Literature Search Results for Gene PMCH

Mol. Psychiatry 2004 Dec 9: 1067-74
TitleA genome wide linkage study of obesity as secondary effect of antipsychotics in multigenerational families of eastern Quebec affected by psychoses.
AbstractAntipsychotics can induce in schizophrenic (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BP) patients serious body weight changes that increase risk for noncompliance to medication, and risk for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. A genetic origin for this susceptibility to weight changes has been hypothesized because only a proportion of treated patients are affected, the degree of affection differing also in rates and magnitudes. In a first genome scan on obesity under antipsychotics in SZ and BP, we analyzed 21 multigenerational kindreds (508 family members) including several patients treated for a minimum of 3 years mainly with haloperidol or chlopromazine. Obesity was defined from medical files and was shown to be 2.5 times more frequent in patients treated with antipsychotics than in untreated family members (30 vs 12%). The nine pedigrees that showed at least two occurrences of obesity under antipsychotics were submitted to model-based linkage analyses. We observed a suggestive linkage with a multipoint Lod score (MLS) of 2.74 at 12q24. This linkage finding vanished when we used as phenotypes, obesity unrelated to antipsychotics, and when we used SZ or BP. This suggests that this positive linkage result with obesity is specific to the use of antipsychotics. A potential candidate gene for this linkage is the pro-melanin-concentrating hormone (PMCH) gene located at less then 1 cM of the linkage. PMCH encodes a neuropeptide involved in the control of food intake, energy expenditure, and in anxiety/depression. This first genome scan targeting the obesity side effect of antipsychotics identified 12q24 as a susceptibility region.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia,schizophrenic
Pharmacogenomics 2006 Sep 7: 863-87
TitleGenetics of antipsychotic treatment emergent weight gain in schizophrenia.
AbstractClassic and modern antipsychotics can induce substantial weight gain causing diabetes, lipid abnormalities and psychological distress. Treatment emergent weight gain varies within the broad class of antipsychotics; however, an individual's propensity to develop weight gain largely depends on genetic factors. The first part of this review highlights current ideas and concepts related to antipsychotic-induced weight gain, including principles on energy homeostasis. The second part summarizes genetic findings emphasizing studies published after 2003 as prior studies have been reviewed in detail elsewhere. Candidate gene studies have produced significant findings in the 5-hydroxytryptamin 2C (5HT2C) and adrenergic alpha2a (ADRalpha2a) receptor genes, as well as in the leptin, guanine nucleotide binding protein (GNB3) and synaptomal-associated protein 25kDa (SNAP25) genes. Results from genome-wide association and linkage studies point to several chromosomal regions (e.g., 12q24) and some specific genes (e.g., promelanin concentrating hormone [PMCH], polycyctic kidney and hepatic disease 1 [PKHD1], peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase [PAM]). However, more efforts are needed before risk prediction and personalized medicine can be made available for antipsychotic-induced weight gain.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia,schizophrenic
Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 2007 Dec 144B: 1063-9
TitlePossible association of the pro-melanin-concentrating hormone gene with a greater body mass index as a side effect of the antipsychotic olanzapine.
AbstractFollowing our report of a linkage at 12q24 with a phenotype of obesity under antipsychotics, we tested the pro-melanin-concentrating hormone (PMCH) candidate gene for a possible association in humans with the body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) in unrelated schizophrenic patients (SZ) receiving antipsychotics (N = 300) and in controls (CTL; N = 150). Subjects were classified in obese (OB) (BMI > or = 30 kg/m2), overweight (25 < or = BMI < 30 kg/m2), and normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m2) groups. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) rs7973796 and rs11111201, located 5' at -4.5 kb and 3' at +1.8 kb, respectively, of PMCH were genotyped. Interaction effects of genotypes and antipsychotic treatment on BMI were tested in a covariance analysis with age and gender as covariates. Interaction effects on the prevalence of obesity were tested in a logistic regression analysis. For subjects under 50 years, the effect of the rs7973796 genotype on BMI differed between the SZ patients taking olanzapine and CTL group (interaction P = 0.025). Olanzapine-treated SZ patients carrying the ancestral homozygote genotype showed a higher BMI for rs7973796 (P = 0.016 with the LSMeans t-test) than the variant homozygotes. Accordingly, the ORs for obesity associated with rs7973796 genotypes differed in the SZ patients taking olanzapine compared to the CTL group (interaction P = 0.0094). The G allele was associated with an increase in the odds of obesity in SZ patients taking olanzapine. No association was observed for those over 50 years, or for rs11111201. These results suggest that the common allele of PMCH rs7973796 may be associated with a greater BMI in olanzapine-treated SZ patients.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia,schizophrenic
Psychoneuroendocrinology 2013 Nov 38: 2640-6
TitleOlanzapine-induced changes in glucose metabolism are independent of the melanin-concentrating hormone system.
AbstractAtypical antipsychotic drugs such as Olanzapine (Ola) induce weight gain and metabolic changes associated with the development of type 2 diabetes. The mechanisms underlying these undesired side-effects are currently unknown. Chagnon et al. showed that the common allele rs7973796 of the prepro-melanin-concentrating hormone (PMCH) gene is associated with a greater body mass index in Ola-treated schizophrenic patients. As PMCH encodes for the orexigenic neuropeptide melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), it was hypothesized that MCH is involved in Ola-induced metabolic changes. We have recently reported that the intragastric infusion of Ola results in hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance in male rats. In order to test in vivo the possible involvement of the PMCH gene in the pathogenesis of Ola side-effects, we administered Ola intragastrically in wild-type (WT) and PMCH knock-out (KO) rats. Our results show that glucose and corticosterone levels, as well as endogenous glucose production, are elevated by the infusion of Ola in both WT and KO animals. Thus, the lack of MCH does not seem to affect the acute effects of Ola on glucose metabolism. On the other hand, these effects might be obliterated by compensatory changes in other hypothalamic systems. In addition, possible modulatory effects of the MCH KO on the long term effects of Ola, i.e. increased adiposity, body weight gain, have not been investigated yet.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia,schizophrenic
Psychoneuroendocrinology 2013 Nov 38: 2640-6
TitleOlanzapine-induced changes in glucose metabolism are independent of the melanin-concentrating hormone system.
AbstractAtypical antipsychotic drugs such as Olanzapine (Ola) induce weight gain and metabolic changes associated with the development of type 2 diabetes. The mechanisms underlying these undesired side-effects are currently unknown. Chagnon et al. showed that the common allele rs7973796 of the prepro-melanin-concentrating hormone (PMCH) gene is associated with a greater body mass index in Ola-treated schizophrenic patients. As PMCH encodes for the orexigenic neuropeptide melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), it was hypothesized that MCH is involved in Ola-induced metabolic changes. We have recently reported that the intragastric infusion of Ola results in hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance in male rats. In order to test in vivo the possible involvement of the PMCH gene in the pathogenesis of Ola side-effects, we administered Ola intragastrically in wild-type (WT) and PMCH knock-out (KO) rats. Our results show that glucose and corticosterone levels, as well as endogenous glucose production, are elevated by the infusion of Ola in both WT and KO animals. Thus, the lack of MCH does not seem to affect the acute effects of Ola on glucose metabolism. On the other hand, these effects might be obliterated by compensatory changes in other hypothalamic systems. In addition, possible modulatory effects of the MCH KO on the long term effects of Ola, i.e. increased adiposity, body weight gain, have not been investigated yet.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia,schizophrenic

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