Literature Search Results for Gene HIST1H2BJ

Hum. Mol. Genet. 2010 Jul 19: 2841-57
TitleSMARCA2 and other genome-wide supported schizophrenia-associated genes: regulation by REST/NRSF, network organization and primate-specific evolution.
AbstractThe SMARCA2 gene, which encodes BRM in the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex, was recently identified as being associated with schizophrenia (SZ) in a genome-wide approach. Polymorphisms in SMARCA2, associated with the disease, produce changes in the expression of the gene and/or in the encoded amino acid sequence. We show here that an SWI/SNF-centered network including the Smarca2 gene is modified by the down-regulation of REST/NRSF in a mouse neuronal cell line. REST/NRSF down-regulation also modifies the levels of Smarce1, Smarcd3 and SWI/SNF interactors (Hdac1, RcoR1 and Mecp2). Smarca2 down-regulation generates an abnormal dendritic spine morphology that is an intermediate phenotype of SZ. We further found that 8 (CSF2RA, HIST1H2BJ, NOTCH4, NRGN, SHOX, SMARCA2, TCF4 and ZNF804A) out of 10 genome-wide supported SZ-associated genes are part of an interacting network (including SMARCA2), 5 members of which encode transcription regulators. The expression of 3 (TCF4, SMARCA2 and CSF2RA) of the 10 genome-wide supported SZ-associated genes is modified when the REST/NRSF-SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex is experimentally manipulated in mouse cell lines and in transgenic mouse models. The REST/NRSF-SWI/SNF deregulation also results in the differential expression of genes that are clustered in chromosomes suggesting the induction of genome-wide epigenetic changes. Finally, we found that SMARCA2 interactors and the genome-wide supported SZ-associated genes are considerably enriched in genes displaying positive selection in primates and in the human lineage which suggests the occurrence of novel protein interactions in primates. Altogether, these data identify the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex as a key component of the genetic architecture of SZ.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia
Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 2012 Jun 159B: 456-64
TitleNo associations found between the genes situated at 6p22.1, HIST1H2BJ, PRSS16, and PGBD1 in Japanese patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.
AbstractRecent GWAS demonstrated an association between candidate genes located at region 6p22.1 and schizophrenia. This region has been reported to house certain candidate SNPs, which may be associated with schizophrenia at HIST1H2BJ, PRSS16, and PGBD1. These genes may presumably be associated with pathophysiology in schizophrenia, namely epigenetics and psychoneuroimmunology. A three-step study was undertaken to focus on these genes with the following aims: (1) whether these genes may be associated in Japanese patients with schizophrenia by performing a 1st stage case-control study (514 cases and 706 controls) using Japanese tagging SNPs; (2) if the genetic regions of interest for the disease from the 1st stage of analyses were found, re-sequencing was performed to search for new mutations; (3) finally, a replication study was undertaken to confirm positive findings from the 1st stage were reconfirmed using a larger number of subjects (2,583 cases and 2,903 controls) during a 2nd stage multicenter replication study in Japan. Genotyping was performed using TaqMan PCR method for the selected nine tagging SNPs. Although three SNPs situated at the 3' side of PGBD1; rs3800324, rs3800327, and rs2142730, and two-window haplotypes between rs3800327 and rs2142730 showed positive associations with schizophrenia, these associations did not have enough power to sustain significance during the 2nd stage replication study. In addition, re-sequencing for exons 5 and 6 situated at this region did not express any new mutations for schizophrenia. Taken together these results indicate that the genes HIST1H2BJ, PRSS16, and PGBD1 were not associated with Japanese patients with schizophrenia.
SCZ Keywordsschizophrenia

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