Protein-protein interaction for FOXO3

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Protein-protein interaction data for gene FOXO3

Degree = 1
Interactor A Interactor B Experimental method Source Pubmed
FOXO3SMAD3FoxO3 interacts with Smad3.BIND15084259 
FoxO3 interacts with Smad4.BIND15084259 
FOXO3BCL2L11FoxO3a interacts with the BCL2L11 (Bim) promoter.BIND15688014 
FOXO3FOXG1FoxO3 interacts with FoxG1.BIND15084259 
FOXO3SIRT1FOXO3 interacts with SIRT1.BIND14976264 
FOXO3TP53Foxo3a interacts with p53.BIND15604409 
FOXO3IKBKBIKK-beta interacts with and phosphorylates FOXO3a.BIND15084260 
FOXO3CTNNB1beta-catenin interacts with FOXO3a.BIND15905404 
FOXO3CDKN1BFOXO3a interacts with p27Kip1 promoter.BIND15084260 
FOXO3CDKN1AFoxO3 binds the distal region of the p21Cip1 promoter.BIND15084259 
FOXO3CHUKIKK-alpha interacts with and phosphorylates FOXO3a. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-alpha from an unknown species and FOXO3a from human.BIND15084260 

Degree = 2
Interactor A Interactor B Experimental method Source Pubmed
SMAD3PEX6Smad3 interacts with Pex6. This interaction is modeled on demonstrated interaction between human Smad3 and mouse Pex6.BIND14651998 
SMAD3FOXO4FoxO4 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxO4 from human and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
c-Ski interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad3 from an unspecified source and human c-Ski.BIND10575014 
SMAD3LEF1Lef1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Lef1 and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
SMAD3FOXO1FoxO1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxO1 from an unspecified species and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
c-Ski interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad3 from an unspecified source and human c-Ski.BIND10575014 
SMAD3SP1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11114293 |11432852 
SMAD3EP300Smad3 interacts with p300. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad3 and p300 from an unspecified sources.BIND10497242 
SMAD3 interacts with EP300 (p300).BIND15688032 
SMAD3AKT1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID16362038 
SMAD3TGIF1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11427533 
SMAD3FOXO4FoxO4 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxO4 from human and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
SMAD3TFE3-HPRD10557285 |10973944 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10557285 |12551947 
SMAD3CEBPDAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12524424 
SMAD3FOXH1The SIM motif of FoxH1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human FoxH1 and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
FoxH1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxH1 from an unspecified species and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
SMAD3ANAPC10Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15144564 
Smad3 interacts with APC10.BIND15144564 
SMAD3CREBBPCBP interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse CBP and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
SMAD3ANAPC10Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15144564 
Smad3 interacts with APC10.BIND15144564 
SMAD3JUNDReconstituted ComplexBioGRID10220381 
SMAD3HIPK2Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12874272 
SMAD3EP300Smad3 interacts with p300. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad3 and p300 from an unspecified sources.BIND10497242 
SMAD3 interacts with EP300 (p300).BIND15688032 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10531362 
SMAD3DVL1Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID12650946 
SMAD3RUNX1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10531362 
SMAD3TGFB1I1ARA55 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ARA55 and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15561701 
SMAD3SF3B2Smad3 interacts with SF3b2. This interaction is modeled on demonstrated interaction between human Smad3 and mouse SF3b2.BIND14651998 
SKIP interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human SKIP and Smad3 from an unspecified source.BIND11278756 
SMAD3PARD3BReconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID12650946 
SMAD3TGFBR2T-beta-RII phosphorylates hMAD-3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between T-beta-RII from an unspecified species and human hMAD-3.BIND8774881 
SMAD3FOSReconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9732876 
SMAD3NEDD9Smad3 interacts with HEF1.BIND15144564 
-HPRD,BioGRID11118211 |15051726 
Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10220381 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10531362 
SMAD3SKILSmad3 interacts with SnoN. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between SnoN from an unspecified source and human Smad3.BIND12426322 
SMAD3CDK2CDK2 phosphorylates Smad3 on Thr8, Thr179, Ser204, Ser208 and Ser213. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad3 from an unspecified species and human CDK2.BIND15241418 
SMAD3SMAD7Phenotypic SuppressionBioGRID9892009 |10757800 
SMAD3NR3C1-HPRD,BioGRID10518526 |12902338 
SMAD3EIF4ENIF1Smad3 interacts with 4-ET. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human Smad3 and mouse 4-ET.BIND14651998 
SMAD3PMLcPML interacts with Smad3.BIND15356634 
SMAD3PMLcPML interacts with Smad3.BIND15356634 
SMAD3CEBPAReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12524424 
SMAD3SMURF2SMAD3 interacts with SMURF2.BIND15761153 
SMAD3FOXO1FoxO1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxO1 from an unspecified species and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
SMAD3BRCA1BRCA1 interacts with Smad3.BIND15735739 
SMAD3FOXH1The SIM motif of FoxH1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human FoxH1 and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
FoxH1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxH1 from an unspecified species and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
SMAD3SKILSmad3 interacts with SnoN. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between SnoN from an unspecified source and human Smad3.BIND12426322 
SMAD3VDRVDR interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between VDR and Smad3 from unspecified sources.BIND11278756 
T-beta-RI phosphorylates hMAD-3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between T-beta-RI from an unspecified species and human hMAD-3.BIND8774881 
Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10220381 
SMAD3FOXH1The SIM motif of FoxH1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human FoxH1 and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
FoxH1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxH1 from an unspecified species and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
SMAD3TFE3-HPRD10557285 |10973944 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10557285 |12551947 
SMAD3ZMYM2Smad3 interacts with ZNF198. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human Smad3 and mouse ZNF198.BIND14651998 
SKIP interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human SKIP and Smad3 from an unspecified source.BIND11278756 
SMAD3PIAS4Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12815042 
SMAD3SMURF2SMAD3 interacts with SMURF2.BIND15761153 
SMAD3CDK4CDK4 phosphorylates Smad3 on Thr8, Thr179, Ser204, Ser208 and Ser213. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad3 from an unspecified species and mouse CDK4.BIND15241418 
SMAD3BRCA2SMAD3 interacts with BRCA2.BIND12165866 
SMAD3SREBF2SMAD3 interacts with SREBPF2 (SREBP2).BIND15527767 
SMAD3LEF1Lef1 interacts with Smad3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Lef1 and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
SMAD3BTRCAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14988407 
SMAD3BRCA2SMAD3 interacts with BRCA2.BIND12165866 
SMAD3NEDD9Smad3 interacts with HEF1.BIND15144564 
-HPRD,BioGRID11118211 |15051726 
SMAD3ACVR1BAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9892009 
T-beta-RI phosphorylates hMAD-3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between T-beta-RI from an unspecified species and human hMAD-3.BIND8774881 
SMAD3NUP214Smad3 interacts with CAN/Nup214. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad3 and CAN/Nup214 whose origins are unknown.BIND12917407 
SMAD4DVL1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12650946 
SMAD4MDM4Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12483531 
SMAD4AKT1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID16362038 
SMAD4EP300Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10887155 
p300 interacts with Smad4 fragment. p300 interacting with full-length Smad4 could not be demonstrated in vitro. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human Smad4 fragment.BIND9679056 
SMAD4SMAD7Phenotypic SuppressionBioGRID9892009 
SMAD4SKILSmad4 interacts with SnoN. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human Smad4 and SnoN from an unspecified species.BIND15761153 
SMAD4CEBPBCEBPB (C/EBP-beta) interacts with SMAD4. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between CEBPB and SMAD4, both from unspecified species.BIND12202226 
SMAD4SMAD9Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybridBioGRID10583507 |16189514 
SMAD4PARD3BReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12650946 
SMAD4TGFBR2T-beta-RII phosphorylates hMAD-4. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between T-beta-RII from an unspecified species and human hMAD-4.BIND8774881 
SMAD4SNW1Phenotypic Enhancement; Two-hybridBioGRID11278756 
SMAD4SKI-HPRD,BioGRID12419246 |12857746 
Smad4 interacts with Ski. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human Smad4 and Ski from an unspecified species.BIND15761153 
c-Ski interacts with Smad4. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad4 from an unspecified source and human c-Ski.BIND10575014 
SMAD4SMAD1-HPRD10400705 |11700304 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-fractionationBioGRID10531362 |11700304 
Smad4 interacts with Smad1.BIND15761153 
SMAD4SUMO1SMAD4 is sumoylated.BIND15592428 
SMAD4EP300Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10887155 
p300 interacts with Smad4 fragment. p300 interacting with full-length Smad4 could not be demonstrated in vitro. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human Smad4 fragment.BIND9679056 
FoxO4 interacts with Smad4.BIND15084259 
SMAD4SMAD1-HPRD10400705 |11700304 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-fractionationBioGRID10531362 |11700304 
Smad4 interacts with Smad1.BIND15761153 
SMAD4SMAD5Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10531362 
SMAD4TGFBR1T-beta-RI phosphorylates hMAD-4. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between T-beta-RI from an unspecified species and human hMAD-4.BIND8774881 
SMAD4TGFBR1T-beta-RI phosphorylates hMAD-4. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between T-beta-RI from an unspecified species and human hMAD-4.BIND8774881 
SMAD4STUB1Smad4 interacts with CHIP. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad1 and CHIP, both from an unspecified species.BIND15708501 
SMAD4SKI-HPRD,BioGRID12419246 |12857746 
Smad4 interacts with Ski. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human Smad4 and Ski from an unspecified species.BIND15761153 
c-Ski interacts with Smad4. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad4 from an unspecified source and human c-Ski.BIND10575014 
SMAD4KPNB1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10846168 
SMAD4CEBPDAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12524424 
FoxO4 interacts with Smad4.BIND15084259 
SMAD4FOXO1FoxO1 interacts with Smad4.BIND15084259 
SMAD4CEBPBCEBPB (C/EBP-beta) interacts with SMAD4. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between CEBPB and SMAD4, both from unspecified species.BIND12202226 
SMAD4PIAS4Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12815042 
SMAD4TSSK3SMAD4 interacts with STK22C. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human SMAD4 and mouse STK22C.BIND15761153 
SMAD4SMAD1-HPRD10400705 |11700304 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-fractionationBioGRID10531362 |11700304 
Smad4 interacts with Smad1.BIND15761153 
SMAD4SKI-HPRD,BioGRID12419246 |12857746 
Smad4 interacts with Ski. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human Smad4 and Ski from an unspecified species.BIND15761153 
c-Ski interacts with Smad4. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad4 from an unspecified source and human c-Ski.BIND10575014 
SMAD4TGFB1I1ARA55 interacts with Smad4. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ARA55 and Smad4 from an unspecified species.BIND15561701 
SMAD4BRCA1BRCA1 interacts with Smad4. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BRCA1 from human and Smad4 from an unspecified species.BIND15735739 
SMAD4FOXO1FoxO1 interacts with Smad4.BIND15084259 
SMAD4SKILSmad4 interacts with SnoN. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human Smad4 and SnoN from an unspecified species.BIND15761153 
SMAD4TRIM33Smad4 interacts with Ecto.BIND15820681 
SMAD4FOXH1Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9288972 
SMAD4CEBPAReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12524424 
IGFIR interacts with 14-3-3-zeta isoform.BIND9581554 
Akt interaction with and phosphorylation of 14-3-3 zeta at the same residue as MAPKAPK2.BIND11956222 
YWHAZMAPTTau interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND12176984 
YWHAZC22orf9Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZBRAFAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZTSC2-HPRD12176984 |12438239 
Tumor suppressor protein tuberin interacts with 14-3-3-zeta isoform.BIND11533041 |12176984 
c-Cbl interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND9367879 
Akt interaction with and phosphorylation of 14-3-3 zeta at the same residue as MAPKAPK2.BIND11956222 
YWHAZRPL31Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
c-Cbl interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND9367879 
YWHAZSSH1SSH-1S interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND15660133 
SSH-1L interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND15660133 
YWHAZGP1BA-HPRD,BioGRID8631758 |9454760 
YWHAZPRKCEAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11950841 
YWHAZSSH2SSH-2S interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND15660133 
YWHAZKLC1Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZSSH1SSH-1S interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND15660133 
SSH-1L interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND15660133 
YWHAZUCP2UCP2 interacts with 14.3.3-zeta.BIND10785390 
YWHAZRALGPS2Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZKLC4Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZUCP3UCP3 interacts with 14.3.3-zeta.BIND10785390 
14-3-3-zeta interacts with phosphorylated CDC25B.BIND15629715 
YWHAZTSC2-HPRD12176984 |12438239 
Tumor suppressor protein tuberin interacts with 14-3-3-zeta isoform.BIND11533041 |12176984 
YWHAZLARP1Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
14-3-3-zeta interacts with phosphorylated CDC25B.BIND15629715 
YWHAZDFFAAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZSSH3SSH-3S interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND15660133 
YWHAZEGFREGFR interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND15225635 
YWHAZSF3B1Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZUCP2UCP2 interacts with 14.3.3-zeta.BIND10785390 
YWHAZNOLC1Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZRAI14Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
AANAT interacts with 14-3-3-zeta isoform. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between sheep AANAT and human 14-3-3-zeta.BIND8024705 |11336675 
YWHAZGP1BB-HPRD8034572 |10627461 
in vitro; in vivo; Two-hybridBioGRID8034572 |9454760 
YWHAZRAF1Raf-1 interacts with 14-3-3 zeta. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Raf-1 and murine 14-3-3-zeta.BIND7559537 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7628630 |9261098 
|10620507 |10887173 
-HPRD7628630 |7939632 
YWHAZGP1BB-HPRD8034572 |10627461 
in vitro; in vivo; Two-hybridBioGRID8034572 |9454760 
YWHAZSAMD4BAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZPRKCZBiochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10620507 |12893243 
YWHAZUCP3UCP3 interacts with 14.3.3-zeta.BIND10785390 
YWHAZPABPC4Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZLYSTReconstituted ComplexBioGRID11984006 
YWHAZHDAC4Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11504882 
YWHAZCSF2RB-HPRD,BioGRID8278375 |10477722 
YWHAZTSC2-HPRD12176984 |12438239 
Tumor suppressor protein tuberin interacts with 14-3-3-zeta isoform.BIND11533041 |12176984 
YWHAZPDC-HPRD11287646 |11331285 
YWHAZEPB41L3Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZRAF1Raf-1 interacts with 14-3-3 zeta. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Raf-1 and murine 14-3-3-zeta.BIND7559537 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7628630 |9261098 
|10620507 |10887173 
-HPRD7628630 |7939632 
YWHAZMAPKAPK2MAPKAPK2 interacts with and phosphorylates 14-3-3-zeta.BIND12861023 
YWHAZRRADAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10441394 
YWHAZRAF1Raf-1 interacts with 14-3-3 zeta. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Raf-1 and murine 14-3-3-zeta.BIND7559537 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7628630 |9261098 
|10620507 |10887173 
-HPRD7628630 |7939632 
AANAT interacts with 14-3-3-zeta isoform. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between sheep AANAT and human 14-3-3-zeta.BIND8024705 |11336675 
YWHAZSFRS10Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZTJP2Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
IGFIR interacts with 14-3-3-zeta isoform.BIND9581554 
YWHAZPAK4Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZMAPTTau interacts with 14-3-3-zeta.BIND12176984 
YWHAZPRKCDAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11950841 
YWHAZHDAC4Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11504882 
YWHAZNADKAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZPRKCIReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12893243 
YWHAZHNRNPLAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZBRAFAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZKRT18-HPRD9524113 |11917136 
YWHAZNCKAP1Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZEDC3Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZPRKD1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12893243 
YWHAZKIF5BAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
YWHAZUSP8Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID14561217 |15193260 
BCL2L11BCL2L1-HPRD9430630 |10198631 
Bim interacts with Bcl-XL.BIND15694340 
Affinity Capture-Western; FRETBioGRID14596824 |15694340 
Bcl-XL interacts with Bim. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Bcl-XL from an unspecified species and human Bim.BIND15721256 
Bim interacts with Bcl-2.BIND15694340 
BCL2L11BCL2L2Bim interacts with Bcl-w.BIND15694340 
BCL2L11BCL2L1-HPRD9430630 |10198631 
Bim interacts with Bcl-XL.BIND15694340 
Affinity Capture-Western; FRETBioGRID14596824 |15694340 
Bcl-XL interacts with Bim. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Bcl-XL from an unspecified species and human Bim.BIND15721256 
BCL2L11DYNLL2Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID14561217 
Bim interacts with Bcl-2.BIND15694340 
BCL2L11BCL2L2Bim interacts with Bcl-w.BIND15694340 
BCL2L11BCL2L1-HPRD9430630 |10198631 
Bim interacts with Bcl-XL.BIND15694340 
Affinity Capture-Western; FRETBioGRID14596824 |15694340 
Bcl-XL interacts with Bim. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Bcl-XL from an unspecified species and human Bim.BIND15721256 
BCL2L11BCL2L1-HPRD9430630 |10198631 
Bim interacts with Bcl-XL.BIND15694340 
Affinity Capture-Western; FRETBioGRID14596824 |15694340 
Bcl-XL interacts with Bim. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Bcl-XL from an unspecified species and human Bim.BIND15721256 
BCL2L11BCL2L1-HPRD9430630 |10198631 
Bim interacts with Bcl-XL.BIND15694340 
Affinity Capture-Western; FRETBioGRID14596824 |15694340 
Bcl-XL interacts with Bim. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Bcl-XL from an unspecified species and human Bim.BIND15721256 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID14561217 |15193260 
cPML interacts with Smad2.BIND15356634 
T-beta-RI interacts with Smad2.BIND15761153 
T-beta-RI interacts with Smad2.BIND15761153 
SMAD2ACVR1BAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9892009 
SMAD2JUN-HPRD,BioGRID10220381 |11371641 
SMAD2CDK2CDK2 phosphorylates Smad2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad2 from an unspecified species and human CDK2.BIND15241418 
SMAD2BRCA1BRCA1 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BRCA1 from human and Smad2 from an unspecified species.BIND15735739 
SMAD2SKILSmad2 interacts with SnoN. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between SnoN from an unspecified source and human Smad2.BIND12426322 
-HPRD,BioGRID10531062 |11691834 
SMAD2SKIc-Ski interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad2 from an unspecified source and human c-Ski.BIND10575014 
SMAD2SKIc-Ski interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad2 from an unspecified source and human c-Ski.BIND10575014 
SMAD2FOXH1The SIM motif of FoxH1 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human FoxH1 and Smad2 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
FoxH1 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxH1 from an unspecified species and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
-HPRD,BioGRID9288972 |9389648 
SMAD2ANAPC10Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15144564 
Smad2 interacts with APC10.BIND15144564 
SMAD2EP300p300 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human Smad2.BIND9679056 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10199400 |11371641 
SMAD2BRCA2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12165866 
SMAD2SKILSmad2 interacts with SnoN. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between SnoN from an unspecified source and human Smad2.BIND12426322 
-HPRD,BioGRID10531062 |11691834 
SMAD2EP300p300 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human Smad2.BIND9679056 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10199400 |11371641 
SMAD2PIAS4Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12815042 
cPML interacts with Smad2.BIND15356634 
SMAD2CAMK2GBiochemical ActivityBioGRID11027280 
SMAD2SMURF2SMAD2 interacts with SMURF2.BIND15761153 
SMAD2FOXH1The SIM motif of FoxH1 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human FoxH1 and Smad2 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
FoxH1 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxH1 from an unspecified species and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
-HPRD,BioGRID9288972 |9389648 
SMAD2SNW1SKIP interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human SKIP and Smad2 from an unspecified source.BIND11278756 
SMAD2SNW1SKIP interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human SKIP and Smad2 from an unspecified source.BIND11278756 
SMAD2FOXH1The SIM motif of FoxH1 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human FoxH1 and Smad2 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
FoxH1 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxH1 from an unspecified species and Smad3 from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
-HPRD,BioGRID9288972 |9389648 
SMAD2SMURF2SMAD2 interacts with SMURF2.BIND15761153 
SMAD2RUNX1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10531362 
SMAD2EP300p300 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human Smad2.BIND9679056 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10199400 |11371641 
SMAD2RUNX3Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10531362 
T-beta-RI interacts with Smad2.BIND15761153 
SMAD2CREBBPCBP interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse CBP and Smad2 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
CBP interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between CBP from an unspecified species and human Smad2.BIND9679056 
SMAD2ANAPC10Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15144564 
Smad2 interacts with APC10.BIND15144564 
SMAD2PARD3BReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12650946 
SMAD2LEMD3LEMD3 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human LEMD3 and mouse Smad2.BIND15489854 
SMAD2CREBBPCBP interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse CBP and Smad2 from an unspecified species.BIND15750622 
CBP interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between CBP from an unspecified species and human Smad2.BIND9679056 
SMAD2SMAD7Phenotypic SuppressionBioGRID9892009 
SMAD2AKT1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID16362038 
SMAD2CDK4CDK4 phosphorylates Smad2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between Smad2 from an unspecified species and mouse CDK4.BIND15241418 
FOXG1FOXO1FoxO1 interacts with FoxG1. This interaction was modelled on an interaction demonstrated between FoxO1 from an unspecified species and mouse FoxG1.BIND15084259 
FOXG1FOXO4FoxO4 interacts with FoxG1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human FoxO4 and mouse FoxG1.BIND15084259 
SIRT1HIST4H4SirT1 interacts with and deacetylates H4.BIND15469825 
SIRT1HIST1H1BSirT1 interacts with and deacetylates H1b.BIND15469825 
SIRT1NCOR2Sirt1 interacts with SMRT.BIND15175761 
SIRT1FOXO1FOXO1A interacts with SIRT1.BIND15692560 
SIRT1NCOR1Sirt1 interacts with NcoR.BIND15175761 
SIRT1FHL2FHL2 interacts with SIRT1.BIND15692560 
SIRT1HIST3H3SirT1 interacts with and deacetylates H3.BIND15469825 
TP53RFWD2The ubiquitin ligase COP1 interacts with p53 to cause p53 degradation.BIND15103385 
TP53BCL6BCL6 interacts with the p53 promoter region.BIND15577913 
TP53PPP1R13LiASPP interacts with p53BIND15558054 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53RPA1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11751427 |15489903 
TP53TXNp53 interacts with Trx.BIND15824742 
TP53BAXp53 interacts with Bax.BIND15607964 
p53 interacts with bax promoter.BIND16009130 
p53 interacts with the Bax promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53XRCC6TP53 (p53) interacts with XRCC6 (Ku70).BIND15782130 
TP53EP300p300 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p300 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15186775 
p300 interacts with and acetylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
TP53SP1p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND9492043 
TP53 (p53) interacts with Sp1.BIND9685344 
TP53 (p53) interacts with SP1.BIND15674334 
TP53TFAP2Cp53 interacts with AP2gamma. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and AP2gamma from an unspecified species.BIND12226108 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12226108 
TP53TFAP2Cp53 interacts with AP2gamma. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and AP2gamma from an unspecified species.BIND12226108 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12226108 
PRMT1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between rat PRMT1 and human p53.BIND15186775 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53CREBBP-HPRD,BioGRID10848610 |11782467 
p53 interacts with CBP. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and CBP from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53ABL1-HPRD,BioGRID10629029 |10713716 
TP53PIAS1Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10380882 |11583632 
PIAS1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PIAS1 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15133049 
-HPRD11583632 |11788578 
|11867732 |15133049 
TP53HUWE1ARF-BP1 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15989956 
TP53RFC1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12509469 
TP53NTHL1NTH1 interacts with p53.BIND15358233 
TP53BCL2L1Bcl-xl interacts with p53.BIND14963330 
TP53MDM4Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9226370 |12393902 
-HPRD8895579 |9226370 
|11528400 |12393902 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53CARM1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15186775 
CARM1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse CARM1 and human p53.BIND15186775 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53SFNAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with the SFN (14-3-3-sigma) promoter.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with 14-3-3-sigma promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53XRCC1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15044383 
TP53BRCC3Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID14636569 
TP53MUC1MUC1 C-ter interacts with p53.BIND15710329 
TP53SMARCA4Affinity Capture-Western; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11950834 
p53 interacts with GR. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified species and GR from an unspecified species.BIND9215863 
TP53WRNWRN interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
-HPRD,BioGRID11427532 |12080066 
TP53SP1p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND9492043 
TP53 (p53) interacts with Sp1.BIND9685344 
TP53 (p53) interacts with SP1.BIND15674334 
TP53CCNHAffinity Capture-Western; Far WesternBioGRID9840937 
Parc interacts with p53BIND15558054 
TP53TNFRSF10CTP53 (p53) interacts with TNFRSF10C (TRAIL-R3) gene.BIND14623878 
TP53TFAP2Ap53 interacts with AP2alpha.BIND12226108 
TP53CDKN2AAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9529249 |12446718 
TP53STK4-HPRD12384512 |12942774 
TP53HMGB1p53 interacts with HMG-1.BIND9472015 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11106654 |11748221 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
TP53BAK1Mitochondrial p53-P72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Mitochondrial p53-R72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15077116 
TP53EP300p300 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p300 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15186775 
p300 interacts with and acetylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
TP53MED1-HPRD,BioGRID9444950 |11118038 
TP53AURKAp53 interacts with STK15.BIND12198151 
TP53CDK7Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical ActivityBioGRID9372954 |9840937 
TP53BLMBLM interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
BLM interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BLM and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
p53 interacts with BLM.BIND11781842 
p53 interacts with Ubc9. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and Ubc9 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
UBE2I interacts with TP53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between D. melanogaster Lwr (DmUbc9) and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND9514881 
TP53HMGB1p53 interacts with HMG-1.BIND9472015 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11106654 |11748221 
TP53TOPORSTopors interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Topors and mouse p53.BIND11842245 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
p53 interacts with Ubc9. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and Ubc9 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
UBE2I interacts with TP53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between D. melanogaster Lwr (DmUbc9) and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND9514881 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53BRCA1BRCA1a interacts with p53.BIND9926942 
BRCA1 physically associates with p53 and stimulates its transcriptional activityBIND9582019 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
TP53TP53BP1Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Co-localization; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8016121 |11877378 
|12110597 |12351827 
|14978302 |15364958 
-HPRD8016121 |12110597 
p53 interacts with Ubc9. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and Ubc9 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
UBE2I interacts with TP53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between D. melanogaster Lwr (DmUbc9) and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND9514881 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
TP53APTXAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15044383 
TP53GSK3Bp53 interacts with GSK3-beta.BIND12048243 
TP53HIF1AAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9537326 |10640274 
|12124396 |12606552 
p53 interacts with HIF-1 alpha.BIND15629713 
HIF-1alpha interacts with p53BIND11593383 
p53 interacts with SUMO-1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and SUMO-1 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
TP53S100BAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15178678 
-HPRD10876243 |11527429 
TP53CREBBP-HPRD,BioGRID10848610 |11782467 
p53 interacts with CBP. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and CBP from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
TP53PIN1-HPRD,BioGRID12388558 |12397362 
TP53RECQL4TP53 (p53) interacts with the RECQL4 (RECQ4) promoter.BIND15674334 
TP53SIN3Ap53 interacts with mSin3A. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mSin3A from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53S100BAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15178678 
-HPRD10876243 |11527429 
TP53RPL11Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14612427 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
TP53BRCA1BRCA1a interacts with p53.BIND9926942 
BRCA1 physically associates with p53 and stimulates its transcriptional activityBIND9582019 
TP53DHCR24Seladin-1 interacts with p53.BIND15577914 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
p53 interacts with SUMO-1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and SUMO-1 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
p53 interacts with p28ING5.BIND12750254 
TP53PRKRIRReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12384512 
p53 interacts with GR. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified species and GR from an unspecified species.BIND9215863 
TP53TP53BP1Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Co-localization; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8016121 |11877378 
|12110597 |12351827 
|14978302 |15364958 
-HPRD8016121 |12110597 
TP53ING1-HPRD,BioGRID9440695 |12208736 
p53 interacts with ING1b. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified species and human ING1b.BIND12208736 
TP53ERCC3p53 interacts with ERCC3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and ERCC3 from an unspecified species.BIND12379483 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
p53 interacts with AMF1BIND11486030 
TP53YBX1-HPRD11175333 |11973333 
in vitro; in vivo; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11175333 |15136035 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53BRCA1BRCA1a interacts with p53.BIND9926942 
BRCA1 physically associates with p53 and stimulates its transcriptional activityBIND9582019 
TP53BLMBLM interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
BLM interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BLM and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
p53 interacts with BLM.BIND11781842 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53SP1p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND9492043 
TP53 (p53) interacts with Sp1.BIND9685344 
TP53 (p53) interacts with SP1.BIND15674334 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
COX-2 interacts with p53.BIND15608668 
PRMT1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between rat PRMT1 and human p53.BIND15186775 
p53 interacts with securin.BIND12355087 
TP53BARD1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14636569 
TP53 (p53) interacts with BARD1.BIND15782130 
TP53HIPK2Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID11740489 |11925430 
HIPK2 does not interact directly with tumour suppressor protein p53 but enhances p53 activity and p53 expression or stabilityBIND11532197 
TP53BAK1Mitochondrial p53-P72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Mitochondrial p53-R72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15077116 
TP53ATRATR interacts with TP53 (p53).BIND15775976 
Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10608806 |15159397 
TP53APEX1p53 interacts with Ref-1.BIND15824742 
Biochemical Activity; Protein-peptideBioGRID9679063 |10608806 
TP53HIF1AAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9537326 |10640274 
|12124396 |12606552 
p53 interacts with HIF-1 alpha.BIND15629713 
HIF-1alpha interacts with p53BIND11593383 
TP53TNFRSF10Bp53 interacts with DR5.BIND15607964 
-HPRD7761466 |7809597 
TP53ATRATR interacts with TP53 (p53).BIND15775976 
Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10608806 |15159397 
TP53MTA2Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12920132 
PID interacts with p53.BIND11099047 
TP53PPP2CAp53 interacts with PPP2CA. This interaction is modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified source and human PP2AC.BIND12556559 
TP53PMLAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11025664 |11080164 
-HPRD11025664 |11080164 
P53 interacts with ER-alpha.BIND10766163 
TP53DDX5p68 interacts with p53.BIND15660129 
p53 interacts with p28ING5.BIND12750254 
TP53EP300p300 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p300 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15186775 
p300 interacts with and acetylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
TP53HDAC1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12426395 
TP53GSK3Bp53 interacts with GSK3-beta.BIND12048243 
TP53UBE3A-HPRD9143503 |9369221 
TP53YBX1-HPRD11175333 |11973333 
in vitro; in vivo; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11175333 |15136035 
TP53EPHA3Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15355990 
TP53HSPA8Hsc70 interacts with p53.BIND8940078 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11297531 
p53 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Hsc70. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and bovine Hsc70.BIND9235949 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53PPP4CReconstituted ComplexBioGRID9837938 
TP53CR2P53 interacts with CR2.BIND7753047 
TP53BAXp53 interacts with Bax.BIND15607964 
p53 interacts with bax promoter.BIND16009130 
p53 interacts with the Bax promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53HMGB1p53 interacts with HMG-1.BIND9472015 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11106654 |11748221 
TP53MTA2Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12920132 
PID interacts with p53.BIND11099047 
TP53PMLAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11025664 |11080164 
-HPRD11025664 |11080164 
TP53APEX1p53 interacts with Ref-1.BIND15824742 
TP53TP53I3p53 interacts with PIG3 promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53PPP1R13LiASPP interacts with p53BIND15558054 
TP53BAK1Mitochondrial p53-P72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Mitochondrial p53-R72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15077116 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
P53 interacts with ER-alpha.BIND10766163 
p53 interacts with HAUSP.BIND15916963 
TP53ERCC3p53 interacts with ERCC3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and ERCC3 from an unspecified species.BIND12379483 
TP53PIAS1Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10380882 |11583632 
PIAS1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PIAS1 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15133049 
-HPRD11583632 |11788578 
|11867732 |15133049 
TP53PHBAffinity Capture-Western; Co-localization; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID14500729 
TP53CDK9Phenotypic SuppressionBioGRID10656684 
TP53SFNAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with the SFN (14-3-3-sigma) promoter.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with 14-3-3-sigma promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53ING1-HPRD,BioGRID9440695 |12208736 
p53 interacts with ING1b. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified species and human ING1b.BIND12208736 
TP53CARM1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15186775 
CARM1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse CARM1 and human p53.BIND15186775 
TP53AURKAp53 interacts with STK15.BIND12198151 
TP53HSPA8Hsc70 interacts with p53.BIND8940078 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11297531 
p53 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Hsc70. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and bovine Hsc70.BIND9235949 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53TAGAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14612521 
TP53MSX1MSX1 interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MSX1 from an unspecified species, and human p53.BIND15705871 
TP53TP53BP2-HPRD,BioGRID8016121 |8668206 
TP53HSP90AA1-HPRD,BioGRID11507088 |12427754 
TP53HSPA8Hsc70 interacts with p53.BIND8940078 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11297531 
p53 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Hsc70. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and bovine Hsc70.BIND9235949 
p53 interacts with securin.BIND12355087 
TP53S100A4-HPRD,BioGRID11278647 |11527429 
|12942774 |15116098 
p53 interacts with AMF1BIND11486030 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10359315 
TP53BCL2L1Bcl-xl interacts with p53.BIND14963330 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53HIF1AAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9537326 |10640274 
|12124396 |12606552 
p53 interacts with HIF-1 alpha.BIND15629713 
HIF-1alpha interacts with p53BIND11593383 
p53 interacts with the cdc25c promoter.BIND15574328 
An unspecified isoform of ATF3 interacts with p53.BIND15933712 
TP53SP1p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND9492043 
TP53 (p53) interacts with Sp1.BIND9685344 
TP53 (p53) interacts with SP1.BIND15674334 
TP53TFAP2Ap53 interacts with AP2alpha.BIND12226108 
TP53TOPORSTopors interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Topors and mouse p53.BIND11842245 
TP53WRNWRN interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
-HPRD,BioGRID11427532 |12080066 
-HPRD7761466 |7809597 
TP53CREB1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10848610 
Biochemical Activity; Protein-peptideBioGRID9679063 |10608806 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53PIAS1Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10380882 |11583632 
PIAS1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PIAS1 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15133049 
-HPRD11583632 |11788578 
|11867732 |15133049 
TP53MRE11AMre11 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mre11 and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
TP53MDM4Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9226370 |12393902 
-HPRD8895579 |9226370 
|11528400 |12393902 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10359315 
p53 interacts with p29ING4.BIND12750254 
TP53SFNAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with the SFN (14-3-3-sigma) promoter.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with 14-3-3-sigma promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53BARD1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14636569 
TP53 (p53) interacts with BARD1.BIND15782130 
TP53E4F1-HPRD,BioGRID10644996 |12446718|12446718 
TP53HTTp53 interacts with htt. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and htt from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
Htt interacts with TP53(p53).BIND15996546 
TP53BREAffinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID14636569 
TP53BNIP3Lp53 interacts with Bnip3L.BIND15607964 
TP53HTTp53 interacts with htt. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and htt from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
Htt interacts with TP53(p53).BIND15996546 
An unspecified isoform of ATF3 interacts with p53.BIND15933712 
TP53CDK2Biochemical ActivityBioGRID10884347 
TP53SMG1hSMG-1 phosphorylates p53.BIND15175154 
TP53EP300p300 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p300 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15186775 
p300 interacts with and acetylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Parc interacts with p53BIND15558054 
TP53BAG1Phenotypic SuppressionBioGRID9582267 
TP53BAXp53 interacts with Bax.BIND15607964 
p53 interacts with bax promoter.BIND16009130 
p53 interacts with the Bax promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53BLMBLM interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
BLM interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BLM and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
p53 interacts with BLM.BIND11781842 
TP53RAD51-HPRD,BioGRID8617246 |9380510 
TP53CR2P53 interacts with CR2.BIND7753047 
p53 interacts with p29ING4.BIND12750254 
TP53YY1YY1 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
COX-2 interacts with p53.BIND15608668 
TP53BLMBLM interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
BLM interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BLM and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
p53 interacts with BLM.BIND11781842 
TP53ARBiochemical Activity; Phenotypic SuppressionBioGRID11504717 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53MAPK1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10958792 
TP53TOPORSTopors interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Topors and mouse p53.BIND11842245 
p53 interacts with the cdc25c promoter.BIND15574328 
TP53HIPK2Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID11740489 |11925430 
HIPK2 does not interact directly with tumour suppressor protein p53 but enhances p53 activity and p53 expression or stabilityBIND11532197 
TP53KAT2BBiochemical ActivityBioGRID12068014 
TP53TP53INP1-HPRD,BioGRID11511362 |12851404 
p53 interacts with HAUSP.BIND15916963 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53HTTp53 interacts with htt. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and htt from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
Htt interacts with TP53(p53).BIND15996546 
TP53TP53RKReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12659830 
TP53HIF1AAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9537326 |10640274 
|12124396 |12606552 
p53 interacts with HIF-1 alpha.BIND15629713 
HIF-1alpha interacts with p53BIND11593383 
IKBKBNFKBIAIKK-beta interacts with and phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha.BIND9346485 
IKK-beta interacts with and phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta and I-kappa-B-alpha both from unspecified species.BIND15808510 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9751059 |9891086 
IKK-beta phosphorylates I-kappa-Ba. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta from unknown species and I-kappa-Ba from unknown species.BIND15084260 
IKBKBPRKCQPKC-theta interacts with IKK-beta.BIND15802604 
IKBKBIKBKAPIKAP interacts with IKK-beta.BIND9751059 
IKBKBCDC37Co-purification; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11864612 
IKK-beta interacts with Cdc37. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta from an unspecified species and human Cdc37.BIND11864612 
IKBKBIRS1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12351658 
IKBKBPRKDCBiochemical ActivityBioGRID9632806 
IKBKBCDC37Co-purification; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11864612 
IKK-beta interacts with Cdc37. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta from an unspecified species and human Cdc37.BIND11864612 
IKBKBMAP3K14IKK-beta interacts with NIK. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human IKK-beta and NIK from an unspecified species.BIND9346485 
IKBKBIKBKAPIKAP interacts with IKK-beta.BIND9751059 
IKBKBIRAK1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11096118 
NEMO interacts with IKK-beta.BIND15802604 
IKBKBNFKBIAIKK-beta interacts with and phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha.BIND9346485 
IKK-beta interacts with and phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta and I-kappa-B-alpha both from unspecified species.BIND15808510 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9751059 |9891086 
IKK-beta phosphorylates I-kappa-Ba. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta from unknown species and I-kappa-Ba from unknown species.BIND15084260 
IKBKBNFKBIBIKK-beta phosphorylates I-kappa-B-beta.BIND9346485 
IKBKBBTRCAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11158290 
NEMO interacts with IKK-beta.BIND15802604 
IKBKBNFKBIAIKK-beta interacts with and phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha.BIND9346485 
IKK-beta interacts with and phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta and I-kappa-B-alpha both from unspecified species.BIND15808510 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9751059 |9891086 
IKK-beta phosphorylates I-kappa-Ba. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta from unknown species and I-kappa-Ba from unknown species.BIND15084260 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical ActivityBioGRID10469655 |11158290 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical ActivityBioGRID10469655 |11158290 
IKBKBPRDX3Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12492477 
IKBKBBIRC3The cIAP-2 promoter interacts with IKK-beta.BIND15494311 
IKBKBPRKCQPKC-theta interacts with IKK-beta.BIND15802604 
IKBKBIL8The IL-8 promoter interacts with IKK-beta.BIND15494311 
IKBKBMAP3K14IKK-beta interacts with NIK. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human IKK-beta and NIK from an unspecified species.BIND9346485 
IKBKBPPM1BAffinity Capture-Western; Biochemical ActivityBioGRID14585847 
IKBKBTRPC4APAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14585990 
IKBKBNFKBIAIKK-beta interacts with and phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha.BIND9346485 
IKK-beta interacts with and phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta and I-kappa-B-alpha both from unspecified species.BIND15808510 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9751059 |9891086 
IKK-beta phosphorylates I-kappa-Ba. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-beta from unknown species and I-kappa-Ba from unknown species.BIND15084260 
CTNNB1FERBiochemical ActivityBioGRID12640114 
CTNNB1CDH1Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal StructureBioGRID7542250 |7876318 
|7954478 |8227214 
|9233779 |9405455 
|9535896 |9819408 
|10381631 |10772923 
|11113628 |11245482 
|11254878 |11348595 
|11712088 |11960376 
|12061792 |12169098 
|12634428 |12640114 
|12830000 |15023525 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse E-cadherin.BIND15294866 
E-cadherin interacts with beta-catenin.BIND14706341 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between beta-catenin from an unspecified species and human E-cadherin.BIND15542433 
CTNNB1CDH17Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15023525 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9434630 |12003790 
CTNNB1BTRC-HPRD11818547 |12114015 
BTRC (Beta-TrCP1) interacts with CTNNB1 (Beta-catenin).BIND15735746 
CTNNB1LEF1-HPRD8757136 |12556497 
Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybridBioGRID8757136 |12748295 
LEF-1 interacts with Beta-catenin. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human LEF-1 and mouse Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
CTNNB1CDH6Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10207020 
CTNNB1PKD1Polycystin-1 interacts with beta-catenin.BIND11113628 
CTNNB1TCF7L2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12861022 
TCF-4 interacts with Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
Beta-catenin interacts with TCF4.BIND15294866 
Beta-catenin interacts with alpha-catenin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse alpha-catenin.BIND15294866 
CTNNB1CDH1Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal StructureBioGRID7542250 |7876318 
|7954478 |8227214 
|9233779 |9405455 
|9535896 |9819408 
|10381631 |10772923 
|11113628 |11245482 
|11254878 |11348595 
|11712088 |11960376 
|12061792 |12169098 
|12634428 |12640114 
|12830000 |15023525 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse E-cadherin.BIND15294866 
E-cadherin interacts with beta-catenin.BIND14706341 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between beta-catenin from an unspecified species and human E-cadherin.BIND15542433 
CTNNB1APCAPC interacts with Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
Beta-catenin interacts with APC. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse Apc.BIND15294866 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Far Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8259519 |9286858 
|11251183 |11533658 
|11707392 |11712088 
|11972058 |12628243 
beta-catenin interacts with the Axin2 promoter.BIND15304487 
CTNNB1DVL2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10806215 
CTNNB1CCND1CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with the CCND1 promoter.BIND15592430 
CTNNB1DKK1CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with the DKK1 promoter.BIND15592430 
CTNNB1PTPRFAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9245795 |11245482 
-HPRD9245795 |12095414 
CTNNB1NLKAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12556497 
CTNNB1DLGAP1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9286858 
CTNNB1PKD1Polycystin-1 interacts with beta-catenin.BIND11113628 
CTNNB1PTPRFAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9245795 |11245482 
-HPRD9245795 |12095414 
CTNNB1PSEN1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9738936 |9852041 
PS1 interacts with beta-catenin.BIND9632714 
CTNNB1TCF7L2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12861022 
TCF-4 interacts with Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
Beta-catenin interacts with TCF4.BIND15294866 
CTNNB1FOXO4beta-catenin interacts with FOXO4. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human FOXO4 and beta-catenin from an unspecified species.BIND15905404 
CTNNB1APC2-HPRD,BioGRID9823329 |10021369 
CTNNB1TFAP2AAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15331612 
CTNNB1IGFBP2CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with the IGFBP2 promoter.BIND15735679 
CTNNB1CDH10Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10861224 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9434630 |12003790 
CTNNB1PTNAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10706604 
CTNNB1CDH1Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal StructureBioGRID7542250 |7876318 
|7954478 |8227214 
|9233779 |9405455 
|9535896 |9819408 
|10381631 |10772923 
|11113628 |11245482 
|11254878 |11348595 
|11712088 |11960376 
|12061792 |12169098 
|12634428 |12640114 
|12830000 |15023525 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse E-cadherin.BIND15294866 
E-cadherin interacts with beta-catenin.BIND14706341 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between beta-catenin from an unspecified species and human E-cadherin.BIND15542433 
CTNNB1MUC1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9139698 |9819408 
|11152665 |11483589 
|11877440 |12618757 
MUC1 interacts with beta-catenin.BIND11483589 
-HPRD9139698 |11152665 
|11483589 |11877440 
CTNNB1METAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11254878 
CTNNB1APCAPC interacts with Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
Beta-catenin interacts with APC. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse Apc.BIND15294866 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Far Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8259519 |9286858 
|11251183 |11533658 
|11707392 |11712088 
|11972058 |12628243 
CTNNB1PHB2Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
CTNNB1HNF4AAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12944908 
CTNNB1TCF7L1Co-crystal StructureBioGRID11136974 
beta-catenin interacts with the Axin2 promoter.BIND15304487 
CTNNB1PTPN13Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10951583 
CTNNB1BCL3CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with BCL3.BIND15829968 
Beta-catenin interacts with alpha-catenin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse alpha-catenin.BIND15294866 
CTNNB1RAB8BAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12639940 
CTNNB1LEF1-HPRD8757136 |12556497 
Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybridBioGRID8757136 |12748295 
LEF-1 interacts with Beta-catenin. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human LEF-1 and mouse Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
CTNNB1GSK3BGSK3B (GSK3-Beta) interacts with and phosphorylates CTNNB1 (Beta-catenin).BIND15829978 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical ActivityBioGRID10330181 |11251183 
CTNNB1RUVBL2CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with RUVBL2 (reptin).BIND15829968 
CTNNB1FOXO1beta-catenin interacts with FOXO1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between beta-catenin from an unspecified species and human FOXO1.BIND15905404 
CTNNB1TCF7L2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12861022 
TCF-4 interacts with Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
Beta-catenin interacts with TCF4.BIND15294866 
CTNNB1NFKB1NFKB1 (p50) interacts with CTNNB1 (beta-catenin).BIND15829968 
CTNNB1CDH3-HPRD8227214 |10381631 
|11889072 |12800191 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID10381631 |10910767 
CTNNB1LGALS9Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
CTNNB1SGK1CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with the SGK promoter.BIND15735679 
CTNNB1AXIN1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9734785 |12805222 
CTNNB1HNF1A-HPRD11266540 |12107263 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11713475 |11713476 
|12657632 |15331612 
CTNNB1VCLAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9405455 
CTNNB1CDH3-HPRD8227214 |10381631 
|11889072 |12800191 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID10381631 |10910767 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11713475 |11713476 
|12657632 |15331612 
CTNNB1KLK3CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with the KLK3 (PSA) promoter.BIND15829968 
CTNNB1BTRC-HPRD11818547 |12114015 
BTRC (Beta-TrCP1) interacts with CTNNB1 (Beta-catenin).BIND15735746 
CTNNB1GSK3BGSK3B (GSK3-Beta) interacts with and phosphorylates CTNNB1 (Beta-catenin).BIND15829978 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical ActivityBioGRID10330181 |11251183 
CTNNB1SKP1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11389839 
CTNNB1CDH1Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal StructureBioGRID7542250 |7876318 
|7954478 |8227214 
|9233779 |9405455 
|9535896 |9819408 
|10381631 |10772923 
|11113628 |11245482 
|11254878 |11348595 
|11712088 |11960376 
|12061792 |12169098 
|12634428 |12640114 
|12830000 |15023525 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse E-cadherin.BIND15294866 
E-cadherin interacts with beta-catenin.BIND14706341 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between beta-catenin from an unspecified species and human E-cadherin.BIND15542433 
CTNNB1PIK3R1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10477752 
CTNNB1TCF7L1Co-crystal StructureBioGRID11136974 
CTNNB1CD82CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with the CD82 (KAI1) promoter.BIND15829968 
CTNNB1CDH18Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10207020 
CTNNB1CCND1CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with the CCND1 promoter.BIND15592430 
CTNNB1PCSK1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11113628 
CTNNB1CDH2Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12604612 |14625392 
CTNNB1TFF1beta-catenin interacts with the pS2 promoter.BIND15304487 
CTNNB1MUC1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9139698 |9819408 
|11152665 |11483589 
|11877440 |12618757 
MUC1 interacts with beta-catenin.BIND11483589 
-HPRD9139698 |11152665 
|11483589 |11877440 
CTNNB1CDH1Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal StructureBioGRID7542250 |7876318 
|7954478 |8227214 
|9233779 |9405455 
|9535896 |9819408 
|10381631 |10772923 
|11113628 |11245482 
|11254878 |11348595 
|11712088 |11960376 
|12061792 |12169098 
|12634428 |12640114 
|12830000 |15023525 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse E-cadherin.BIND15294866 
E-cadherin interacts with beta-catenin.BIND14706341 
Beta-catenin interacts with E-cadherin. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between beta-catenin from an unspecified species and human E-cadherin.BIND15542433 
CTNNB1FASCTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with the FAS promoter.BIND15829968 
CTNNB1CDH2Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12604612 |14625392 
CTNNB1PSEN1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9738936 |9852041 
PS1 interacts with beta-catenin.BIND9632714 
CTNNB1LEF1-HPRD8757136 |12556497 
Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybridBioGRID8757136 |12748295 
LEF-1 interacts with Beta-catenin. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human LEF-1 and mouse Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
CTNNB1JUPAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9535896 |11712088 
CTNNB1MUC1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9139698 |9819408 
|11152665 |11483589 
|11877440 |12618757 
MUC1 interacts with beta-catenin.BIND11483589 
-HPRD9139698 |11152665 
|11483589 |11877440 
CTNNB1CACYBPAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11389839 
CTNNB1MYO7AAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11080149 
CTNNB1CREBBPPhenotypic EnhancementBioGRID15782138 
CTNNB1APCAPC interacts with Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
Beta-catenin interacts with APC. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse Apc.BIND15294866 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Far Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8259519 |9286858 
|11251183 |11533658 
|11707392 |11712088 
|11972058 |12628243 
CTNNB1CTNND1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9535896 |11712088 
CTNNB1BCL9Beta-catenin interacts with LGS1.BIND15294866 
CTNNB1NR5A2beta-catenin interacts with LRH-1.BIND15327767 
CTNNB1RXRAAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12771132 
CTNNB1TCF7L2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12861022 
TCF-4 interacts with Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
Beta-catenin interacts with TCF4.BIND15294866 
CTNNB1ESR1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15304487 
beta-catenin interacts with ER-alpha.BIND15304487 
CTNNB1TGFBR2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12000714 
CTNNB1ESR1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15304487 
beta-catenin interacts with ER-alpha.BIND15304487 
CTNNB1FGF20CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) interacts with the FGF20 promoter.BIND15592430 
CTNNB1AXIN1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9734785 |12805222 
CTNNB1MAGI1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10772923 
CTNNB1PTPN11Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10681592 
CTNNB1APCAPC interacts with Beta-catenin.BIND15525529 
Beta-catenin interacts with APC. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human beta-catenin and mouse Apc.BIND15294866 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Far Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8259519 |9286858 
|11251183 |11533658 
|11707392 |11712088 
|11972058 |12628243 
CTNNB1SMAD7Affinity Capture-Western; Co-localizationBioGRID15684397 
CTNNB1FYNBiochemical ActivityBioGRID12640114 
CTNNB1CDK5R1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11168528 
CTNNB1RUVBL1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9843967 
CTNNB1PIK3R1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10477752 
CDKN1BCCND3Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10342870 |11360184 
CDKN1BCCNA2p27 interacts with Cyc A.BIND15469821 
p27 interacts with cyclin A.BIND9632134 
p27 interacts with cyclin A.BIND15652749 
CDKN1BSPDYAAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12972555 
CDKN1BCCNE1p27 interacts with cyclin E.BIND9632134 
p27 interacts with Cyc E.BIND15469821 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9891079 |12529437 
CDKN1BCOPS5Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12082530 
COPS5 (CSN5) interacts with CDKN1B (p27).BIND15688030 
CDKN1BCDK6Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11360184 
CDKN1BCCND1in vitro; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10908655 |11360184 
p27 interacts with cyclin D.BIND9632134 
-HPRD7478582 |10908655 
CDKN1BSTMN1p27 interacts with stathmin.BIND15652749 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12042314 |12140288 
CDKN1B (p27Kip1) interacts with SKP2 (p45Skp2).BIND15735731 
Skp2 interacts with p27.BIND15469821 
CDKN1BTSC2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15355997 
CDKN1BCKS1BBiochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12140288 |12813041 
CDKN1BCOPS5Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12082530 
COPS5 (CSN5) interacts with CDKN1B (p27).BIND15688030 
CDKN1BCCNA2p27 interacts with Cyc A.BIND15469821 
p27 interacts with cyclin A.BIND9632134 
p27 interacts with cyclin A.BIND15652749 
CDKN1BCDK2p27 interacts with an unspecified isoform of CDK2.BIND15652749 
Cdk2 interacts with p27kip1.BIND15619620 
Cdk2 interacts with p27.BIND15469821 
CDKN1BCDK2p27 interacts with an unspecified isoform of CDK2.BIND15652749 
Cdk2 interacts with p27kip1.BIND15619620 
Cdk2 interacts with p27.BIND15469821 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12042314 |12140288 
CDKN1B (p27Kip1) interacts with SKP2 (p45Skp2).BIND15735731 
Skp2 interacts with p27.BIND15469821 
CDKN1BCCNA2p27 interacts with Cyc A.BIND15469821 
p27 interacts with cyclin A.BIND9632134 
p27 interacts with cyclin A.BIND15652749 
CDKN1BXPO1p27Kip1 interacts with CRM1.BIND11889117 
-HPRD,BioGRID11889117 |12529437 
CDKN1BTSC1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15355997 
CDKN1BXPO1p27Kip1 interacts with CRM1.BIND11889117 
-HPRD,BioGRID11889117 |12529437 
CDKN1BCCND1in vitro; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10908655 |11360184 
p27 interacts with cyclin D.BIND9632134 
-HPRD7478582 |10908655 
CDKN1BCCNA2p27 interacts with Cyc A.BIND15469821 
p27 interacts with cyclin A.BIND9632134 
p27 interacts with cyclin A.BIND15652749 
CDKN1BAKT1Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical ActivityBioGRID12042314 
CDKN1BCCNE1p27 interacts with cyclin E.BIND9632134 
p27 interacts with Cyc E.BIND15469821 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9891079 |12529437 
CDKN1BUBBUb interacts with p27.BIND15469821 
CDKN1BCCNA1cyclin A1 interacts with p27.BIND10022926 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12042314 |12140288 
CDKN1B (p27Kip1) interacts with SKP2 (p45Skp2).BIND15735731 
Skp2 interacts with p27.BIND15469821 
CDKN1BCDK2p27 interacts with an unspecified isoform of CDK2.BIND15652749 
Cdk2 interacts with p27kip1.BIND15619620 
Cdk2 interacts with p27.BIND15469821 
CDKN1BCCND1in vitro; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10908655 |11360184 
p27 interacts with cyclin D.BIND9632134 
-HPRD7478582 |10908655 
CDKN1BCCNE1p27 interacts with cyclin E.BIND9632134 
p27 interacts with Cyc E.BIND15469821 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9891079 |12529437 
CDKN1BKPNA2p27 interacts with importin-alpha.BIND15579463 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12042314 |12140288 
CDKN1B (p27Kip1) interacts with SKP2 (p45Skp2).BIND15735731 
Skp2 interacts with p27.BIND15469821 
CDKN1BCDK2p27 interacts with an unspecified isoform of CDK2.BIND15652749 
Cdk2 interacts with p27kip1.BIND15619620 
Cdk2 interacts with p27.BIND15469821 
CDKN1ACCNA2p21 interacts with cyclin A.BIND9632134 
cyclin A interacts with p21. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between monkey cyclin A and monkey p21.BIND16009130 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCNA2 (cyclin A).BIND8662825 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12947099 
CDKN1AGADD45A-HPRD7478594 |11498536 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10912791 |10973963 
CDKN1AMAP3K5Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12820963 
CDKN1ACDK2p21WAF1 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Cdk2 from an unspecified species.BIND7780738 
p21 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2.BIND11302688 
p21 interacts with CDK2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster CDK2.BIND9467962 
p21 interacts with Cdk2.BIND9546435 
Waf1 interacts with p50 subunit of DNA polymerase delta.BIND12522211 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1ASP1SP1 interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
Sp1 interacts with CDKN1A promoter.BIND15780936 
CDKN1AHDAC1HDAC1 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
HDAC1 interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
CDKN1AMYCMyc interacts with CDKN1A promoter.BIND15780936 
c-Myc binds the proximal region of the p21Cip1 promoter.BIND15084259 
c-Myc interacts with p21WAF1 promoter.BIND15856024 
CDKN1AMED21MED21 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15989967 
CDKN1APIAS2Miz1 interacts with p-P21CIP1.BIND15580267 
Miz-1 interacts with CDKN1A promoter.BIND15780936 
CDKN1AFOXO4FoxO4 binds the distal region of the p21Cip1 promoter. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxO4 from an unspecified species and p21Cip1 promoter from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1ACDK2p21WAF1 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Cdk2 from an unspecified species.BIND7780738 
p21 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2.BIND11302688 
p21 interacts with CDK2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster CDK2.BIND9467962 
p21 interacts with Cdk2.BIND9546435 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1ACCNA2p21 interacts with cyclin A.BIND9632134 
cyclin A interacts with p21. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between monkey cyclin A and monkey p21.BIND16009130 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCNA2 (cyclin A).BIND8662825 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12947099 
CDKN1ACCNE1p21 interacts with cyclin E.BIND9632134 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12839982 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCNE1 (cyclin E).BIND8662825 
CDKN1ADDX5p68 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15660129 
CDKN1ACDK2p21WAF1 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Cdk2 from an unspecified species.BIND7780738 
p21 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2.BIND11302688 
p21 interacts with CDK2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster CDK2.BIND9467962 
p21 interacts with Cdk2.BIND9546435 
CDKN1AMITFAn unspecified isoform of Mitf interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15716956 
CDKN1ACCND1-HPRD,BioGRID7478582 |8657154 
p21 interacts with cyclin D.BIND9632134 
Cyclin D1 interacts with p21.BIND8999999 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCND1 (cyclin D1).BIND8662825 
CDKN1ACCNB1CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCNB1 (cyclin B1).BIND8662825 
CDKN1AFOXO1FoxO1 binds the distal region of the p21Cip1 promoter. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between FoxO1 from an unspecified species and p21Cip1 promoter from an unspecified species.BIND15084259 
CDKN1AHDAC1HDAC1 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
HDAC1 interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
Waf1 interacts with p50 subunit of DNA polymerase delta.BIND12522211 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1ATP73p73-beta interacts with p21 promoter. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p73-beta from an unspecified species and human p21 promoter.BIND15893728 
p73-alpha interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15893728 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1AMED1MED1 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15989967 
CDKN1ACCND1-HPRD,BioGRID7478582 |8657154 
p21 interacts with cyclin D.BIND9632134 
Cyclin D1 interacts with p21.BIND8999999 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCND1 (cyclin D1).BIND8662825 
CDKN1AMUC1MUC1 C-ter interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
CDKN1ACDC2p21 interacts with CDC2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster CDC2.BIND9467962 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1ACREBBPCREBBP (CBP) interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
CBP interacts with p21.BIND10764767 
CDKN1ACCNA2p21 interacts with cyclin A.BIND9632134 
cyclin A interacts with p21. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between monkey cyclin A and monkey p21.BIND16009130 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCNA2 (cyclin A).BIND8662825 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12947099 
CDKN1AHERC5Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10581175 
CDKN1ACHEK1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
CDKN1AMYCMyc interacts with CDKN1A promoter.BIND15780936 
c-Myc binds the proximal region of the p21Cip1 promoter.BIND15084259 
c-Myc interacts with p21WAF1 promoter.BIND15856024 
CDKN1ACDK2p21WAF1 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Cdk2 from an unspecified species.BIND7780738 
p21 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2.BIND11302688 
p21 interacts with CDK2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster CDK2.BIND9467962 
p21 interacts with Cdk2.BIND9546435 
CDKN1ACREBBPCREBBP (CBP) interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
CBP interacts with p21.BIND10764767 
CDKN1AHIST4H4HIST4H4 (H4) interacts with the CDKN1A promoter.BIND15765097 
HIST4H4 (H4) interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
CDKN1ARB1Rb interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15716956 
CDKN1ACCNA1cyclin A1 interacts with p21.BIND10022926 
CDKN1ACDK2p21WAF1 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Cdk2 from an unspecified species.BIND7780738 
p21 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Cdk2.BIND11302688 
p21 interacts with CDK2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster CDK2.BIND9467962 
p21 interacts with Cdk2.BIND9546435 
CDKN1ATP73p73-beta interacts with p21 promoter. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p73-beta from an unspecified species and human p21 promoter.BIND15893728 
p73-alpha interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15893728 
CDKN1ASMARCA4BRG1 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15780937 
CDKN1ACCND1-HPRD,BioGRID7478582 |8657154 
p21 interacts with cyclin D.BIND9632134 
Cyclin D1 interacts with p21.BIND8999999 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCND1 (cyclin D1).BIND8662825 
CDKN1AMDM2Mdm2 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15546622 
CDKN1AHIST4H4HIST4H4 (H4) interacts with the CDKN1A promoter.BIND15765097 
HIST4H4 (H4) interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
CDKN1ASP1SP1 interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
Sp1 interacts with CDKN1A promoter.BIND15780936 
CDKN1AAPEX1Ref1 interacts weakly with p21 promoter.BIND15674341 
CDKN1ACCNA2p21 interacts with cyclin A.BIND9632134 
cyclin A interacts with p21. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between monkey cyclin A and monkey p21.BIND16009130 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCNA2 (cyclin A).BIND8662825 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12947099 
CDKN1ACCND1-HPRD,BioGRID7478582 |8657154 
p21 interacts with cyclin D.BIND9632134 
Cyclin D1 interacts with p21.BIND8999999 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCND1 (cyclin D1).BIND8662825 
CDKN1AZBTB17Miz1 interacts with p21WAF1 promoter.BIND15856024 
CDKN1ACCNE1p21 interacts with cyclin E.BIND9632134 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12839982 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCNE1 (cyclin E).BIND8662825 
CDKN1ABCCIP-HPRD,BioGRID10878006 |14726710 
CDKN1AHIF1AHIF-1alpha interacts with CDKN1A promoter.BIND15780936 
CDKN1ACCNE1p21 interacts with cyclin E.BIND9632134 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12839982 
CDKN1A (p21) interacts with CCNE1 (cyclin E).BIND8662825 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1AGADD45A-HPRD7478594 |11498536 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10912791 |10973963 
CDKN1APIAS2Miz1 interacts with p-P21CIP1.BIND15580267 
Miz-1 interacts with CDKN1A promoter.BIND15780936 
CDKN1AMYCMyc interacts with CDKN1A promoter.BIND15780936 
c-Myc binds the proximal region of the p21Cip1 promoter.BIND15084259 
c-Myc interacts with p21WAF1 promoter.BIND15856024 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CDKN1ACDK4Cdk4 interacts with p21.BIND8999999 
CDKN1APCNACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
CHUKNFKBIABiochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9252186 |9751059 
IKK-alpha phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha.BIND9346485 
Ikk-alpha phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human IKK-alpha and I-kappa-B-alpha from an unspecified species.BIND15782119 
CHUKFKBP5FKBP5 (FKBP51) interacts with CHUK (IKK-alpha).BIND14743216 
CHUKCCND1IKK-alpha interacts with cyclin D1 promoter.BIND15808510 
CHUKIKBKGAffinity Capture-Western; in vitro; in vivo; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10968790 |11864612 
-HPRD10968790 |12133833 
CHUKIKBKAPIKAP interacts with IKK-alpha. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human IKAP and IKK-alpha from an unspecified species.BIND9751059 
CHUKEIF2AK2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10848580 
CHUKPRKCQPKC-theta interacts with IKK-alpha.BIND15802604 
CHUKFANCAAffinity Capture-Western; Two-hybridBioGRID12210728 |14499622 
CHUKRELARELA (p65) interacts with CHUK (I-kappa-B-alpha).BIND15845455 
I-kappa-B-alpha interacts with RelA.BIND15994554 
CHUKMYCIKK-alpha interacts with c-myc promoter.BIND15808510 
CHUKNFKBIABiochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9252186 |9751059 
IKK-alpha phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha.BIND9346485 
Ikk-alpha phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human IKK-alpha and I-kappa-B-alpha from an unspecified species.BIND15782119 
CHUKNCOR2IKK-alpha phosphorylates SMRT.BIND15494311 
CHUKAKT2AKT2 interacts with and phosphorylates IKK-alpha. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human AKT2 and IKKalpha from an unspecified species.BIND12048203 
CHUKBIRC3The cIAP-2 promoter interacts with IKK-alpha.BIND15494311 
CHUKBTRCI-kappa-B-alpha interacts with beta-TrCP.BIND15994554 
CHUKEBAG9IKK-alpha interacts with EBAG9 promoter.BIND15808510 
CHUKAKT2AKT2 interacts with and phosphorylates IKK-alpha. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human AKT2 and IKKalpha from an unspecified species.BIND12048203 
CHUKNFKBIABiochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9252186 |9751059 
IKK-alpha phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha.BIND9346485 
Ikk-alpha phosphorylates I-kappa-B-alpha. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human IKK-alpha and I-kappa-B-alpha from an unspecified species.BIND15782119 
Ikk-alpha interacts with NIK. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human IKK-alpha and NIK from an unspecified species.BIND9346485 
CHUKTANKIKK-alpha interacts with TANK.BIND12133833 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12133833 
TANK interacts with IKK-alpha.BIND12133833 
CHUKIKBKGAffinity Capture-Western; in vitro; in vivo; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10968790 |11864612 
-HPRD10968790 |12133833 
CHUKUBE2IBiochemical ActivityBioGRID11853669 
CHUKTRPC4APAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14585990 
CHUKIL8The IL-8 promoter interacts with IKK-alpha.BIND15494311 
IKK-alpha interacts with Cdc37. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-alpha from an unspecified species and human Cdc37.BIND11864612 
IKK-alpha interacts with Cdc37. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between IKK-alpha from an unspecified species and human Cdc37.BIND11864612 
CHUKTANKIKK-alpha interacts with TANK.BIND12133833 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12133833 
TANK interacts with IKK-alpha.BIND12133833 
CHUKTANKIKK-alpha interacts with TANK.BIND12133833 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12133833 
TANK interacts with IKK-alpha.BIND12133833 
CHUKIRAK1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11096118 
Ikk-alpha interacts with NIK. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human IKK-alpha and NIK from an unspecified species.BIND9346485 
CHUKIKBKAPIKAP interacts with IKK-alpha. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human IKAP and IKK-alpha from an unspecified species.BIND9751059 
CHUKRELARELA (p65) interacts with CHUK (I-kappa-B-alpha).BIND15845455 
I-kappa-B-alpha interacts with RelA.BIND15994554 
CHUKNCOA3Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11971985 
CHUKESR1IKK-alpha interacts with ER-alpha.BIND15808510 
CHUKPPM1BAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14585847 

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