mutLBSgeneDB mutated Ligand Binding Site gene DataBase
mutLBSgenes - 2372 genes, 2374 UniProt accessions. - 774 targetable_mutLBSgenes.
Number of mutLBSgenes and drugs for each drug status (X: drug status from DrugBank, Y: # mutLBSgenes)
Number of mutLBSgenes in each of ClinVar's categories (X: category of ClinVar, Y: # mutLBSgenes)
Number of mutLBSgenes for each cancer type (X:cancer type of TCGA, Y: # mutLBSgenes)
Number of mutLBSgenes on each chromosome (X: chromosome, Y: # mutLBSgenes)
Venn-diagram of gene categories for mutLBSgenes
Number of mutLBSgenes according to the number of mutated ligand binding sites (X: number of mutated ligand binding sites, Y: # mutLBSgenes)
Top 204 mutLBSgenes (sorted by number of mutated ligand binding sites) (X: number of mutated ligand binding sites, Y: # mutLBSgenes)