Search results:

The pahtway p2467 has 39 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 20 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
55388MCM10CNA43 | DNA43 | PRO2249minichromosome maintenance 10 replication initiation factor10p13
100287932TIMM23TIM23translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 2310q11.23
8061FOSL1FRA | FRA1 | fra-1FOS like antigen 111q13
3853KRT6ACK-6C | CK-6E | CK6A | CK6C | CK6D | K6A | K6C | K6D | KRT6C | KRT6D | PC3keratin 6A12q13.13
1352COX10-COX10 heme A:farnesyltransferase cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor17p12
81ACTN4ACTININ-4 | FSGS | FSGS1actinin alpha 419q13
5817PVRCD155 | HVED | NECL5 | Necl-5 | PVS | TAGE4poliovirus receptor19q13.2
23640HSPBP1FES1HSPA (heat shock 70kDa) binding protein, cytoplasmic cochaperone 119q13.42
51706CYB5R1B5R.1 | B5R1 | B5R2 | NQO3A2 | humb5R2cytochrome b5 reductase 11q32.1
26205GMEB2GMEB-2 | P79PIF | PIF79glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 220q13.33
7851MALLBENEmal, T-cell differentiation protein-like2q13
10920COPS8COP9 | CSN8 | SGN8COP9 signalosome subunit 82q37.3
5806PTX3TNFAIP5 | TSG-14pentraxin 33q25
6286S100PMIG9S100 calcium binding protein P4p16
1836SLC26A2D5S1708 | DTD | DTDST | EDM4 | MST153 | MSTP157solute carrier family 26 member 25q32
29960FTSJ2FJH1 | HEL97 | MRM2 | RRMJ2FtsJ RNA methyltransferase homolog 2 (E. coli)7p22
389538MGC72080-MGC72080 pseudogene7q21.3
81034SLC25A32MFT | MFTC | RREIsolute carrier family 25 member 328q22.3
10280SIGMAR1ALS16 | DSMA2 | OPRS1 | SIG-1R | SR-BP | SR-BP1 | SRBP | hSigmaR1 | sigma1Rsigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 19p13.3
79817MOB3BC9orf35 | MOB1D | MOBKL2BMOB kinase activator 3B9p21.2

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