
mutated Ligand Binding Site gene DataBase





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Conservation Information for LBS

Gene summary for SEC14L2
Gene summary
Basic gene Info.Gene symbolSEC14L2
Gene nameSEC14-like 2 (S. cerevisiae)
CytomapUCSC genome browser: 22q12.2
Type of geneprotein-coding
DescriptionSEC14-like protein 2alpha-tocopherol-associated proteinsqualene transfer proteinsupernatant protein factortocopherol-associated protein
Modification date20141207
dbXrefs MIM : 607558
Ensembl : ENSG00000100003
HPRD : 06344
Vega : OTTHUMG00000151024
ProteinUniProt: O76054
go to UniProt's Cross Reference DB Table
ExpressionCleanEX: HS_SEC14L2
BioGPS: 23541
PathwayNCI Pathway Interaction Database: SEC14L2
Pathway Commons: SEC14L2
ContextiHOP: SEC14L2
ligand binding site mutation search in PubMed: SEC14L2
UCL Cancer Institute: SEC14L2
Assigned class in mutLBSgeneDBC: This gene just belongs to mutLBSgenes.

Gene ontology having evidence of Inferred from Direct Assay (IDA) from Entrez

Ligand binding site mutations for SEC14L2

Cancer type specific mutLBS sorted by frequency
LBSAAchange of nsSNVCancer type# samples
cf) Cancer type abbreviation. BLCA: Bladder urothelial carcinoma, BRCA: Breast invasive carcinoma, CESC: Cervical squamous cell carcinoma and endocervical adenocarcinoma, COAD: Colon adenocarcinoma, GBM: Glioblastoma multiforme, LGG: Brain lower grade glioma, HNSC: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, KICH: Kidney chromophobe, KIRC: Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma, KIRP: Kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma, LAML: Acute myeloid leukemia, LUAD: Lung adenocarcinoma, LUSC: Lung squamous cell carcinoma, OV: Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma, PAAD: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, PRAD: Prostate adenocarcinoma, SKCM: Skin cutaneous melanoma, STAD: Stomach adenocarcinoma, THCA: Thyroid carcinoma, UCEC: Uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma.

Protein structure related information for SEC14L2
Relative protein structure stability change (ΔΔE) using Mupro 1.1
Mupro score denotes assessment of the effect of mutations on thermodynamic stability.
  (ΔΔE<0: mutation decreases stability, ΔΔE>0: mutation increases stability)
: nsSNV at non-LBS: nsSNV at LBS

nsSNVs sorted by the relative stability change of protein structure by each mutation
Blue: mutations of positive stability change. and red : the most recurrent mutation for this gene.
LBSAAchange of nsSNVRelative stability change
(MuPro1.1: Jianlin Cheng et al., Prediction of Protein Stability Changes for Single-Site Mutations Using Support Vector Machines, PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 2006, 62:1125-1132)

Structure image for SEC14L2 from PDB

Differential gene expression and gene-gene network for SEC14L2
Differential gene expression between mutated and non-mutated LBS samples in all 16 major cancer types

Differential co-expressed gene network based on protein-protein interaction data (CePIN)
* Left PPI network was created from samples with mutations in the LBS of SEC14L2 and the right PPI network was created from samples without mutations in the LBS of SEC14L2. Only genes with p-value < 0.05 are shown.
Red circle: input gene. Orange circle: LBSgene. Blue circle: other gene.


Phenotype information for SEC14L2
Gene level disease information (DisGeNet)
Disease IDDisease name# PubMedAssociation type

Mutation level pathogenic information (ClinVar annotation)
Allele IDAA changeClinical significanceOriginPhenotype IDs

Pharmacological information for SEC14L2
Gene expression profile of anticancer drug treated cell-lines (CCLE)
Heatmap showing the correlation between gene expression and drug response across all the cell-lines. We chose the top 20 among 138 drugs.We used Pearson's correlation coefficient.

Gene-centered drug-gene interaction network
Drug information targeting mutLBSgene (Approved drugs only)
Drug statusDrugBank IDNameTypeDrug structure
Approved|nutraceutical|vet_approvedDB00163Vitamin ESmall molecule
ExperimentalDB03796Palmitic AcidSmall molecule

Gene-centered ligand-gene interaction network

Ligands binding to mutated ligand binding site of SEC14L2 go to BioLip
Ligand IDLigand short nameLigand long namePDB IDPDB namemutLBS
2TX2,3-OXIDOSQUALENE(3S)-2,2-DIMETHYL-3-[(3E,7E,11E,15E)-3,7,12,16,20- PENTAMETHYLHENICOSA-3,7,11,15,19-PENTAEN-1-YL]OXIRANE4omjBL111 K124 L175 L189
SQLSQUALENE(6E,10E,14E,18E)-2,6,10,15,19,23-HEXAMETHYLTETRACOSA-2, 6,10,14,18,22-HEXAENE4omkAL111 K124 L175 L189
SQLSQUALENE(6E,10E,14E,18E)-2,6,10,15,19,23-HEXAMETHYLTETRACOSA-2, 6,10,14,18,22-HEXAENE4omkBL111 K124 L175 L189
2TX2,3-OXIDOSQUALENE(3S)-2,2-DIMETHYL-3-[(3E,7E,11E,15E)-3,7,12,16,20- PENTAMETHYLHENICOSA-3,7,11,15,19-PENTAEN-1-YL]OXIRANE4omjAL111 L175 L189

Conservation information for LBS of SEC14L2
Multiple alignments for O76054 in multiple species
LBSAA sequence# speciesSpecies
A108IGPLDAKGLLF2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
A108IGPLDAKGLLL1Bos taurus
A108LGNIDLKKLYQ1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
A108LGAVNLHEMNK1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
A108LGSVNLTQMYK1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
A108LGAVNLTEMYK1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
A167HLWKPAVEAYG3Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Mus musculus
A167SIHS--VYSYI1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
A167SAYS--VMSYV1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
A167SAAQ--VLSYV1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
A167AAAQ--VLSYV1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
A170KPAVEAYGEFL3Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Mus musculus
A170Q--VLSYVREA2Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
A170S--VYSYIRQA1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
A170S--VMSYVREA1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
A201KLFPVAYNLIK2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
A201FGFSTAFRLFK2Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c), Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
A201KLFPVAYNLVK1Bos taurus
A201WGFSSAFNLIK1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
A201FGFSAAFRLFK1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
C155CTILDLKGISI2Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
C155TIIYDCEGLGL1Homo sapiens
C155TLIYDCEGLGL1Bos taurus
C155TMIYDCEGLGL1Mus musculus
C155CTIMDLKGVGI1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
C155CTIMDLKGISI1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
F174EAYGEFLCMFE2Homo sapiens, Bos taurus
F174LSYVREASNIG2Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
F174EAYGEFLTMFE1Mus musculus
F174YSYIRQASSIS1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
F174MSYVREASYIS1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
F178EFLCMFEEN-Y2Homo sapiens, Bos taurus
F178REASNIGQNYY2Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
F178EFLTMFEEN-Y1Mus musculus
F178RQASSISQDYY1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
F178REASYISQNYY1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
F198KAPKLFPVAYN3Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Mus musculus
F198NAPFGFSTAFR2Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c), Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
F198NAPWGFSSAFN1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
F198NAPFGFSAAFR1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
H162GLGLKHLWKPA3Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Mus musculus
H162GVGITSIHS--1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
H162GISISSAYS--1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
H162GISISSAAQ--1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
H162GISISAAAQ--1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
I103VWYDIIGPLDA2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
I103IWYDIIGPLDA1Bos taurus
I103VYVEQLGNIDL1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
I103VYFEELGAVNL1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
I103VYIEELGSVNL1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
I103VYIEELGAVNL1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
I151VETSCTILDLK2Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
I151VETITIIYDCE1Homo sapiens
I151IEATTLIYDCE1Bos taurus
I151IETITMIYDCE1Mus musculus
I151IETSCTIMDLK1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
I151VETSCTIMDLK1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
I205VAYNLIKPFLS2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
I205TAFRLFKPFLD2Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c), Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
I205VAYNLVKPFLS1Bos taurus
I205SAFNLIKGFLD1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
I205AAFRLFKPFLD1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
I217VTVSKIFILGS3Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c), Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
I217DTRKKIMVLGA1Homo sapiens
I217DTRKKIQVLGA1Bos taurus
I217DTRRKIMVLGA1Mus musculus
I217ATVKKIHILGS1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
K124RMLKNLVWEYE2Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c), Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
K124DLLRTKMRECE1Homo sapiens
K124DLFKTKMRDCE1Bos taurus
K124DLLRTKMRDCE1Mus musculus
K124RMMQNLVYEYE1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
K124RMLKNLIWEYE1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L106DIIGPLDAKGL3Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Mus musculus
L106EQLGNIDLKKL1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L106EELGAVNLHEM1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L106EELGSVNLTQM1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
L106EELGAVNLTEM1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L111LDAKGLLFSAS2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
L111LDAKGLLLSAS1Bos taurus
L111IDLKKLYQITT1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L111VNLHEMNKVTS1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L111VNLTQMYKITT1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
L111VNLTEMYKITT1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L120ASKQDLLRTKM2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
L120ASKQDLFKTKM1Bos taurus
L120TTPERMMQNLV1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L120TSEERMLKNLV1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L120TTQERMLKNLV1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
L120TTQERMLKNLI1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L121SKQDLLRTKMR2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
L121SKQDLFKTKMR1Bos taurus
L121TPERMMQNLVY1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L121SEERMLKNLVW1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L121TQERMLKNLVW1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
L121TQERMLKNLIW1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L158YDCEGLGLKHL3Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Mus musculus
L158MDLKGVGITSI1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L158MDLKGISISSA1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L158LDLKGISISSA1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
L158LDLKGISISAA1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L163LGLKHLWKPAV3Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Mus musculus
L163VGITSIHS--V1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L163ISISSAYS--V1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L163ISISSAAQ--V1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
L163ISISAAAQ--V1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L175AYGEFLCMFEE2Homo sapiens, Bos taurus
L175SYVREASNIGQ2Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L175AYGEFLTMFEE1Mus musculus
L175SYIRQASSISQ1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L175SYVREASYISQ1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L186-YPETLKRLFV2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
L186-YPETLKRLFI1Bos taurus
L186YYPERMGKFYV1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L186YYPERMGKFYI1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L186YYPERMGKFYL1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
L186YYPERMGKFYM1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L189ETLKRLFVVKA2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
L189ETLKRLFIVKA1Bos taurus
L189ERMGKFYVINA1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L189ERMGKFYIINA1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L189ERMGKFYLINA1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
L189ERMGKFYMINA1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L209LFKPFLDPVTV3Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c), Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
L209LIKPFLSEDTR2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
L209LVKPFLSEDTR1Bos taurus
L209LIKGFLDEATV1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L84VIQQYLSGGMC1Homo sapiens
L84VIQQYLSGGRC1Mus musculus
L84AVSKYYPQFYH1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
L84LIAKFYPQYYH1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
L84LVAKYYPQYYH1Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
L84LVAKFYPQYYH1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
T213FLDPVTVSKIF3Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c), Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
T213FLSEDTRKKIM1Homo sapiens
T213FLSEDTRKKIQ1Bos taurus
T213FLSEDTRRKIM1Mus musculus
T213FLDEATVKKIH1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
V168LWKPAVEAYGE3Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Mus musculus
V168AAQ--VLSYVR2Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
V168IHS--VYSYIR1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
V168AYS--VMSYVR1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
Y153TSCTILDLKGI2Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
Y153TITIIYDCEGL1Homo sapiens
Y153ATTLIYDCEGL1Bos taurus
Y153TITMIYDCEGL1Mus musculus
Y153TSCTIMDLKGV1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
Y153TSCTIMDLKGI1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
Y171PAVEAYGEFLC2Homo sapiens, Bos taurus
Y171--VLSYVREAS2Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37), Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
Y171PAVEAYGEFLT1Mus musculus
Y171--VYSYIRQAS1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
Y171--VMSYVREAS1Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
Y202LFPVAYNLIKP2Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
Y202GFSTAFRLFKP2Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c), Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
Y202LFPVAYNLVKP1Bos taurus
Y202GFSSAFNLIKG1Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
Y202GFSAAFRLFKP1Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)

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