Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase (bioinfom_tsdb)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase
General information | Literature | Expression | Regulation | Mutation | Interaction

Basic Information

Gene ID





PTEN-rs|PTEN2|PTENpg1|PTH2|psiPTEN;phosphatase and tensin homolog pseudogene 1 (functional);PTENP1;phosphatase and tensin homolog pseudogene 1 (functional)


PTEN/MMAC1 pseudogene|phosphatase and tensin homolog (mutated in multiple advanced cancers 1), pseudogene 1



Gene type




A coding-independent function of gene and pseudogene mRNAs regulates tumour biology.

The canonical role of messenger RNA (mRNA) is to deliver protein-coding information to sites of protein synthesis. However, given that microRNAs bind to RNAs, we hypothesized that RNAs could possess a regulatory role that relies on their ability to compete for microRNA binding, independently of their protein-coding function. As a model for the protein-coding-independent role of RNAs, we describe the functional relationship between the mRNAs produced by the PTEN tumour suppressor gene and its pseudogene PTENP1 and the critical consequences of this interaction. We find that PTENP1 is biologically active as it can regulate cellular levels of PTEN and exert a growth-suppressive role. We also show that the PTENP1 locus is selectively lost in human cancer. We extended our analysis to other cancer-related genes that possess pseudogenes, such as oncogenic KRAS. We also demonstrate that the transcripts of protein-coding genes such as PTEN are biologically active. These findings attribute a novel biological role to expressed pseudogenes, as they can regulate coding gene expression, and reveal a non-coding function for mRNAs.

The emergence of lncRNAs in cancer biology.

The discovery of numerous noncoding RNA (ncRNA) transcripts in species from yeast to mammals has dramatically altered our understanding of cell biology, especially the biology of diseases such as cancer. In humans, the identification of abundant long ncRNA (lncRNA) >200 bp has catalyzed their characterization as critical components of cancer biology. Recently, roles for lncRNAs as drivers of tumor suppressive and oncogenic functions have appeared in prevalent cancer types, such as breast and prostate cancer. In this review, we highlight the emerging impact of ncRNAs in cancer research, with a particular focus on the mechanisms and functions of lncRNAs.
