1Exp. Neurol. 2013 Oct 248: 258-61
TitleSlc10A4 - what do we know about the function of this "secret ligand carrier" protein?
AbstractThis commentary discusses the possible functions of a relatively newly described solute carrier protein, SLC10A4, in regards to a recent article by Zelano et al. (2013) published in the January issue of Experimental Neurology, 239, 73-81. SLC10A4 belongs to the sodium-bile acid cotransporter family (Slc10), but does not show plasma membrane transport activity of bile acids and related molecules. It is co-localized with synaptic vesicle transporters for acetylcholine and dopamine. In SLC10A4 lacking mice, Zelano et al. found increased excitability in hippocampal slices and in vivo responses to pilocarpine, but not kainate. These findings are critically examined here. This author speculates on the possible function of SLC10A4, but remains partial about "specific effects of SLC10A4 in cholinergic systems". It is hoped that approaches targeting human SLC10A4 can be discovered for potential clinical use in neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia and addiction. Conversely, some side effects are expected due to peripheral SLC10A4 localization in sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, as well as mast cells.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia