39E-12
ChronotypeChronotypeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones201904497343Brain - Hippocampus: p = 6.57E-8
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 1.22E-7
Brain - Putamen (basal ganglia): p = 2.23E-7
Morning personMorning personExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jones20192522871509083Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 4.43E-6
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 4.29E-5
Brain - Cortex: p = 4.29E-5
BMINormal body mass index vs thin control, adult vs thin adultExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)McKay2019646014713Ovary: p = 0.02
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 0.04
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 0.04
ObesityObesity, extreme obese children vs control adultExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)McKay2019145664603Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 0.00266
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 0.00438
Brain - Cortex: p = 0.00438
ObesityObese children vs thin adultsExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)McKay2019147114564Stomach: p = 0.02
Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 0.02
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 0.02
VitiligoVitiligo late onsetExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jin20191467191565Spleen: p = 1.84E-7
Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 1.03E-6
Whole Blood: p = 6.76E-5
VitiligoVitiligo early onsetExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Jin201970490315Spleen: p = 7.66E-6
Lung: p = 4.33E-5
Whole Blood: p = 2.82E-4
Body fat distributionBody fat distribution, leg fat ratio, femaleExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Andersen201901161383Artery - Tibial: p = 3.48E-5
Artery - Coronary: p = 8.58E-5
Whole Blood: p = 2.96E-4
Body fat distributionBody fat distribution, leg fat ratio, maleExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Andersen201901161384Colon - Sigmoid: p = 1.6E-6
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 1.49E-5
Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 2.53E-5
Body fat distributionBody fat distribution-trunk-fat-ratio-femaleExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Andersen201901161383Artery - Tibial: p = 4.91E-7
Uterus: p = 4.91E-7
Artery - Coronary: p = 8.3E-7
Body fat distributionBody fat distribution-trunk-fat-ratio-maleExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Andersen201901161384Colon - Sigmoid: p = 4.84E-5
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 2.19E-4
Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 3.52E-4
Body fat distributionBody fat distribution-arm-fat-ratio-femaleExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Andersen201901161383Uterus: p = 6.51E-6
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 5.65E-5
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 1.43E-4
Body fat distributionBody fat distribution-arm-fat-ratio-maleExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Andersen201901161384Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 3.28E-4
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 3.28E-4
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.00108
OsteoarthritisOsteoarthritisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Tachmazidou2019770523781694Whole Blood: p = 0.00368
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 0.01
Brain - Nucleus accumbens (basal ganglia): p = 0.02
OsteoarthritisOsteoarthritis of the hip or kneeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Tachmazidou2019394273781694Artery - Coronary: p = 0.00241
Artery - Aorta: p = 0.00361
Heart - Atrial Appendage: p = 0.01
OsteoarthritisOsteoarthritis hipExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Tachmazidou2019157043781695Artery - Coronary: p = 1.44E-5
Colon - Sigmoid: p = 8.75E-5
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 1.34E-4
OsteoarthritisKnee osteoarthritisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Tachmazidou2019249553761694Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 3.52E-4
Spleen: p = 0.00201
Artery - Coronary: p = 0.00226
Brain volumeWhite matter hyperintensity volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Traylor2019084294Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 3.86E-4
Artery - Aorta: p = 0.00158
Liver: p = 0.00181
SmokingSmoking initiation ever regular vs never-regularExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Liua2019012320914Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 1.48E-10
Brain - Amygdala: p = 5.32E-10
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 5.32E-10
Alcohol consumptionAlcohol consumption, drinks-per-weekExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Liua201909412804Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 7.93E-7
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 7.93E-7
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 1.28E-5
SmokingSmoking cessationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Liua201905472195Brain - Cortex: p = 9.6E-6
Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 1.59E-5
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 1.06E-4
SmokingSmoking behaviour, cigarettes smoked per dayExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Liua201903773344Liver: p = 9.19E-5
Uterus: p = 0.00449
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 0.00472
SmokingAge of smoking initiationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Liua201903414274Colon - Transverse: p = 4.95E-4
Kidney - Cortex: p = 0.00108
Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum: p = 0.0019
DepressionDepressive-symptomsExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Baselmans2019010679135Adrenal Gland: p = 9.49E-6
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 2.76E-4
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 6.5E-4
NeuroticismNeuroticismExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Baselmans201905237835Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 1.31E-4
Brain - Nucleus accumbens (basal ganglia): p = 2.09E-4
Brain - Putamen (basal ganglia): p = 3.17E-4
Positive affectPositive affectExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Baselmans201904106035Uterus: p = 0.00716
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 0.05
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.06
Life satisfactionLife satisfactionExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Baselmans20190808525Uterus: p = 0.00443
Testis: p = 0.03
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 0.08
Body fatBody fat percentageExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Hubel201870700852614Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 2.1E-7
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 2.1E-7
Brain - Hippocampus: p = 9.99E-7
Postburn scar heightPostburn scar heightExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Wallace201806652Pituitary: p = 0.00574
Lung: p = 0.03
Whole Blood: p = 0.04
Postburn scar pliabilityPostburn scar pliabilityExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Wallace201806652Brain - Amygdala: p = 0.02
Pituitary: p = 0.02
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 0.05
Erectile dysfunctionErectile dysfunctionExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Bovijn201861752176303Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 3.3E-4
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 0.00243
Brain - Hypothalamus: p = 0.0029
Male baldnessMale pattern baldnessExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Yap201802053273Vagina: p = 1.59E-13
Prostate: p = 3.29E-7
Esophagus - Mucosa: p = 1.16E-6
Psoriatic arthritisPsoriatic arthritisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Aterido201874414543Spleen: p = 0.00219
Lung: p = 0.01
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.01
AsthmaAsthma, moderate or severeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Shrine20185414214715Lung: p = 1.34E-5
Whole Blood: p = 1.86E-5
Spleen: p = 8.31E-4
SleepSleep durationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Doherty20180911055Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 5.5E-4
Brain - Cortex: p = 7.28E-4
Pituitary: p = 0.00149
Physical activityPhysical activity, overall physical activity timeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Doherty20180911055Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 1.86E-7
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 7.93E-7
Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia): p = 6.52E-6
Sedentary behaviour durationSedentary behaviour durationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Doherty20180911054Brain - Hippocampus: p = 2.76E-7
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 1.48E-6
Brain - Cortex: p = 5.74E-6
Physical activityPhysical activity, walking durationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Doherty20180911053Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 2.7E-6
Skin - Not Sun Exposed (Suprapubic): p = 3.91E-5
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 8.63E-5
Physical activityPhysical activity, moderate intensity activity durationExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Doherty20180911054Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 2.22E-6
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 3.74E-5
Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia): p = 3.74E-5
Nonischemic cardiomyopathyNonischemic cardiomyopathyExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Aragam201818163883263Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 0.00725
Brain - Spinal cord (cervical c-1): p = 0.01
Brain - Substantia nigra: p = 0.01
Heart failureHeart failureExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Aragam201865043876523Uterus: p = 6.22E-4
Artery - Coronary: p = 0.00247
Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 0.00678
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal tail volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Nerve - Tibial: p = 1.06E-4
Uterus: p = 0.0016
Artery - Aorta: p = 0.00624
Fimbria volumeFimbria volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Breast - Mammary Tissue: p = 7.18E-4
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 0.00209
Adipose - Visceral (Omentum): p = 0.00209
Parasubiculum volumeParasubiculum volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212974Heart - Left Ventricle: p = 0.00222
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 0.00594
Colon - Transverse: p = 0.02
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal fissure volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212972Artery - Tibial: p = 0.00451
Artery - Aorta: p = 0.01
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 0.03
Brain volumeDentate gyrus molecular layer volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 0.00312
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 0.01
Colon - Sigmoid: p = 0.01
Brain volumeDentate gyrus granule cell layer volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 0.02
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 0.03
Adipose - Visceral (Omentum): p = 0.06
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal subfield CA4 volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Breast - Mammary Tissue: p = 0.00115
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 0.03
Adipose - Visceral (Omentum): p = 0.03
Hippocampal volumeTotal hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212974Artery - Tibial: p = 0.01
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.03
Prostate: p = 0.06
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal subfield CA1 volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Adipose - Visceral (Omentum): p = 4.04E-4
Adipose - Subcutaneous: p = 0.00117
Pancreas: p = 0.01
Subiculum volumeSubiculum volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Skin - Not Sun Exposed (Suprapubic): p = 0.00707
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 0.00707
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 0.00732
Presubiculum volumePresubiculum volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Skin - Not Sun Exposed (Suprapubic): p = 0.02
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 0.02
Brain - Spinal cord (cervical c-1): p = 0.05
HATA volumeHATA volume corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Prostate: p = 0.03
Nerve - Tibial: p = 0.04
Breast - Mammary Tissue: p = 0.04
Fimbria volumeFimbria volume corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212972Breast - Mammary Tissue: p = 0.01
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 0.04
Esophagus - Mucosa: p = 0.06
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal tail volume, corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Artery - Coronary: p = 0.00929
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.01
Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 0.02
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal fissure volume, corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Nerve - Tibial: p = 0.00308
Artery - Aorta: p = 0.02
Artery - Coronary: p = 0.02
Brain volumeDentate gyrus molecular layer volume, corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Artery - Coronary: p = 0.03
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.03
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.04
Brain volumeDentate gyrus granule cell layer volume corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 0.04
Brain - Cortex: p = 0.04
Brain - Hippocampus: p = 0.04
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal subfield CA4 volume, corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Adrenal Gland: p = 0.04
Minor Salivary Gland: p = 0.05
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.05
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal subfield CA3 volume, corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.00262
Adrenal Gland: p = 0.00534
Adipose - Visceral (Omentum): p = 0.05
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal subfield CA1 volume, corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212974Artery - Aorta: p = 0.02
Artery - Coronary: p = 0.02
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.02
Subiculum volumeSubiculum volume, corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212974Nerve - Tibial: p = 0.00231
Artery - Tibial: p = 0.00369
Artery - Coronary: p = 0.00578
Parasubiculum volumePresubiculum volume, corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Uterus: p = 0.00145
Nerve - Tibial: p = 0.00429
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg): p = 0.00672
HATA volumeHippocampal amygdala transition area volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Prostate: p = 0.00414
Pituitary: p = 0.00432
Breast - Mammary Tissue: p = 0.01
Hippocampal volumeHippocampal subfield CA3 volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212974Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.04
Adipose - Visceral (Omentum): p = 0.05
Artery - Aorta: p = 0.05
Parasubiculum volumeParasubiculum volume, corrected for total hippocampal volumeExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Meer 20180212973Colon - Transverse: p = 0.00153
Liver: p = 0.00534
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 0.01
IHPSInfantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosisExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Fadista2018044384Esophagus - Muscularis: p = 3.16E-4
Colon - Sigmoid: p = 5.08E-4
Esophagus - Gastroesophageal Junction: p = 5.08E-4
ACRUrinary albumin to creatinine ratioExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Zanetti 201902187594Nerve - Tibial: p = 0.0012
Uterus: p = 0.00193
Liver: p = 0.00708
Na/CUrinary sodium to creatinine ratioExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Zanetti 201902184504Brain - Hypothalamus: p = 1.26E-4
Brain - Spinal cord (cervical c-1): p = 3.52E-4
Brain - Anterior cingulate cortex (BA24): p = 9.2E-4
AUDAlcohol-Use-DisorderExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Kranzler2019346581673465Brain - Cerebellum: p = 7.11E-4
Muscle - Skeletal: p = 0.00105
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9): p = 0.0022
AUDIT-CAlcohol-Use-Disorder-Identification-Test-ConsumptionExpanded Trait Collection (ETC)Kranzler201902006804Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere: p = 1.61E-4
Brain - Cerebellum: p = 2.85E-4
Liver: p = 0.00119

* If the number of cases is 0, it means the phenotype is a continuous data type and the number of controls is the total number of samples.