Gene: LGALS2

galectin 2
Ensembl:ENSG00000100079 MIM:150571 Vega:OTTHUMG00000150590 UniprotKB:P05162
PubMed|SNP Mapped
NA (AD)  NA (ND)   (Frontal_Cortex)
1.500e-2 (AD)  6.067e-1 (ND)


SNP ID Position Alleles Trait Variation Type
rs4821670chr22:37574859 (GRCh38.p7)T>Calcohol dependenceSNV(Single Nucleotide Variation)

DNA Methylation

There is no related methylation information for this gene.

Gene Expression in Different Tissues

Temporal and Spatial Expressions (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
ST1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes average value of the expressions.

Top Co-expressed Genes in Brain-Frontal Cortex (BA9) (GTEx v7)

Top 10 positively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient

Top 10 negatively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient


ID Drug Name Drug Type CAS Num Status Role
DB02379Beta-D-GlucoseSmall Molecule492-61-5ExperimentalTarget
ID Drug Name Action PubMed
C0297902,2',3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl"2,2',3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA"23829299
C5112952,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether"2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA"27291303
C0109142,4-diaminotoluene"2,4-diaminotoluene results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA"20713471
C0235142,6-dinitrotoluene"2,6-dinitrotoluene affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA"21346803
C0095054,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane"4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA"25380136
C0293704-toluidine4-toluidine results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA27638505
C0207389,10-dihydro-9,10-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene"9,10-dihydro-9,10-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA"26238291
D016604Aflatoxin B1Aflatoxin B1 results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA21641981
D016604Aflatoxin B1Aflatoxin B1 results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA22484513|2363061
D000643Ammonium ChlorideAmmonium Chloride affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA16483693
D018501Antirheumatic AgentsAntirheumatic Agents results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA24449571
C006632arsenic trioxidearsenic trioxide results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA19128835
D001554BenzeneBenzene results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA20036648
D019324beta-Naphthoflavone[Diethylnitrosamine co-treated with beta-Naphthoflavone] results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA18164116
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA20106945
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA22316170|2623829
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA21632981
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA25181051
D000069286BortezomibBortezomib results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA17659339
D002509CephaloridineCephaloridine results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA18500788
C018021cobaltous chloridecobaltous chloride results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA24386269
D019327Copper SulfateCopper Sulfate results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA19549813
D016572CyclosporineCyclosporine results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA20106945|2163298
C000944dicrotophosdicrotophos results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA28302478
D004051Diethylhexyl PhthalateDiethylhexyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA28412506
D004052Diethylnitrosamine[Diethylnitrosamine co-treated with beta-Naphthoflavone] results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA18164116
D004052DiethylnitrosamineDiethylnitrosamine results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA19638242
D004128DimethylnitrosamineDimethylnitrosamine results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA25380136
D005485FlutamideFlutamide results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA24793618
D005620Freund's AdjuvantFreund's Adjuvant results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA20846436
C039281furanfuran results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA25539665|2619464
D017313FenretinideFenretinide results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA28973697
D006830Hydralazine[Hydralazine co-treated with Valproic Acid] results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA17183730
D006861Hydrogen PeroxideHydrogen Peroxide affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA20044591
C016517indole-3-carbinolindole-3-carbinol affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA21396975
C410337K 7174K 7174 results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA24086573
C482199lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5"lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA"24972896
D008070LipopolysaccharidesLipopolysaccharides results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA18192897
D008748MethylcholanthreneMethylcholanthrene results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA20713471
C004925methylmercuric chloridemethylmercuric chloride results in increased expression of LGALS2 protein22265609
D037742Nanotubes, Carbon"Nanotubes, Carbon analog results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA"25554681
D037742Nanotubes, Carbon"Nanotubes, Carbon results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA"25554681
D0150581-Naphthylisothiocyanate1-Naphthylisothiocyanate results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA25380136
D009532NickelNickel results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA24768652|2558310
C022838nickel chloridenickel chloride affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA22110744
C028007nickel monoxidenickel monoxide results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA19167457
C510784ormosil[ormosil binds to Polyethylene Glycols] which results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA24888373
D009966OrphenadrineOrphenadrine affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA23665939
C030110oxaliplatin[oxaliplatin co-treated with Topotecan] results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA25729387
C101814perfluoro-n-undecanoic acidperfluoro-n-undecanoic acid results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA23602845
C027579periodate-oxidized adenosineperiodate-oxidized adenosine affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA17097637
C006253pirinixic acidpirinixic acid results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA17426115
D011092Polyethylene Glycols[ormosil binds to Polyethylene Glycols] which results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA24888373
D011192Potassium DichromatePotassium Dichromate results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA23608068
C005556propionaldehydepropionaldehyde results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA26079696
D011794QuercetinQuercetin results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA21632981
D012715Sesame OilSesame Oil results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA29191790
D012822Silicon DioxideSilicon Dioxide analog results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA25895662
C016104sodium bichromatesodium bichromate affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA22110744
D013749TetrachlorodibenzodioxinTetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA20106945|2163298
D013749TetrachlorodibenzodioxinTetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA21215274
D013853ThioacetamideThioacetamide results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA23411599
C009495titanium dioxidetitanium dioxide affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA23557971
D014028Tobacco Smoke PollutionTobacco Smoke Pollution affects the expression of LGALS2 mRNA20133372
D019772Topotecan[oxaliplatin co-treated with Topotecan] results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA25729387
C016805tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate"tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA"26179874
D014520UrethaneUrethane results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA28818685
D014635Valproic Acid[Hydralazine co-treated with Valproic Acid] results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA17183730
C025643vinclozolinvinclozolin results in increased expression of LGALS2 mRNA23869203
D015032ZincZinc deficiency results in decreased expression of LGALS2 mRNA18356318


GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0005515protein binding-IPI15129282  25416956  
GO:0016936galactoside binding-IEA-  
GO:0030246carbohydrate binding-IEA-  
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
Reactome ID Reactome Term Evidence

Interactions (STRING v10.5, Interaction Score >= 0.400)

Publications (Co-occurrence of gene symbol strings and ANCO-Dependence terms)

PMID Title (Year) Author Journal
17040205Effects of lymphotoxin-alpha gene and galectin-2 gene polymorphisms on inflammatory biomarkers, cellular adhesion molecules and risk of coronary heart disease. (2007 Mar)Asselbergs FWClin Sci (Lond)
27903268Long-term outdoor air pollution and DNA methylation in circulating monocytes: results from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). (2016 Dec 1)Chi GCEnviron Health