Search results:

The pahtway p3818 has 23 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 16 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
25805BAMBINMABMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor10p12.3-p11.2
220963SLC16A9C10orf36 | MCT9solute carrier family 16 member 910q21.2
3983ABLIM1ABLIM | LIMAB1 | LIMATIN | abLIM-1actin binding LIM protein 110q25
90427BMF-Bcl2 modifying factor15q14
10391CORO2BCLIPINCcoronin 2B15q23
5414SEPT4ARTS | BRADEION | CE5B3 | H5 | MART | PNUTL2 | SEP4 | hCDCREL-2 | hucep-7septin 417q22
1628DBPDABPD site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein19q13.3
54361WNT4SERKAL | WNT-4wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 41p36.23-p35.1
8991SELENBP1HEL-S-134P | LPSB | SBP56 | SP56 | hSBPselenium binding protein 11q21.3
22874PLEKHA6PEPP-3 | PEPP3pleckstrin homology domain containing A61q32.1
2952GSTT1-glutathione S-transferase theta 122q11.23
84913ATOH8HATH6 | bHLHa21atonal bHLH transcription factor 82p11.2
7058THBS2TSP2thrombospondin 26q27
64236PDLIM2MYSTIQUE | SLIMPDZ and LIM domain 28p21.3

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