Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase (bioinfom_tsdb)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase
General information | Literature | Expression | Regulation | Variant | Interaction

Basic Information

Gene ID





ALIEN|CSN2|SGN2|TRIP15;COP9 signalosome subunit 2;COPS2;COP9 signalosome subunit 2


COP9 constitutive photomorphogenic homolog subunit 2|COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2|JAB1-containing signalosome subunit 2|TR-interacting protein 15|TRIP-15|alien homolog|signalosome subunit 2|thyroid receptor interacting protein 15|thyroid receptor-in



Gene Type


Gene Regulation:

Upstream microRNAs
Transcription Factors
Post Transcriptional Modification From dbPTM
Methylation Profile From DiseaseMeth database

Experimentally verified miRNA from miRTarBase   [Top]

Experimentally validated miRNA-TS gene regulation information.

Transcription Factors   [Top]

Regulation From TransFac database

sin3a(h) + COPS2(h) <==> sin3a(h):COPS2(h) (binding)
T3R-beta1(r) + COPS2(h) <==> T3R-beta1(r):COPS2(h) (binding)
RXR-alpha(h) + COPS2(h) <==> RXR-alpha(h):COPS2(h) (binding)
wdr8(h) + COPS2(h) <==> wdr8(h):COPS2(h) (binding)
COPS2(h) --> HIF-1alpha(h) (increase of abundance)
COPS2(h) --> HIF2A(h) (increase of abundance)
COPS2(h) --> HIF-1alpha(h):VHL(m.s.) (decrease of binding)
COPS2(h) --> COPS2(h) (expression).
COPS2-isoform1(h) + CUL4A-isoform2(h) <==> COPS2-isoform1(h):CUL4A-isoform2(h) (binding)
COPS2-isoform1(h) + DDB1(h) <==> COPS2-isoform1(h):DDB1(h) (binding)
COPS2-isoform1(h) + DDB1(h):CUL4A-isoform2(h) <==> COPS2-isoform1(h):DDB1(h):CUL4A-isoform2(h) (binding)
COPS2(h) --> COPS2-isoform1(h) (expression).
T3R-alpha(r) + Alien(h) <==> T3R-alpha(r):Alien(h) (binding)
T3R-beta(h) + Alien(h) <==> T3R-beta(h):Alien(h) (binding)
Alien(h) + COUP-TF1(h) <==> Alien(h):COUP-TF1(h) (binding)
Alien(h) + sin3a(m) <==> Alien(h):sin3a(m) (binding)
Alien(h) + T3R(m.s.) <==> Alien(h):T3R(m.s.) (binding)
VDR(h) + Alien(h) <==> VDR(h):Alien(h) (binding)
T3R-alpha(c) + Alien(h) <==> T3R-alpha(c):Alien(h) (binding)
Alien(h) --/ Nppa(r) (transrepression)
COPS2(h) --> Alien(h) (expression).
VDR(h):Alien(h) <==> VDR(h) + Alien(h) (dissociation)
T3R-alpha(c):Alien(h) <==> T3R-alpha(c) + Alien(h) (dissociation)
COPS2(h) --> COPS2-isoform2(h) (expression).

Post Transcriptional Modification   [Top]

There is no record for COPS2

Methylation Profile   [Top]

There is no record for COPS2
