Search results:

The pahtway p4693 has 12 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 10 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
4091SMAD6AOVD2 | HsT17432 | MADH6 | MADH7SMAD family member 615q22.31
56963RGMARGMrepulsive guidance molecule family member a15q26.1
4629MYH11AAT4 | FAA4 | SMHC | SMMHCmyosin, heavy chain 11, smooth muscle16p13.11
51741WWOXD16S432E | EIEE28 | FOR | FRA16D | HHCMA56 | PRO0128 | SCAR12 | SDR41C1 | WOX1WW domain containing oxidoreductase16q23
4137MAPTDDPAC | FTDP-17 | MAPTL | MSTD | MTBT1 | MTBT2 | PPND | PPP1R103 | TAUmicrotubule associated protein tau17q21.1
2043EPHA4HEK8 | SEK | TYRO1EPH receptor A42q36.1
2049EPHB3ETK2 | HEK2 | TYRO6EPH receptor B33q27.1
6286S100PMIG9S100 calcium binding protein P4p16
154043CNKSR3MAGI1CNKSR family member 36q25.2
79937CNTNAP3CASPR3 | CNTNAP3Acontactin associated protein-like 39p13.1

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