Search results:

The pahtway p4638 has 29 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 21 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
983CDK1CDC2 | CDC28A | P34CDC2cyclin-dependent kinase 110q21.1
1111CHEK1CHK1checkpoint kinase 111q24.2
894CCND2KIAK0002 | MPPH3cyclin D212p13
5983RFC3RFC38replication factor C subunit 313q13.2
5890RAD51BR51H2 | RAD51L1 | REC2RAD51 paralog B14q23-q24.2
597BCL2A1ACC-1 | ACC-2 | ACC1 | ACC2 | BCL2L5 | BFL1 | GRS | HBPA1BCL2 related protein A115q24.3
672BRCA1BRCAI | BRCC1 | BROVCA1 | FANCS | IRIS | PNCA4 | PPP1R53 | PSCP | RNF53breast cancer 117q21
83990BRIP1BACH1 | FANCJ | OFBRCA1 interacting protein C-terminal helicase 117q22.2
7398USP1UBPubiquitin specific peptidase 11p31.3
80896NPLC112 | C1orf13 | NAL | NPL1N-acetylneuraminate pyruvate lyase (dihydrodipicolinate synthase)1q25
51706CYB5R1B5R.1 | B5R1 | B5R2 | NQO3A2 | humb5R2cytochrome b5 reductase 11q32.1
5933RBL1CP107 | PRB1 | p107retinoblastoma-like 120q11.2
8318CDC45CDC45L | CDC45L2 | PORC-PI-1cell division cycle 4522q11.21
993CDC25ACDC25A2cell division cycle 25A3p21
8314BAP1HUCEP-13 | UCHL2 | hucep-6BRCA1 associated protein 13p21.1
5156PDGFRACD140A | GAS9 | PDGFR-2 | PDGFR2 | RHEPDGFRAplatelet derived growth factor receptor alpha4q12
79071ELOVL6FACE | FAE | LCEELOVL fatty acid elongase 64q25
6502SKP2FBL1 | FBXL1 | FLB1 | p45S-phase kinase-associated protein 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase5p13
988CDC5LCDC5 | CDC5-LIKE | CEF1 | PCDC5RP | dJ319D22.1cell division cycle 5 like6p21
1875E2F5E2F-5E2F transcription factor 58q21.2
9134CCNE2CYCE2cyclin E28q22.1

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