Protein-protein interaction for RHBDL2

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Protein-protein interaction data for gene RHBDL2

Degree = 1
Interactor A Interactor B Experimental method Source Pubmed

Degree = 2
Interactor A Interactor B Experimental method Source Pubmed
EFNB2SDCBPEphrin-B2 interacts with ST-1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Ephrin-B2 and rat ST-1.BIND11152476 
EFNB2SDCBPEphrin-B2 interacts with ST-1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Ephrin-B2 and rat ST-1.BIND11152476 
EFNB2EPHB2The membrane bound ligand HTK-L interacts with the receptor NUK. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between HTK-L from human and NUK from mouse.BIND8755474 
EFNB2EPHB4-HPRD9718367 |12051776 
EFNB2EPHB1-HPRD8559144 |10066262 
The membrane bound ligand HTK-L interacts with the receptor ELK. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between HTK-L from human and ELK from rat.BIND8755474 
EFNB2EPHB2The membrane bound ligand HTK-L interacts with the receptor NUK. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between HTK-L from human and NUK from mouse.BIND8755474 
EFNB2EPHB1-HPRD8559144 |10066262 
The membrane bound ligand HTK-L interacts with the receptor ELK. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between HTK-L from human and ELK from rat.BIND8755474 
EFNB3GRIP2in vitro; in vivo; Two-hybridBioGRID10197531 
EFNB3EPHA4-HPRD,BioGRID9484836 |12383247 

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