mutLBSgeneDB mutated Ligand Binding Site gene DataBase
All mutLBSgene - UniProt Accession Tab-delimited mutLBSgene-UniProt Accession file (2379)
targetable_mutLBSgenes targetable_mutLBSgenes (744)
mutLBSgenes - class/A/B/C Tab-delimited mutLBSgene-Class information file (2372)
Basic information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited basic information file (2447)
Drug information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited DrugBank information file (7074)
Entrez gene information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited Entrez gene information file (2379)
Mutation summary information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited mutation summary information file (10565)
Protein stability information (after mutation) for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited protein stability score after mutation file (12404)
Curated disease information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited curated disease information file (26523)
Conservation information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited multiple alignment information file for various species (218720)
GO biological process term information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited GO biological process term information file (14628)
RefGene information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited RefGene information file (46466)
Ligand information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited ligand information file (26328)
Gene alias information for mutLBSgenes Tab-delimited gene alias information file (2381)
Overlapped gene and mutation information for mutLBSgenes with COSMIC data Tab-delimited COSMIC mutation information file (7339)