Protein-protein interaction for XRCC1

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Protein-protein interaction data for gene XRCC1

Degree = 1
Interactor A Interactor B Experimental method Source Pubmed
XRCC1NEIL1XRCC1 interacts with Neil1.BIND15260972 
XRCC1APTXAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID15044383 |15555565 
APTX interacts with XRCC1.BIND15555565 
XRCC1PNKPAffinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Far Western; Two-hybridBioGRID11163244 |17353931 
Phosphorylated XRCC1 interacts with PNK.BIND15066279 
XRCC1PARP1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9584196 |15044383 
-HPRD9584196 |14500814 
XRCC1TP53Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15044383 
XRCC1PCNAAffinity Capture-Western; Co-localization; FRET; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15107487 
XRCC1PARP2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11948190 
XRCC1OGG1Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID12933815 
XRCC1POLB-HPRD,BioGRID8978692 |11467963 
XRCC1LIG3-HPRD,BioGRID8264637 |9136882 
|9705932 |11163244 

Degree = 2
Interactor A Interactor B Experimental method Source Pubmed
PNKPDDX20Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPSLC25A12Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPLIG4Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPMCM3Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPHEATR2Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPYWHAQAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPNOM1Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPLAS1LAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPNOL3Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPATAD3BAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPXRCC4Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PNKPNUP93Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
PARP1WRNWRN interacts with PARP1.BIND14734561 
PARP1TAL1Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID16407974 
PARP1THRAPARP-1 interacts with TR-alpha. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PARP-1 and TR-alpha from an unspecified species.BIND15808511 
PARP1MED6PARP-1 interacts with Med6.BIND15808511 
PARP1CASP7PARP interacts with caspase-7. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human PARP and fly drICE.BIND15580265 
PARP1CASP3PARP interacts with Caspase-3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PARP and caspase-3 from an unspecified source.BIND15186778 
PARP1POLA1-HPRD,BioGRID9518481 |9563011 
PARP1TERF2IPAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID15100233 
PARP1TOP1PARP-1 interacts with Topo IBIND15247263 
PARP1NCOA6Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID12519782 
PARP1RARAPARP-1 interacts with RAR-alpha.BIND15808511 
TP53RFWD2The ubiquitin ligase COP1 interacts with p53 to cause p53 degradation.BIND15103385 
TP53BCL6BCL6 interacts with the p53 promoter region.BIND15577913 
TP53PPP1R13LiASPP interacts with p53BIND15558054 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53RPA1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11751427 |15489903 
TP53TXNp53 interacts with Trx.BIND15824742 
TP53BAXp53 interacts with Bax.BIND15607964 
p53 interacts with bax promoter.BIND16009130 
p53 interacts with the Bax promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53XRCC6TP53 (p53) interacts with XRCC6 (Ku70).BIND15782130 
TP53EP300p300 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p300 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15186775 
p300 interacts with and acetylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
TP53SP1p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND9492043 
TP53 (p53) interacts with Sp1.BIND9685344 
TP53 (p53) interacts with SP1.BIND15674334 
TP53TFAP2Cp53 interacts with AP2gamma. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and AP2gamma from an unspecified species.BIND12226108 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12226108 
TP53TFAP2Cp53 interacts with AP2gamma. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and AP2gamma from an unspecified species.BIND12226108 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12226108 
PRMT1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between rat PRMT1 and human p53.BIND15186775 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53CREBBP-HPRD,BioGRID10848610 |11782467 
p53 interacts with CBP. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and CBP from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53ABL1-HPRD,BioGRID10629029 |10713716 
TP53PIAS1Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10380882 |11583632 
PIAS1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PIAS1 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15133049 
-HPRD11583632 |11788578 
|11867732 |15133049 
TP53HUWE1ARF-BP1 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15989956 
TP53RFC1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12509469 
TP53NTHL1NTH1 interacts with p53.BIND15358233 
TP53BCL2L1Bcl-xl interacts with p53.BIND14963330 
TP53MDM4Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9226370 |12393902 
-HPRD8895579 |9226370 
|11528400 |12393902 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53CARM1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15186775 
CARM1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse CARM1 and human p53.BIND15186775 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53SFNAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with the SFN (14-3-3-sigma) promoter.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with 14-3-3-sigma promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53BRCC3Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID14636569 
TP53MUC1MUC1 C-ter interacts with p53.BIND15710329 
TP53SMARCA4Affinity Capture-Western; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11950834 
p53 interacts with GR. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified species and GR from an unspecified species.BIND9215863 
TP53WRNWRN interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
-HPRD,BioGRID11427532 |12080066 
TP53SP1p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND9492043 
TP53 (p53) interacts with Sp1.BIND9685344 
TP53 (p53) interacts with SP1.BIND15674334 
TP53CCNHAffinity Capture-Western; Far WesternBioGRID9840937 
Parc interacts with p53BIND15558054 
TP53TNFRSF10CTP53 (p53) interacts with TNFRSF10C (TRAIL-R3) gene.BIND14623878 
TP53TFAP2Ap53 interacts with AP2alpha.BIND12226108 
TP53CDKN2AAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID9529249 |12446718 
TP53STK4-HPRD12384512 |12942774 
TP53HMGB1p53 interacts with HMG-1.BIND9472015 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11106654 |11748221 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
TP53BAK1Mitochondrial p53-P72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Mitochondrial p53-R72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15077116 
TP53EP300p300 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p300 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15186775 
p300 interacts with and acetylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
TP53MED1-HPRD,BioGRID9444950 |11118038 
TP53AURKAp53 interacts with STK15.BIND12198151 
TP53CDK7Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical ActivityBioGRID9372954 |9840937 
TP53BLMBLM interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
BLM interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BLM and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
p53 interacts with BLM.BIND11781842 
p53 interacts with Ubc9. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and Ubc9 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
UBE2I interacts with TP53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between D. melanogaster Lwr (DmUbc9) and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND9514881 
TP53HMGB1p53 interacts with HMG-1.BIND9472015 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11106654 |11748221 
TP53TOPORSTopors interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Topors and mouse p53.BIND11842245 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
p53 interacts with Ubc9. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and Ubc9 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
UBE2I interacts with TP53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between D. melanogaster Lwr (DmUbc9) and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND9514881 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
TP53TP53BP1Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Co-localization; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8016121 |11877378 
|12110597 |12351827 
|14978302 |15364958 
-HPRD8016121 |12110597 
p53 interacts with Ubc9. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and Ubc9 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
UBE2I interacts with TP53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between D. melanogaster Lwr (DmUbc9) and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND9514881 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
TP53GSK3Bp53 interacts with GSK3-beta.BIND12048243 
TP53HIF1AAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9537326 |10640274 
|12124396 |12606552 
p53 interacts with HIF-1 alpha.BIND15629713 
HIF-1alpha interacts with p53BIND11593383 
p53 interacts with SUMO-1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and SUMO-1 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
TP53S100BAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15178678 
-HPRD10876243 |11527429 
TP53CREBBP-HPRD,BioGRID10848610 |11782467 
p53 interacts with CBP. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and CBP from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
TP53PIN1-HPRD,BioGRID12388558 |12397362 
TP53RECQL4TP53 (p53) interacts with the RECQL4 (RECQ4) promoter.BIND15674334 
TP53SIN3Ap53 interacts with mSin3A. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mSin3A from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53S100BAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15178678 
-HPRD10876243 |11527429 
TP53RPL11Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14612427 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15064416 
An unspecified isoform of ATM interacts with and phosphorylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human ATM and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15916964 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15.BIND15175154 
ATM phosphorylates p53 at serine 15.BIND15790808 
TP53DHCR24Seladin-1 interacts with p53.BIND15577914 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
p53 interacts with SUMO-1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and SUMO-1 from an unspecified species.BIND10788439 
p53 interacts with p28ING5.BIND12750254 
TP53PRKRIRReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12384512 
p53 interacts with GR. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified species and GR from an unspecified species.BIND9215863 
TP53TP53BP1Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Co-localization; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8016121 |11877378 
|12110597 |12351827 
|14978302 |15364958 
-HPRD8016121 |12110597 
TP53ING1-HPRD,BioGRID9440695 |12208736 
p53 interacts with ING1b. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified species and human ING1b.BIND12208736 
TP53ERCC3p53 interacts with ERCC3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and ERCC3 from an unspecified species.BIND12379483 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
p53 interacts with AMF1BIND11486030 
TP53CDKN1Ap53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53 (p53) interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15660129 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15989967 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53YBX1-HPRD11175333 |11973333 
in vitro; in vivo; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11175333 |15136035 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53CDKN1Ap53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53 (p53) interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15660129 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15989967 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53BLMBLM interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
BLM interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BLM and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
p53 interacts with BLM.BIND11781842 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53SP1p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND9492043 
TP53 (p53) interacts with Sp1.BIND9685344 
TP53 (p53) interacts with SP1.BIND15674334 
TP53CDKN1Ap53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53 (p53) interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15660129 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15989967 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53FOXO3Foxo3a interacts with p53.BIND15604409 
COX-2 interacts with p53.BIND15608668 
PRMT1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between rat PRMT1 and human p53.BIND15186775 
p53 interacts with securin.BIND12355087 
TP53BARD1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14636569 
TP53 (p53) interacts with BARD1.BIND15782130 
TP53HIPK2Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID11740489 |11925430 
HIPK2 does not interact directly with tumour suppressor protein p53 but enhances p53 activity and p53 expression or stabilityBIND11532197 
TP53BAK1Mitochondrial p53-P72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Mitochondrial p53-R72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15077116 
TP53ATRATR interacts with TP53 (p53).BIND15775976 
Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10608806 |15159397 
Biochemical Activity; Protein-peptideBioGRID9679063 |10608806 
TP53HIF1AAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9537326 |10640274 
|12124396 |12606552 
p53 interacts with HIF-1 alpha.BIND15629713 
HIF-1alpha interacts with p53BIND11593383 
TP53TNFRSF10Bp53 interacts with DR5.BIND15607964 
-HPRD7761466 |7809597 
TP53ATRATR interacts with TP53 (p53).BIND15775976 
Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10608806 |15159397 
TP53MTA2Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12920132 
PID interacts with p53.BIND11099047 
TP53PPP2CAp53 interacts with PPP2CA. This interaction is modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified source and human PP2AC.BIND12556559 
TP53PMLAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11025664 |11080164 
-HPRD11025664 |11080164 
P53 interacts with ER-alpha.BIND10766163 
TP53DDX5p68 interacts with p53.BIND15660129 
p53 interacts with p28ING5.BIND12750254 
TP53EP300p300 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p300 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15186775 
p300 interacts with and acetylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
TP53HDAC1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12426395 
TP53GSK3Bp53 interacts with GSK3-beta.BIND12048243 
TP53UBE3A-HPRD9143503 |9369221 
TP53YBX1-HPRD11175333 |11973333 
in vitro; in vivo; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11175333 |15136035 
TP53EPHA3Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15355990 
TP53HSPA8Hsc70 interacts with p53.BIND8940078 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11297531 
p53 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Hsc70. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and bovine Hsc70.BIND9235949 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53PPP4CReconstituted ComplexBioGRID9837938 
TP53CR2P53 interacts with CR2.BIND7753047 
TP53BAXp53 interacts with Bax.BIND15607964 
p53 interacts with bax promoter.BIND16009130 
p53 interacts with the Bax promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53HMGB1p53 interacts with HMG-1.BIND9472015 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11106654 |11748221 
TP53MTA2Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12920132 
PID interacts with p53.BIND11099047 
TP53PMLAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11025664 |11080164 
-HPRD11025664 |11080164 
TP53TP53I3p53 interacts with PIG3 promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53PPP1R13LiASPP interacts with p53BIND15558054 
TP53BAK1Mitochondrial p53-P72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Mitochondrial p53-R72 interacts with Bak.BIND15077116 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15077116 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
P53 interacts with ER-alpha.BIND10766163 
p53 interacts with HAUSP.BIND15916963 
TP53ERCC3p53 interacts with ERCC3. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and ERCC3 from an unspecified species.BIND12379483 
TP53PIAS1Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10380882 |11583632 
PIAS1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PIAS1 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15133049 
-HPRD11583632 |11788578 
|11867732 |15133049 
TP53PHBAffinity Capture-Western; Co-localization; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID14500729 
TP53CDK9Phenotypic SuppressionBioGRID10656684 
TP53SFNAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with the SFN (14-3-3-sigma) promoter.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with 14-3-3-sigma promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53ING1-HPRD,BioGRID9440695 |12208736 
p53 interacts with ING1b. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from an unspecified species and human ING1b.BIND12208736 
TP53CARM1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15186775 
CARM1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse CARM1 and human p53.BIND15186775 
TP53AURKAp53 interacts with STK15.BIND12198151 
TP53HSPA8Hsc70 interacts with p53.BIND8940078 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11297531 
p53 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Hsc70. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and bovine Hsc70.BIND9235949 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53TAGAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14612521 
TP53MSX1MSX1 interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MSX1 from an unspecified species, and human p53.BIND15705871 
TP53TP53BP2-HPRD,BioGRID8016121 |8668206 
TP53HSP90AA1-HPRD,BioGRID11507088 |12427754 
TP53HSPA8Hsc70 interacts with p53.BIND8940078 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11297531 
p53 interacts with an unspecified isoform of Hsc70. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and bovine Hsc70.BIND9235949 
p53 interacts with securin.BIND12355087 
TP53CDKN1Ap53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53 (p53) interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15660129 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15989967 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53S100A4-HPRD,BioGRID11278647 |11527429 
|12942774 |15116098 
p53 interacts with AMF1BIND11486030 
TP53CDKN1Ap53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53 (p53) interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15660129 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15989967 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10359315 
TP53BCL2L1Bcl-xl interacts with p53.BIND14963330 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53HIF1AAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9537326 |10640274 
|12124396 |12606552 
p53 interacts with HIF-1 alpha.BIND15629713 
HIF-1alpha interacts with p53BIND11593383 
p53 interacts with the cdc25c promoter.BIND15574328 
An unspecified isoform of ATF3 interacts with p53.BIND15933712 
TP53SP1p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with Sp1.BIND9492043 
TP53 (p53) interacts with Sp1.BIND9685344 
TP53 (p53) interacts with SP1.BIND15674334 
TP53TFAP2Ap53 interacts with AP2alpha.BIND12226108 
TP53TOPORSTopors interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Topors and mouse p53.BIND11842245 
TP53WRNWRN interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
-HPRD,BioGRID11427532 |12080066 
-HPRD7761466 |7809597 
TP53CREB1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10848610 
Biochemical Activity; Protein-peptideBioGRID9679063 |10608806 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53PIAS1Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10380882 |11583632 
PIAS1 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PIAS1 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15133049 
-HPRD11583632 |11788578 
|11867732 |15133049 
TP53MRE11AMre11 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mre11 and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
TP53MDM4Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9226370 |12393902 
-HPRD8895579 |9226370 
|11528400 |12393902 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10359315 
p53 interacts with p29ING4.BIND12750254 
TP53SFNAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with the SFN (14-3-3-sigma) promoter.BIND15574328 
p53 interacts with 14-3-3-sigma promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53BARD1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID14636569 
TP53 (p53) interacts with BARD1.BIND15782130 
TP53E4F1-HPRD,BioGRID10644996 |12446718|12446718 
TP53HTTp53 interacts with htt. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and htt from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
Htt interacts with TP53(p53).BIND15996546 
TP53BREAffinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID14636569 
TP53BNIP3Lp53 interacts with Bnip3L.BIND15607964 
TP53HTTp53 interacts with htt. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and htt from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
Htt interacts with TP53(p53).BIND15996546 
An unspecified isoform of ATF3 interacts with p53.BIND15933712 
TP53CDK2Biochemical ActivityBioGRID10884347 
TP53CDKN1Ap53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND16009130 
TP53 (p53) interacts with the CDKN1A (p21) promoter.BIND15674334 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15660129 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11896572 
p53 interacts with p21 promoter.BIND15989967 
p53 interacts with the p21 promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53SMG1hSMG-1 phosphorylates p53.BIND15175154 
TP53EP300p300 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p300 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15186775 
p300 interacts with and acetylates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p300 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Parc interacts with p53BIND15558054 
TP53BAG1Phenotypic SuppressionBioGRID9582267 
TP53BAXp53 interacts with Bax.BIND15607964 
p53 interacts with bax promoter.BIND16009130 
p53 interacts with the Bax promoter.BIND15710329 
TP53BLMBLM interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
BLM interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BLM and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
p53 interacts with BLM.BIND11781842 
TP53RAD51-HPRD,BioGRID8617246 |9380510 
TP53CR2P53 interacts with CR2.BIND7753047 
p53 interacts with p29ING4.BIND12750254 
TP53YY1YY1 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
COX-2 interacts with p53.BIND15608668 
TP53BLMBLM interacts with p53.BIND12080066 
BLM interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BLM and p53 both from African green monkey.BIND15806145 
p53 interacts with BLM.BIND11781842 
TP53ARBiochemical Activity; Phenotypic SuppressionBioGRID11504717 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53MAPK1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID10958792 
TP53TOPORSTopors interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human Topors and mouse p53.BIND11842245 
p53 interacts with the cdc25c promoter.BIND15574328 
TP53HIPK2Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID11740489 |11925430 
HIPK2 does not interact directly with tumour suppressor protein p53 but enhances p53 activity and p53 expression or stabilityBIND11532197 
TP53KAT2BBiochemical ActivityBioGRID12068014 
TP53TP53INP1-HPRD,BioGRID11511362 |12851404 
p53 interacts with HAUSP.BIND15916963 
TP53MDM2TP53 (p53) interacts with the MDM2-promoter.BIND15735750 
An unspecified isoform of HDM2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human HDM2 and p53 from an unspecified species.BIND15950904 
Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7686617 |9271120 
|9529249 |9809062 
|10722742 |10766163 
|10892746 |11709713 
|12208736 |12426395 
|12620407 |12915590 
|14612427 |14671306 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND15577944 
HDM-2 interacts with p53BIND15558054 
p53 interacts with mdm2 promoter.BIND16009130 
MDM2 (HDM2) interacts with TP53 (p53). This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species, and human TP53.BIND15688025 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53.BIND10822382 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND11046142 
hdm2 interacts with p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between hdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND9223638 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND16023600 
An unspecified isoform of MDM2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between MDM2 from an unspecified species and human p53.BIND15933712 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53.BIND15280377 
p53 interacts with Mdm2.BIND11597128 
Mdm2 interacts with and ubiquitinates p53BIND14671306 
p53 interacts with unspecified isoform of Mdm2.BIND15824742 
p53 interacts with and is ubiquitinated by Mdm2.BIND15577914 
-HPRD7686617 |8058315 
|10721693 |11709713 
Hdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15210108 
An unspecifed isoform of Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND15867431 
Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between mouse Mdm2 and human p53.BIND15242646 
Mdm2 interacts with p53.BIND10562557 
p53 interacts with mdm2. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human p53 and mdm2 from an unspecified species.BIND10781812 
p53 interacts with the hdm2 promoter.BIND15525514 
An unspecified isoform of Mdm2 ubiquitinates p53. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Mdm2 and p53 both from an unspecified species.BIND15963787 
TP53HTTp53 interacts with htt. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between p53 from human and htt from an unspecified species.BIND10823891 
Htt interacts with TP53(p53).BIND15996546 
TP53TP53RKReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12659830 
TP53HIF1AAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9537326 |10640274 
|12124396 |12606552 
p53 interacts with HIF-1 alpha.BIND15629713 
HIF-1alpha interacts with p53BIND11593383 
LIG1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNAMSH3MSH3 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD,BioGRID11005803 |11274057 
PCNATCOF1TCOF1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
hMYH is associated in vivo with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)BIND11092888 
PCNAMCL1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10978339 
PCNARFC5RFC5 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8999859 |9228079 
-HPRD8999859 |9751713 
|12171929 |12237462 
PCNAPOLD3KIAA0039 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD,BioGRID11595739 |12171929 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PDIP38 interacts with PCNA.BIND12522211 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PCNAFEN1PCNA interacts with Fen1. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PCNA and Fen1 from an unspecified species.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Fen1.BIND9178907 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purification; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8876181 |9305916 
|9545252 |11430825 
|11601988 |12853968 
FEN1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD1477073 |8876181 
|9305916 |9545252 
PCNARFC2RFC2 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8093561 |9228079 
-HPRD1313560 |9228079 
|10051561 |12171929 
PDIP38 interacts with PCNA.BIND12522211 
PCNAPOLD3KIAA0039 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD,BioGRID11595739 |12171929 
PCNAGADD45APCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9178907 
Gadd45a interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45a from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
-HPRD,BioGRID7973727 |10828065 
GADD45 interacts with PCNA.BIND10828065 
PCNAGADD45APCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9178907 
Gadd45a interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45a from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
-HPRD,BioGRID7973727 |10828065 
GADD45 interacts with PCNA.BIND10828065 
PCNAGADD45APCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9178907 
Gadd45a interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45a from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
-HPRD,BioGRID7973727 |10828065 
GADD45 interacts with PCNA.BIND10828065 
PRKDC is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNAKCTD13C terminus of PDIP1 interacts with PCNA.BIND11593007 
APE2 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND11376153 
PCNAGADD45APCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9178907 
Gadd45a interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45a from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
-HPRD,BioGRID7973727 |10828065 
GADD45 interacts with PCNA.BIND10828065 
APE2 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND11376153 
PCNAPOLD2PCNA interacts with the small subunit of DNA polymerase deltaBIND11986310 
-HPRD11986310 |12171929 
hMYH is associated in vivo with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)BIND11092888 
PCNARFC5RFC5 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8999859 |9228079 
-HPRD8999859 |9751713 
|12171929 |12237462 
PCNARFC1-HPRD8861969 |12045192 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8861969 |8999859 
|10353443 |12171929 
PCNAMSH2-HPRD,BioGRID8858149 |12171929 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PCNARUVBL2Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID12171929 
PCNAWRN-HPRD,BioGRID10871373 |12633936 
PCNARFC5RFC5 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8999859 |9228079 
-HPRD8999859 |9751713 
|12171929 |12237462 
MYD118 interacts with PCNA.BIND10828065 
Gadd45b interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45b from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
MYBBP1A is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNAMSH6-HPRD11005803 |12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Far Western; Protein-peptideBioGRID11005803 |11274057 
MSH6 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PCNAEXO1PCNA interacts with EXO1b.BIND15225546 
PCNAFEN1PCNA interacts with Fen1. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PCNA and Fen1 from an unspecified species.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Fen1.BIND9178907 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purification; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8876181 |9305916 
|9545252 |11430825 
|11601988 |12853968 
FEN1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD1477073 |8876181 
|9305916 |9545252 
PCNAMSH6-HPRD11005803 |12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Far Western; Protein-peptideBioGRID11005803 |11274057 
MSH6 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
MYBBP1A is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Hypothetical protein MGC5528 is a PCNA-binding protein.BIND12171929 
Hypothetical protein MGC5528 is a PCNA-binding protein.BIND12171929 
MYD118 interacts with PCNA.BIND10828065 
Gadd45b interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45b from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
PCNARFC3-HPRD10051561 |12171929 
RFC3 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12171929 |12766176 
PCNADNMT1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9302295 |10888872 
DNMT1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD9302295 |12354094 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PCNAFEN1PCNA interacts with Fen1. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PCNA and Fen1 from an unspecified species.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Fen1.BIND9178907 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purification; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8876181 |9305916 
|9545252 |11430825 
|11601988 |12853968 
FEN1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD1477073 |8876181 
|9305916 |9545252 
PCNAPOLD3KIAA0039 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD,BioGRID11595739 |12171929 
PCNAFEN1PCNA interacts with Fen1. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PCNA and Fen1 from an unspecified species.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Fen1.BIND9178907 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purification; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8876181 |9305916 
|9545252 |11430825 
|11601988 |12853968 
FEN1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD1477073 |8876181 
|9305916 |9545252 
PCNARFC1-HPRD8861969 |12045192 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8861969 |8999859 
|10353443 |12171929 
PCNACDK4Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID8259215 
PCNADNMT1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9302295 |10888872 
DNMT1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD9302295 |12354094 
PCNADNTTCo-purification; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID11554927 
PCNAKCTD13C terminus of PDIP1 interacts with PCNA.BIND11593007 
PCNAERCC5-HPRD,BioGRID9305916 |10408173 
PCNADNMT1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9302295 |10888872 
DNMT1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD9302295 |12354094 
PCNARFC2RFC2 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8093561 |9228079 
-HPRD1313560 |9228079 
|10051561 |12171929 
PCNAMSH6-HPRD11005803 |12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Far Western; Protein-peptideBioGRID11005803 |11274057 
MSH6 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNACCNO-HPRD,BioGRID10393198 |12171929 
PCNARFC3-HPRD10051561 |12171929 
RFC3 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12171929 |12766176 
PCNAPOLD1POLD1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNACCND1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID7908906 
PCNACCNA2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12853968 
PCNARFC4Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9228079 |12171929 
-HPRD10051561 |12171929 
PCNAGADD45APCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Gadd45.BIND9178907 
Gadd45a interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45a from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
-HPRD,BioGRID7973727 |10828065 
GADD45 interacts with PCNA.BIND10828065 
PCNAXRCC6-HPRD,BioGRID11239001 |12171929 
PRKDC is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNARFC4Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9228079 |12171929 
-HPRD10051561 |12171929 
PCNAGADD45GGadd45g interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45g from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
-HPRD,BioGRID10455148 |11022036 
PCNAPOLD2PCNA interacts with the small subunit of DNA polymerase deltaBIND11986310 
-HPRD11986310 |12171929 
PCNAUNGUNG is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNADDX17DDX17 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNAFEN1PCNA interacts with Fen1. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human PCNA and Fen1 from an unspecified species.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with Fen1.BIND9178907 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purification; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8876181 |9305916 
|9545252 |11430825 
|11601988 |12853968 
FEN1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD1477073 |8876181 
|9305916 |9545252 
PCNAGADD45GGadd45g interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45g from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
-HPRD,BioGRID10455148 |11022036 
PCNARFC2RFC2 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8093561 |9228079 
-HPRD1313560 |9228079 
|10051561 |12171929 
PCNABAZ1BPCNA interacts with WSTFBIND15543136 
LIG1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
POLE is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNANONONONO is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNARFC3-HPRD10051561 |12171929 
RFC3 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12171929 |12766176 
PCNAANXA2-HPRD,BioGRID9228079 |12171929 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PCNAPOLD2PCNA interacts with the small subunit of DNA polymerase deltaBIND11986310 
-HPRD11986310 |12171929 
POLE is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
PCNAING1-HPRD,BioGRID11682605 |12015309 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PCNAMSH3MSH3 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
-HPRD,BioGRID11005803 |11274057 
PCNACDKN1ACDKN1A (p21) interacts with PCNA.BIND8662825 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA.BIND7780738 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9705499 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND9178907 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND11302688 
PCNA interacts with p21.BIND8861969 
p21 interacts with PCNA.BIND9632134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and PCNA from an unspecified species.BIND9546435 
p21WAF1 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21WAF1 and Pisum sativum v. Onward PCNA.BIND8647134 
p21 interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between human p21 and hamster PCNA.BIND9467962 
PCNAPOLD1POLD1 is a PCNA-binding proteinBIND12171929 
MYD118 interacts with PCNA.BIND10828065 
Gadd45b interacts with PCNA. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between Gadd45b from an unspecified species and human PCNA.BIND12124778 
OGG1SNRPFAffinity Capture-MSBioGRID17353931 
BRCA1CSTF2Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID10477523 |11257228 
BRCA1JUNBBRCA1 interacts with JunB.BIND12080089 
BRCA1CSNK2BReconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10403822 
BRCA1 is phosphorylated by Casein kinase 2 through a physical interaction with CSNK2BBIND10403822 
BRCA1APLP2Far WesternBioGRID11746496 
BRCA1TOP2ATOP2A (Topo II) interacts with BRCA1BIND15965487 
BRCA1 interacts with Rb.BIND10518542 
BRCA1BARD1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Co-localization; Co-purification; FRET; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8944023 |9342365 
|9738006 |9788437 
|10026184 |10477523 
|10635334 |11257228 
|11278247 |11301010 
|11498787 |11504724 
|11526114 |11573085 
|11773071 |11925436 
|11927591 |12431996 
|12438698 |12485996 
|12700228 |12732733 
|12887909 |12890688 
|12951069 |14636569 
|14638690 |14647430 
|15159397 |15184379 
-HPRD8944023 |10026184 
|11573085 |11773071 
-HPRD8944023 |10026184 
|11773071 |12431996 
BRCA1XISTCo-localizationBioGRID12419249 |15065664 
BRCA1MAP3K3Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybridBioGRID15205325 
BRCA1 interacts with MEKK3.BIND15205325 
BRCA1RBBP7BRCA1 interacts with RbAp46.BIND10220405 
BRCA1MSH3Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11498787 |14578343 
BRCA1CDS1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12438214 
BRCA1UBE2D1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11278247 |11927591 
|12438698 |12485996 
|12732733 |12887909 
|12890688 |14636569 
|14638690 |15184379 
BRCA1NPM1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15184379 
BRCA1 interacts with Nmi.BIND11916966 
BRCA1 interacts with HDAC2BIND10220405 
BRCA1CCNA1BRCA1 associates with Cyclin ABIND9244350 |10373534 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9244350 
BRCA1CCNA2-HPRD,BioGRID9244350 |10373534 
BRCA1JUNBRCA1 interacts with c-Jun.BIND12080089 
BRCA1HDAC1BRCA1 interacts with HDAC1BIND10220405 
BRCA1E2F1BRCA1 associates with E2F-1BIND9244350 
BRCA1NCOA2Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11085509 |14578343 
BRCA1HIST2H2ACReconstituted ComplexBioGRID11927591 
BRCA1ATMAffinity Capture-Western; Co-purification; Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10550055 |10608806 
|10783165 |10866324 
|11016625 |11114888 
BRCA1MED23Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID15208681 
BRCA1E2F4BRCA1 associates with E2F-4BIND9244350 
BRCA1POLR2A-HPRD4506230 |9159119 
-HPRD4506230 |9159119 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID9159119 |11504724 
|12955082 |14506230 
BRCA1MED17Affinity Capture-MS; Co-purificationBioGRID11504724 |12154023 
BRCA1ATRBRCA1 physically and functionally interacts with ATR during genotoxic stressBIND11016625 |11278964 
Affinity Capture-Western; Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10608806 |11016625 
|11114888 |11278964 
BRCA1NUFIP1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID15107825 
BRCA1 interacts with NUFIP.BIND15107825 
BRCA1 associates with Cyclin D1BIND9244350 
BRCA1MSH6BRCA1 associates with MSH6.BIND10783165 |11498787 
CBP interacts with BRCA1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human BRCA1 and mouse CBP.BIND10655477 
BRCA1RBL1Co-localization; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11521194 
BRCA1RBL2Co-localization; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11521194 
BRCA1ATMAffinity Capture-Western; Co-purification; Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10550055 |10608806 
|10783165 |10866324 
|11016625 |11114888 
BRCA1BRIP1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11877378 |14576433 
|14578343 |15133502 
|15208681 |15242590 
BRCA1SMAD2BRCA1 interacts with Smad2. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BRCA1 from human and Smad2 from an unspecified species.BIND15735739 
BRCA1 associates with CDK4BIND9244350 
BRCA1 and Rad51 associate in mitotic and meiotic cellsBIND9008167 
-HPRD9008167 |9774970|9774970 
BRCA1TUBG1-HPRD,BioGRID9789027 |11691781 
BRCA1SMARCA2Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15034933 
BRCA1AURKAAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID14990569 
BRCA1 associates with CDK4BIND9244350 
BRCA1 association with c-Myc, a proto-oncogene that is implicated in tumorigenesis, embryonic development and apoptosis, inhibits its transcriptional and transforming activity in cells.BIND9788437 
BRCA1CSTF1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11257228 
BRCA1AR-HPRD,BioGRID11016951 |11085509 
BRCA1BARD1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Co-localization; Co-purification; FRET; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8944023 |9342365 
|9738006 |9788437 
|10026184 |10477523 
|10635334 |11257228 
|11278247 |11301010 
|11498787 |11504724 
|11526114 |11573085 
|11773071 |11925436 
|11927591 |12431996 
|12438698 |12485996 
|12700228 |12732733 
|12887909 |12890688 
|12951069 |14636569 
|14638690 |14647430 
|15159397 |15184379 
-HPRD8944023 |10026184 
|11573085 |11773071 
-HPRD8944023 |10026184 
|11773071 |12431996 
BRCA1MED24Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID15208681 
BRCA1 interacts with Sp1.BIND12706836 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12706836 
BRCA1 interacts with Nmi.BIND11916966 
BRCA1FANCABRCA1 interacts with FANCA.BIND12354784 
BRCA1 interacts with BRCA2.BIND9774970 
BRCA1CDK2BRCA1 associates with CDK2BIND9244350 |10373534 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8764100 |9244350 
BRCA1COBRA1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID11739404 
The LIM domain protein LMO4 interacts with BRCA1BIND11751867 
BRCA1 interacts with NF-YABIND11777930 
BRCA1MED1BRCA1 interacts with TRAP220.BIND15208681 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15208681 
BRCA1E2F1BRCA1 associates with E2F-1BIND9244350 
BRCA1PEG3Far WesternBioGRID11746496 
BRCA1BRCC3Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID14636569 
BRCA1RBBP8-HPRD9738006 |10196224 
Affinity Capture-Western; Protein-peptide; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9738006 |9811458 
|10196224 |10764811 
|10910365 |11689934 
BRCA1 interacts with CtIP.BIND9811458 
BRCA1POLR2A-HPRD4506230 |9159119 
-HPRD4506230 |9159119 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID9159119 |11504724 
|12955082 |14506230 
BRCA1 interacts with JunD.BIND12080089 
BRCA1RBBP8-HPRD9738006 |10196224 
Affinity Capture-Western; Protein-peptide; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9738006 |9811458 
|10196224 |10764811 
|10910365 |11689934 
BRCA1 interacts with CtIP.BIND9811458 
CBP interacts with BRCA1. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human BRCA1 and mouse CBP.BIND10655477 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-localization; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11244506 |11493692 
|11782371 |12400015 
BRCA1HDAC1BRCA1 interacts with HDAC1BIND10220405 
BRCA1UBBBRCA1 interacts with Ub. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human BRCA1 and Ub from an unspecified source.BIND11320250 
BRCA1 is a tyrosine phosphoprotein that associates with Cyclin B1BIND9244350 
BRCA1 interacts with MSH2 in the absence of ADP-MSH2 interaction.BIND10783165 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9662397 |12592385 
BRCA1RPL31Far Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11746496 
p300 interacts with BRCA1.BIND10655477 
BRCA1MSH6BRCA1 associates with MSH6.BIND10783165 |11498787 
BRCA1COBRA1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID11739404 
BRCA1 interacts with JunD.BIND12080089 
p300 interacts with BRCA1.BIND10655477 
BRCA1FANCD2Co-localization; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID12887909 |14499622 
BRCA1SMAD3BRCA1 interacts with Smad3.BIND15735739 
BRCA1WNT2BFar WesternBioGRID11746496 
BRCA1BREAffinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID14636569 
BRCA1ETS1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11313879 
BRCA1E2F4BRCA1 associates with E2F-4BIND9244350 
BRCA1MED13Affinity Capture-MSBioGRID15208681 
BRCA1ELK4Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11313879 
BRCA1 interacts with Sp1.BIND12706836 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12706836 
BRCA1CCNE1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID17525332 
BRCA1PPP1CAAffinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID12438214 
BRCA1 interacts with acetyl-CoA carboxylase.BIND12360400 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID17525332 
BRCA1ABL1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12024016 
BRCA1 interacts with NF-YABIND11777930 
BRCA1ORC3LAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID17525332 
BRCA1 is a tyrosine phosphoprotein that associates with Cyclin B1BIND9244350 
BRCA1BRIP1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11877378 |14576433 
|14578343 |15133502 
|15208681 |15242590 
BRCA1FANCD2Co-localization; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID12887909 |14499622 
BRCA1H2AFXCo-localization; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10959836 |11927591 
The LIM domain protein LMO4 interacts with BRCA1BIND11751867 
BRCA1CDK5Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9244350 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9662397 |12592385 
BRCA1 associates with Cyclin D1BIND9244350 
BRCA1 interacts with Rb.BIND10518542 
BRCA1UBE3AReconstituted ComplexBioGRID12890688 
BRCA1MAP3K3Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybridBioGRID15205325 
BRCA1 interacts with MEKK3.BIND15205325 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID17525332 
BRCA1CSNK2BReconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID10403822 
BRCA1 is phosphorylated by Casein kinase 2 through a physical interaction with CSNK2BBIND10403822 
BRCA1ZCCHC8Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID17525332 
BRCA1AKT1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10542266 
BRCA1POU2F1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11777930 
BRCA1 interacts with Oct-1.BIND11777930 
BRCA1BARD1Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Co-crystal Structure; Co-localization; Co-purification; FRET; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID8944023 |9342365 
|9738006 |9788437 
|10026184 |10477523 
|10635334 |11257228 
|11278247 |11301010 
|11498787 |11504724 
|11526114 |11573085 
|11773071 |11925436 
|11927591 |12431996 
|12438698 |12485996 
|12700228 |12732733 
|12887909 |12890688 
|12951069 |14636569 
|14638690 |14647430 
|15159397 |15184379 
-HPRD8944023 |10026184 
|11573085 |11773071 
-HPRD8944023 |10026184 
|11773071 |12431996 
BRCA1RBBP4BRCA1 interacts with RbAp48.BIND10220405 
BRCA1ATRBRCA1 physically and functionally interacts with ATR during genotoxic stressBIND11016625 |11278964 
Affinity Capture-Western; Protein-peptide; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10608806 |11016625 
|11114888 |11278964 
BRCA1RBBP8-HPRD9738006 |10196224 
Affinity Capture-Western; Protein-peptide; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID9738006 |9811458 
|10196224 |10764811 
|10910365 |11689934 
BRCA1 interacts with CtIP.BIND9811458 
BRCA1MED1BRCA1 interacts with TRAP220.BIND15208681 
Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID15208681 
BRCA1RBBP4BRCA1 interacts with RbAp48.BIND10220405 
BRCA1FANCABRCA1 interacts with FANCA.BIND12354784 
BRCA1 and Rad51 associate in mitotic and meiotic cellsBIND9008167 
-HPRD9008167 |9774970|9774970 
BRCA1UBA1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11278247 |11927591 
|12438698 |12485996 
|12887909 |14638690 
BRCA1 interacts with acetyl-CoA carboxylase.BIND12360400 
BRCA1NUFIP1Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID15107825 
BRCA1 interacts with NUFIP.BIND15107825 
BRCA1SMAD4BRCA1 interacts with Smad4. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between BRCA1 from human and Smad4 from an unspecified species.BIND15735739 
BRCA1 interacts with HDAC2BIND10220405 
BRCA1JUNBBRCA1 interacts with JunB.BIND12080089 
BRCA1FLI1Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11313879 
BRCA1 and Rad51 associate in mitotic and meiotic cellsBIND9008167 
-HPRD9008167 |9774970|9774970 
BRCA1NBN-HPRD,BioGRID10426999 |10783165 
BRCA1 interacts with BRCA2.BIND9774970 
BRCA1ETS2ETS2 (Ets-2) interacts with BRCA1 promoter. This interaction was modeled on a demonstrated interaction between ETS2 from an unspecified species and BRCA1 promoter from an unspecified species.BIND12637547 
BRCA1MRE11AAffinity Capture-Western; Co-localization; Co-purification; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID10426999 |10783165 
|11353843 |11504724 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-localization; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID11244506 |11493692 
|11782371 |12400015 
BRCA1 association with c-Myc, a proto-oncogene that is implicated in tumorigenesis, embryonic development and apoptosis, inhibits its transcriptional and transforming activity in cells.BIND9788437 
BRCA1JUNBRCA1 interacts with c-Jun.BIND12080089 
BRCA1 interacts with MSH2 in the absence of ADP-MSH2 interaction.BIND10783165 
BRCA1CCNA1BRCA1 associates with Cyclin ABIND9244350 |10373534 
Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID9244350 
BRCA1CDK2BRCA1 associates with CDK2BIND9244350 |10373534 
Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8764100 |9244350 
BRCA1POU2F1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID11777930 
BRCA1 interacts with Oct-1.BIND11777930 
BRCA1POLR2A-HPRD4506230 |9159119 
-HPRD4506230 |9159119 
Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purificationBioGRID9159119 |11504724 
|12955082 |14506230 
BRCA1 interacts with Sp1.BIND12706836 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12706836 
BRCA1TP53BP1Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID17525332 
BRCA1FHL2Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybridBioGRID14550570 |14986435 
BRCA1CREB1Phenotypic EnhancementBioGRID10945975 
BRCA1ORC2LAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID17525332 
BRCA1RBBP7BRCA1 interacts with RbAp46.BIND10220405 
APEX1MUTYHhMYH is associated in vivo with apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE1)BIND11092888 
APEX1XRCC5Reconstituted ComplexBioGRID8621488 
APEX1ANP32AAffinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12524539 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12524539 
APEX1MUTYHhMYH is associated in vivo with apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE1)BIND11092888 
APEX1CDKN1ARef1 interacts weakly with p21 promoter.BIND15674341 
Affinity Capture-WesternBioGRID12524539 
LIG3TDP1TDP1 interacts with LIG3-beta.BIND15744309 
TDP1 interacts with LIG3-alpha.BIND15744309 
LIG3TDP1TDP1 interacts with LIG3-beta.BIND15744309 
TDP1 interacts with LIG3-alpha.BIND15744309 

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