Search results:

The pahtway p4363 has 36 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 19 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6506SLC1A2EAAT2 | GLT-1 | HBGTsolute carrier family 1 member 211p13
50863NTMHNT | IGLON2 | NTRIneurotrimin11q25
7517XRCC3CMM6X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 314q32.3
2562GABRB3ECA5gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor beta3 subunit15q12
29123ANKRD11ANCO-1 | ANCO1 | LZ16 | T13ankyrin repeat domain 1116q24.3
6346CCL1I-309 | P500 | SCYA1 | SISe | TCA3C-C motif chemokine ligand 117q12
2528FUT6FCT3A | FT1A | Fuc-TVI | FucT-VIfucosyltransferase 619p13.3
1969EPHA2ARCC2 | CTPA | CTPP1 | CTRCT6 | ECKEPH receptor A21p36
27246RNF115BCA2 | ZNF364ring finger protein 1151q21.1
574BAGEBAGE1 | CT2.1B melanoma antigen21p11.1 not on reference assembly
25786DGCR11DGS-DDiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 11 (non-protein coding)22q11.21
7707ZNF148BERF-1 | BFCOL1 | HT-BETA | ZBP-89 | ZFP148 | pHZ-52zinc finger protein 1483q21
253461ZBTB38CIBZ | PPP1R171 | ZNF921zinc finger and BTB domain containing 383q23
79982DNAJB14EGNR9427 | PRO34683DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B144q23
4131MAP1BFUTSCH | MAP5 | PPP1R102microtubule associated protein 1B5q13
11127KIF3AFLA10 | KLP-20kinesin family member 3A5q31
3567IL5EDF | IL-5 | TRFinterleukin 55q31.1
28996HIPK2PRO0593homeodomain interacting protein kinase 27q34
10927SPIN1SPIN | TDRD24spindlin 19q22.1

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