Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase (bioinfom_tsdb)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase
General information | Literature | Expression | Regulation | Mutation | Interaction

Basic Information

Gene ID





MIR486|MIRN486|hsa-mir-486|hsa-mir-486-1;microRNA 486-1;MIR486-1;microRNA 486-1


microRNA 486



Gene type




Genomic loss of miR-486 regulates tumor progression and the OLFM4 antiapoptotic factor in gastric cancer.

PURPOSE: microRNAs (miRNA) play pivotal oncogenic and tumor-suppressor roles in several human cancers. We sought to discover novel tumor-suppressor miRNAs in gastric cancer (GC). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Using Agilent miRNA microarrays, we compared miRNA expression profiles of 40 primary gastric tumors and 40 gastric normal tissues, identifying miRNAs significantly downregulated in gastric tumors. RESULTS: Among the top 80 miRNAs differentially expressed between gastric tumors and normals (false discovery rate < 0.01), we identified hsa-miR-486 (miR-486) as a significantly downregulated miRNA in primary GCs and GC cell lines. Restoration of miR-486 expression in GC cell lines (YCC3, SCH and AGS) caused suppression of several pro-oncogenic traits, whereas conversely inhibiting miR-486 expression in YCC6 GC cells enhanced cellular proliferation. Array-CGH analysis of 106 primary GCs revealed genomic loss of the miR-486 locus in approximately 25% to 30% of GCs, including two tumors with focal genomic losses specifically deleting miR-486, consistent with miR-486 playing a tumor-suppressive role. Bioinformatic analysis identified the secreted antiapoptotic glycoprotein OLFM4 as a potential miR-486 target. Restoring miR-486 expression in GC cells decreased endogenous OLFM4 transcript and protein levels, and also inhibited expression of luciferase reporters containing an OLFM4 3 untranslated region with predicted miR-486 binding sites. Supporting the biological relevance of OLFM4 as a miR-486 target, proliferation in GC cells was also significantly reduced by OLFM4 silencing. CONCLUSIONS: miR-486 may function as a novel tumor-suppressor miRNA in GC. Its antioncogenic activity may involve the direct targeting and inhibition of OLFM4.

Insulin growth factor signaling is regulated by microRNA-486, an underexpressed microRNA in lung cancer.

microRNAs (miRNAs) are small 19- to 24-nt noncoding RNAs that have the capacity to regulate fundamental biological processes essential for cancer initiation and progression. In cancer, miRNAs may function as oncogenes or tumor suppressors. Here, we conducted global profiling for miRNAs in a cohort of stage 1 nonsmall cell lung cancers (n = 81) and determined that miR-486 was the most down-regulated miRNA in tumors compared with adjacent uninvolved lung tissues, suggesting that miR-486 loss may be important in lung cancer development. We report that miR-486 directly targets components of insulin growth factor (IGF) signaling including insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), IGF1 receptor (IGF1R), and phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) (PIK3R1, or p85a) and functions as a potent tumor suppressor of lung cancer both in vitro and in vivo. Our findings support the role for miR-486 loss in lung cancer and suggest a potential biological link to p53.
