Gene: POLR1A

RNA polymerase I subunit A
Ensembl:ENSG00000068654 MIM:616404 Vega:OTTHUMG00000153165 UniprotKB:O95602
SNP Mapped
2.153e-1 (AD)  3.296e-1 (ND)   (Frontal_Cortex)
7.621e-1 (AD)  4.080e-1 (ND)


SNP ID Position Alleles Trait Variation Type
rs34892520chr2:86042040 (GRCh38.p7)C>Tcocaine dependenceSNV(Single Nucleotide Variation)

DNA Methylation

There is no related methylation information for this gene.

Gene Expression in Different Tissues

Temporal and Spatial Expressions (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
ST1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes average value of the expressions.

Top Co-expressed Genes in Brain-Frontal Cortex (BA9) (GTEx v7)

Top 10 positively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient

Top 10 negatively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient


    There is no DrugBank record for this gene !

ID Drug Name Action PubMed
C0297902,2',3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl"[2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,5,2',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',5'-pentachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,2',3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with PCB 180] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA"25510870
C0817662,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl"[2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,5,2',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',5'-pentachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,2',3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with PCB 180] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA"25510870
C0140242,4,5,2',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl"[2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,5,2',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',5'-pentachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,2',3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with PCB 180] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA"25510870
C0098282,4,5,2',5'-pentachlorobiphenyl"[2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,5,2',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',5'-pentachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,2',3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with PCB 180] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA"25510870
C0164032,4-dinitrotoluene"2,4-dinitrotoluene affects the expression of POLR1A mRNA"21346803
C0094072,5,2',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl"[2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,5,2',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',5'-pentachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,2',3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with PCB 180] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA"25510870
D000082AcetaminophenAcetaminophen affects the expression of POLR1A mRNA17562736
D020106AcrylamideAcrylamide results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA28959563
D000643Ammonium ChlorideAmmonium Chloride affects the expression of POLR1A mRNA16483693
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA22228805
D004958EstradiolEstradiol results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA23019147
D004958EstradiolEstradiol affects the expression of POLR1A mRNA15598610
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A affects the expression of POLR1A mRNA21786754
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA25181051
D002794Choline[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency co-treated with Folic Acid deficiency] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA20938992
D019327Copper SulfateCopper Sulfate results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA19549813
D003907DexamethasoneDexamethasone inhibits the reaction [RX3 gene mutant form affects the expression of POLR1A mRNA]27941970
D003993Dibutyl PhthalateDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA17361019
D002945CisplatinCisplatin results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA27594783
C000944dicrotophosdicrotophos results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA28302478
D004997Ethinyl EstradiolEthinyl Estradiol results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA17942748
D004997Ethinyl Estradiol[Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin co-treated with Ethinyl Estradiol] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA17942748
C024565ethylene dichlorideethylene dichloride results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA28189721
D005485FlutamideFlutamide results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA21126777
D005485FlutamideFlutamide results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA24136188
D005492Folic Acid[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency co-treated with Folic Acid deficiency] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA20938992
C561695(+)-JQ1 compound(+)-JQ1 compound results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA25982114
D048628KetolidesKetolides analog results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA24967691
C482199lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5"lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA"24972896
D058185Magnetite Nanoparticles[Succimer co-treated with Magnetite Nanoparticles] results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA26378955
D008715Methionine[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency co-treated with Folic Acid deficiency] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA20938992
D037742Nanotubes, Carbon"Nanotubes, Carbon results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA"25554681|2562005
D010100OxygenOxygen deficiency results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA26516004
C410127PCB 180"[2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,5,2',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',5'-pentachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,2',3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with 2,4,5,2',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl co-treated with PCB 180] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA"25510870
D011285Pregnenolone CarbonitrilePregnenolone Carbonitrile results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA28903501
D004113Succimer[Succimer co-treated with Magnetite Nanoparticles] results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA26378955
D013749TetrachlorodibenzodioxinTetrachlorodibenzodioxin affects the expression of POLR1A mRNA21570461
D013749Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin[Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin co-treated with Ethinyl Estradiol] results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA17942748
D013853ThioacetamideThioacetamide results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA23411599
D014635Valproic AcidValproic Acid affects the expression of POLR1A mRNA25979313
D014635Valproic AcidValproic Acid results in decreased expression of POLR1A mRNA19136453|2054688
D001335Vehicle EmissionsVehicle Emissions results in decreased methylation of POLR1A gene25560391


GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0001054RNA polymerase I activityCONTRIBUTES_TOIBA21873635  
GO:0001054RNA polymerase I activity-IMP23782956  
GO:0003677DNA binding-IEA-  
GO:0003682chromatin binding-IDA26089203  
GO:0003899DNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polymerase activityCONTRIBUTES_TOIBA21873635  
GO:0005515protein binding-IPI16514417  19214185  21555369  25416956  26089203  26496610  
GO:0008270zinc ion binding-IEA-  
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0006361transcription initiation from RNA polymerase I promoter-TAS-  
GO:0006363termination of RNA polymerase I transcription-TAS-  
GO:0045815positive regulation of gene expression, epigenetic-TAS-  
GO:1904750negative regulation of protein localization to nucleolus-IMP23782956  
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0005736DNA-directed RNA polymerase I complex-IBA21873635  
hsa00230Purine metabolism
hsa00240Pyrimidine metabolism
hsa01100Metabolic pathways
hsa03020RNA polymerase
Reactome ID Reactome Term Evidence
R-HSA-212165Epigenetic regulation of gene expressionTAS
R-HSA-212165Epigenetic regulation of gene expressionIEA
R-HSA-427413NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expressionIEA
R-HSA-5250913Positive epigenetic regulation of rRNA expressionTAS
R-HSA-5250924B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expressionTAS
R-HSA-5250941Negative epigenetic regulation of rRNA expressionIEA
R-HSA-73762RNA Polymerase I Transcription InitiationTAS
R-HSA-73762RNA Polymerase I Transcription InitiationIEA
R-HSA-73772RNA Polymerase I Promoter EscapeTAS
R-HSA-73777RNA Polymerase I Chain ElongationTAS
R-HSA-73854RNA Polymerase I Promoter ClearanceTAS
R-HSA-73854RNA Polymerase I Promoter ClearanceIEA
R-HSA-73863RNA Polymerase I Transcription TerminationTAS
R-HSA-73864RNA Polymerase I TranscriptionTAS
R-HSA-73864RNA Polymerase I TranscriptionIEA
R-HSA-74160Gene expression (Transcription)TAS
R-HSA-74160Gene expression (Transcription)IEA

Interactions (STRING v10.5, Interaction Score >= 0.400)

Publications (Co-occurrence of gene symbol strings and ANCO-Dependence terms)

PMID Title (Year) Author Journal