Literature Search Results for Gene GRIK5

Psychiatry Res 2006 Jan 141: 39-51
TitleAssociation study of polymorphisms in the GluR7, KA1 and KA2 kainate receptor genes (GRIK3, GRIK4, GRIK5) with schizophrenia.
AbstractOn the basis of the glutamatergic dysfunction hypothesis of schizophrenia, we have been conducting a systematic study of the association of glutamate receptor genes with schizophrenia. Here we report association studies of schizophrenia with polymorphisms in three kainate receptor genes: GRIK3, GRIK4 and GRIK5. We selected 16, 24 and 5 common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distributed in the entire gene regions of GRIK3 (>240 kb), GRIK4 (>430 kb) and GRIK5 (>90 kb), respectively. We tested associations of the polymorphisms with schizophrenia using 100 Japanese case-control pairs (the Kyushu set). We observed no significant "single marker" associations with the disease in any of the 45 SNPs tested except for one (rs3767092) in GRIK3 showing a nominal level of significance. The significant association, however, disappeared after the application of the Bonferroni correction. We also observed significant haplotype associations in seven SNP pairs in GRIK3 and in four SNP pairs in GRIK4. None, however, remained significant after Bonferroni correction. We also failed to replicate the nominally significant haplotype associations in a second sample set, the Aichi set (106 cases and 100 controls). We conclude that SNPs in the gene regions of GRIK3, GRIK4 or GRIK5 do not play a major role in schizophrenia pathogenesis in the Japanese population.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia
Psychiatr. Genet. 2009 Feb 19: 6-13
TitleAssociation analysis of the glutamic acid decarboxylase 2 and the glutamine synthetase genes (GAD2, GLUL) with schizophrenia.
AbstractAs dysfunction of glutamatergic neurotransmission is one of the plausible hypotheses for the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, genes involved in the glutamate neurotransmitter system are candidates for schizophrenia susceptibility. The aim of this study is to clarify the contribution of two genes encoding glutamate metabolic enzymes: the glutamic acid decarboxylase 2 gene (GAD2) and the glutamine synthetase gene (GLUL), in schizophrenia.
We genotyped 300 Japanese schizophrenia patients and 300 healthy controls for 14 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in GAD2 (approximately 91 kb in size) and six SNPs in GLUL (approximately 14 kb in size). We examined 'single-point' association as well as pairwise haplotype association for all SNPs with schizophrenia.
We observed no significant 'single-point' associations with the disease in any of the 20 SNPs after correction for multiple testing using False Discovery Rate. We also observed no significant haplotype associations with False Discovery Rate. Furthermore, we analyzed gene-gene interactions, including six glutamate receptor genes we have reported previously in the association studies of GRIA4, GRIN2D, GRIK3, GRIK4, GRIK5, and GRM3, using the multifactor dimensionality reduction method. The best interaction model, however, did not show the statistical significance.
These results suggest that GAD2 and GLUL do not play a major role in schizophrenia pathogenesis and there is no gene-gene interaction between the eight genes in the Japanese population.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia
Am. J. Med. Genet. A 2014 Feb 164A: 456-60
Title1p34.3 deletion involving GRIK3: Further clinical implication of GRIK family glutamate receptors in the pathogenesis of developmental delay.
AbstractA growing body of evidence suggests an association between microdeletion/microduplication and schizophrenia/intellectual disability. Abnormal neurogenesis and neurotransmission have been implicated in the pathogenesis of these neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. The kainate/AMPA-type ionotropic glutamate receptor (GRIK?=?glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate) plays a critical role in synaptic potentiation, which is an essential process for learning and memory. Among the five known GRIK family members, haploinsufficiency of GRIK1, GRIK2, and GRIK4 are known to cause developmental delay, whereas the roles of GRIK3 and GRIK5 remain unknown. Herein, we report on a girl who presented with a severe developmental delay predominantly affecting her language and fine motor skills. She had a 2.6-Mb microdeletion in 1p34.3 involving GRIK3, which encodes a principal subunit of the kainate-type ionotropic glutamate receptor. Given its strong expression pattern in the central nervous system and the biological function of GRIK3 in presynaptic neurotransmission, the haploinsufficiency of GRIK3 is likely to be responsible for the severe developmental delay in the proposita. A review of genetic alterations and the phenotypic effects of all the GRIK family members support this hypothesis. The current observation of a microdeletion involving GRIK3, a kainate-type ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit, and the neurodevelopmental manifestation in the absence of major dysmorphism provides further clinical implication of the possible role of GRIK family glutamate receptors in the pathogenesis of developmental delay.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia

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