Search results:

The pahtway p2418 has 18 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 15 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
1390CREMCREM-2 | ICER | hCREM-2cAMP responsive element modulator10p11.21
1316KLF6BCD1 | CBA1 | COPEB | CPBP | GBF | PAC1 | ST12 | ZF9Kruppel-like factor 610p15
8061FOSL1FRA | FRA1 | fra-1FOS like antigen 111q13
4665NAB2MADERNGFI-A binding protein 212q13.3
677ZFP36L1BRF1 | Berg36 | ERF-1 | ERF1 | RNF162B | TIS11B | cMG1ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 114q24.1
8554PIAS1DDXBP1 | GBP | GU/RH-II | ZMIZ3protein inhibitor of activated STAT 115q
3726JUNBAP-1jun B proto-oncogene19p13.2
7832BTG2PC3 | TIS21BTG family member 21q32
467ATF3-activating transcription factor 31q32.3
678ZFP36L2BRF2 | ERF-2 | ERF2 | RNF162C | TIS11DZFP36 ring finger protein-like 22p22.3-p21
2355FOSL2FRA2FOS like antigen 22p23.3
5937RBMS1C2orf12 | HCC-4 | MSSP | MSSP-1 | MSSP-2 | MSSP-3 | SCR2 | YC1RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 12q24.2
8553BHLHE40BHLHB2 | DEC1 | HLHB2 | SHARP-2 | STRA13 | Stra14basic helix-loop-helix family member e403p26
3280HES1HES-1 | HHL | HRY | bHLHb39hes family bHLH transcription factor 13q28-q29
7071KLF10EGR-alpha | EGRA | TIEG | TIEG1Kruppel-like factor 108q22.2

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