Schizophrenia Gene Resource
(SZGR) provides a comprehensive online resource for
schizophrenia genetics studies. SZGR also provides an online candidate gene ranking tool
to help the user prioritize candidate genes by pre-optimized or
custom weight schemes. Since 2009, we have been maintaining and updating this SZ gene resource to the community. Feed back please send email to us.
Click here for a summary table of all gene sets. Data summary and updates can be found here. Currently, SZGR collected
and integrated genes related to schizophrenia from the following
data sources and annotations:
- large-scale GWA studies (e.g., PGC)
- SZ-associated SNPs from GWAS Catalog, GWASdb
- brain related annotation data from ENCODE, RoadMap, FANTOM5, eQTL, RegulomeDB
- association studies
- linkage analysis
- general gene expression
- spatial and temporal brain expression data from BRAINATLAS
- literature search
- Gene Ontology annotations
- protein-protein interaction networks
- KEGG pathways
- microRNAs and their target sites.
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- As of 12/20/2015, annotation from RegulomeDB, RoadMap, ENCODE, and FANTOM5 were included.
- In 07/21/2015, schizophrenia related SNPs from GWAS Catalog were included. Additional annotation such as enhancer, promoter, and gene expression is now available.
- In 06/18/2015, we added spatiotemporal brain expression data from BRAINSPAN. We now allow users to search for gene expression. We also integrated visualization tools for gene co-expression distribution.
- In 03/20/2015, we annotated PGC2 SNPs using enhancer
and promoter from RoadMap brain samples. We combined the following samples for brain tissues:
- E071 Brain Hippocampus
- E074 Brain Substantia Nigra
- E068 Brain Anterior Caudate
- E069 Brain Cingulate Gyrus
- E072 Brain Inferior Temporal Lobe
- E067 Brain Angular Gyrus
- E073 Brain_Dorsolateral_Prefrontal_Cortex
- E082 Fetal Brain Female
- E081 Fetal Brain Male
- In December 28, 2014, PGC2 significant SNPs were included
in SZGR.
Browse by human chromosome |
Use online gene ranking tool here
Prioritized candidate gene lists:
Please contact us if you would like to deposit your data to SZGR