p.V1901F | TCGA-16-0849 | GBM | TCGA | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.M1977V | TCGA-34-5239 | LUSC | TCGA | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.S1918C | TCGA-61-2012 | OV | TCGA | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5278 |
p.I1993V | TCGA-66-2766 | LUSC | TCGA | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.T1973S | TCGA-73-A9RS | LUAD | TCGA | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.V1901L | TCGA-AA-3846 | COAD | TCGA | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.K1996T | TCGA-AX-A0J0 | UCEC | TCGA | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.1667 |
p.P1898L | TCGA-BF-AAP2 | SKCM | TCGA | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.D1987N | TCGA-CD-5800 | STAD | TCGA | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.D1987N | SIDM00670 | Pancreatic Carcinoma | GDSC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.D1987N | HPAC | pancreas | COSMIC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R1912Q | TCGA-D3-A1Q4 | SKCM | TCGA | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.R1912Q | SIDM00007 | Other Solid Cancers | GDSC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.R1912Q | MCC13 | skin | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.P1898H | TCGA-DF-A2KU | UCEC | TCGA | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.P1898H | DO223286 | UCEC | ICGC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.E1995K | TCGA-EB-A41A | SKCM | TCGA | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.E1995K | DO37429 | SKCM | ICGC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.N1897S | TCGA-F7-A620 | HNSC | TCGA | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.N1897S | DO44445 | HNSC | ICGC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.R1913L | DO506 | BLCA | ICGC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.3333 |
p.T1908A | DO223068 | ESCA | ICGC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.825 |
p.P1983Q | DO229019 | LICA | ICGC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7035 |
p.Q1988E | DO23360 | LINC | ICGC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.Q1904H | DO231204 | LUSC | ICGC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.I1982V | DO27747 | LUSC | ICGC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.S1907C | DO32536 | OV | ICGC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7541 |
p.P1992S | DO229494 | SKCA | ICGC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1901Q | DO47631 | SKCM | ICGC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.R1901Q | MCC13 | skin | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.D1976N | DO38431 | STAD | ICGC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.D1976N | HPAC | pancreas | COSMIC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.K1985T | DO41133 | UCEC | ICGC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7306 |
p.C1982F | SIDM00441 | Acute Myeloid Leukemia | GDSC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.C1982F | ML-2 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.A1980T | SIDM01159 | Other Sarcomas | GDSC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.A1980T | SW872 | soft tissue | COSMIC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.P1984H | SIDM01686 | Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia | GDSC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7694 |
p.G1980E | ACH-000579 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.G1980E | UACC-257 | skin | COSMIC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.A1897D | ACH-000654 | Lymphoma | CCLE | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.A1897D | Raji | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.R1896H | ACH-000942 | Leukemia | CCLE | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.R1896H | ACH-000960 | Leukemia | CCLE | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.R1896H | REH | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.G1914E | UACC-257 | skin | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.R1917C | GP5d | large intestine | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.R1916C | GP5d | large intestine | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.G1996E | UACC-257 | skin | COSMIC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.1667 |
p.R1913H | REH | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.3333 |
p.R1900Q | MCC13 | skin | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.3056 |
p.A1914D | Raji | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.R1900C | GP5d | large intestine | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.3056 |
p.D1975N | HPAC | pancreas | COSMIC | PPSY | ITCH | 1983:1986 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.A1913D | Raji | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.3333 |
p.R1912H | REH | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PITTT | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1905:1909 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |