Gene Page: PHACTR1

GeneID  221692
Symbol  PHACTR1
Synonyms  KIAA1733|MGC126575|MGC126577|RPEL|RPEL1|dJ257A7.2
Description  phosphatase and actin regulator 1
See related  HGNC:20990|MIM:608723|HPRD:12283|
Locus tag  RP1-257A7.1
Gene type  protein-coding
Map location  6p24.1
Gene in Data Sources
Gene set name Method of gene set Evidence Info
GSMA_Igenome scan meta-analysisPsr: 0.0159 
LiteratureHigh-throughput literature-searchCo-occurance with Schizophrenia keywords: [schizophrenias, schizophrenia]Click to show detail
General Gene Expression (microarray) ?
Gene Expression in Brain Regions (new)
Top co-expressed genes in Brain Regions (new)
GenePearson's Correlation Spearman's Correlation
Top 10 positively co-expressed genes
Top 10 negatively co-expressed genes
Gene Ontology
Molecular functionGO termEvidenceNeuro keywordsPubMed ID
GO:0003779actin bindingIEA-
GO:0004864protein phosphatase inhibitor activityIEA-
Cellular componentGO termEvidenceNeuro keywordsPubMed ID
GO:0045202synapseIEAneuron, Synap, Neurotransmitter, Glial (GO term level: 2)-
GO:0030054cell junctionIEA-
InteractionsShown by Network
InteractorsAliases BOfficial full name BExperimentalSourcePubMed ID
ACTA1ACTA | ASMA | CFTD | CFTD1 | CFTDM | MPFD | NEM1 | NEM2 | NEM3actin, alpha 1, skeletal muscle-HPRD,BioGRID15107502 
PPP1CAMGC15877 | MGC1674 | PP-1A | PPP1Aprotein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, alpha isoformAffinity Capture-Western
Pathway annotation
Pathway namePathway size# SZGR genes in pathwayInfo
ONKEN_UVEAL_MELANOMA_UP 783507All SZGR genes in this pathway
JAATINEN_HEMATOPOIETIC_STEM_CELL_UP 316190All SZGR genes in this pathway
DODD_NASOPHARYNGEAL_CARCINOMA_UP 1821933All SZGR genes in this pathway
PUJANA_ATM_PCC_NETWORK 1442892All SZGR genes in this pathway
SCHAEFFER_PROSTATE_DEVELOPMENT_48HR_DN 428306All SZGR genes in this pathway
NIKOLSKY_BREAST_CANCER_6P24_P22_AMPLICON 2117All SZGR genes in this pathway
BASSO_CD40_SIGNALING_UP 10176All SZGR genes in this pathway
DAZARD_RESPONSE_TO_UV_NHEK_UP 244151All SZGR genes in this pathway
DAZARD_UV_RESPONSE_CLUSTER_G1 6741All SZGR genes in this pathway
KRIGE_RESPONSE_TO_TOSEDOSTAT_6HR_DN 911527All SZGR genes in this pathway
KRIGE_RESPONSE_TO_TOSEDOSTAT_24HR_DN 1011592All SZGR genes in this pathway
KONDO_PROSTATE_CANCER_WITH_H3K27ME3 19693All SZGR genes in this pathway
ZHANG_GATA6_TARGETS_DN 6446All SZGR genes in this pathway
RAY_TUMORIGENESIS_BY_ERBB2_CDC25A_DN 159105All SZGR genes in this pathway
RUTELLA_RESPONSE_TO_CSF2RB_AND_IL4_DN 315201All SZGR genes in this pathway
RUTELLA_RESPONSE_TO_HGF_DN 235144All SZGR genes in this pathway
RUTELLA_RESPONSE_TO_HGF_VS_CSF2RB_AND_IL4_UP 408276All SZGR genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN_MEF_ICP_WITH_H3K27ME3 206108All SZGR genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN_MEF_HCP_WITH_H3K27ME3 590403All SZGR genes in this pathway
WIERENGA_STAT5A_TARGETS_UP 217131All SZGR genes in this pathway
WIERENGA_STAT5A_TARGETS_GROUP1 13676All SZGR genes in this pathway
BRUINS_UVC_RESPONSE_VIA_TP53_GROUP_D 280158All SZGR genes in this pathway
miRNA Targets ?
miRNA familyTarget positionmiRNA IDmiRNA seq
UTR startUTR endMatch method
  • SZ: miRNAs which differentially expressed in brain cortex of schizophrenia patients comparing with control samples using microarray. Click here to see the list of SZ related miRNAs.
  • Brain: miRNAs which are expressed in brain based on miRNA microarray expression studies. Click here to see the list of brain related miRNAs.

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