General information | Literature | Expression | Regulation | Variant | Interaction |
Basic Information |
Gene ID | 442912 |
Name | MIR367 |
Synonymous | microRNA 367;MIR367;microRNA 367 |
Definition | - |
Position | 4q25 |
Gene Type | ncRNA |
Mutation summary: | Mutations in domains Mutational pattern in 17 major cancer types LoF vs missense mutations All the copy number variations from COSMIC database V72 All the mutations from COSMIC database V72 |
Mutation summary in protein domains | Top |
There is no record for MIR367 |
The non-synonymous (top) and synonymous (bottom) mutational percentage for various cancers | Top |
There is no record for MIR367 |
Loss of Function mutations compare to missense mutations | Top |
There is no record for MIR367 |
The copy number variations for various cancers | Top |
There is no record for MIR367 |
COSMIC somatic mutation [Top] | |||
There is no record for MIR367 |