protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type G
Ensembl:ENSG00000144724 MIM:176886 Vega:OTTHUMG00000158660 UniprotKB:P23470
SNP Mapped
NA (AD)  NA (ND)   (Frontal_Cortex)
4.490e-1 (AD)  2.398e-1 (ND)


SNP ID Position Alleles Trait Variation Type
rs4580548chr3:61595375 (GRCh38.p7)C>G / C>Talcohol dependenceSNV(Single Nucleotide Variation)

DNA Methylation

There is no related methylation information for this gene.

Gene Expression in Different Tissues

Temporal and Spatial Expressions (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
ST1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes average value of the expressions.

Top Co-expressed Genes in Brain-Frontal Cortex (BA9) (GTEx v7)

Top 10 positively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient

Top 10 negatively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient


    There is no DrugBank record for this gene !

ID Drug Name Action PubMed
C0264861,2,5,6-dibenzanthracene"1,2,5,6-dibenzanthracene results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA"26377693
C1052604-tert-octylphenol4-tert-octylphenol results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA17011747
C1052604-tert-octylphenol4-tert-octylphenol results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA17011747
C0126064-vinyl-1-cyclohexene dioxide4-vinyl-1-cyclohexene dioxide affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA20829426
D000082AcetaminophenAcetaminophen affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA17562736
D016604Aflatoxin B1Aflatoxin B1 results in increased methylation of PTPRG gene27153756
D016604Aflatoxin B1Aflatoxin B1 results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA19770486
D001151ArsenicArsenic affects the methylation of PTPRG gene25304211
C015001arsenite[arsenite co-treated with Benzo(a)pyrene] results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA15894712
C015001arsenitearsenite results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA15894712
C547126AZM551248AZM551248 results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA22323515
C030935benz(a)anthracene[Benzo(a)pyrene co-treated with benz(a)anthracene co-treated with benzo(b)fluoranthene co-treated with chrysene] results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA27858113
C006703benzo(b)fluoranthene[Benzo(a)pyrene co-treated with benz(a)anthracene co-treated with benzo(b)fluoranthene co-treated with chrysene] results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA27858113
C006703benzo(b)fluoranthenebenzo(b)fluoranthene results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA26377693
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA20106945|2163298
D001564Benzo(a)pyrene[arsenite co-treated with Benzo(a)pyrene] results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA15894712
D001564Benzo(a)pyrene[Benzo(a)pyrene co-treated with benz(a)anthracene co-treated with benzo(b)fluoranthene co-treated with chrysene] results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA27858113
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA15894712|1977048
D004958EstradiolEstradiol inhibits the reaction [hydroxytamoxifen results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA]16849584
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA26063408
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA25181051
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A results in increased methylation of PTPRG gene28505145
C031180chrysene[Benzo(a)pyrene co-treated with benz(a)anthracene co-treated with benzo(b)fluoranthene co-treated with chrysene] results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA27858113
D002994ClofibrateClofibrate results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA23811191
C018021cobaltous chloridecobaltous chloride results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA19320972
D003471CuprizoneCuprizone results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA26577399
D016572CyclosporineCyclosporine results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA25562108
C014347decitabinedecitabine affects the methylation of PTPRG promoter17963294
D003907DexamethasoneDexamethasone results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA25047013
D002945Cisplatin[Cisplatin co-treated with jinfukang] results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA27392435
D002945CisplatinCisplatin results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA27392435
D002945CisplatinCisplatin results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA21151649|2527062
D002945CisplatinCisplatin results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA22023808
D004041Dietary FatsDietary Fats results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA18042831
D004054DiethylstilbestrolDiethylstilbestrol results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA17011747
D005485FlutamideFlutamide results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA24793618
D004397FonofosFonofos results in increased methylation of PTPRG promoter22847954
C070081fulvestrantfulvestrant inhibits the reaction [hydroxytamoxifen results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA]16849584
D017313FenretinideFenretinide results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA28973697
C475919hydroxytamoxifenEstradiol inhibits the reaction [hydroxytamoxifen results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA]16849584
C475919hydroxytamoxifenfulvestrant inhibits the reaction [hydroxytamoxifen results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA]16849584
C475919hydroxytamoxifenhydroxytamoxifen results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA16849584
C051890irinotecanirinotecan analog results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA18927307
C544151jinfukang[Cisplatin co-treated with jinfukang] results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA27392435
C544151jinfukangjinfukang results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA27392435
C561695(+)-JQ1 compound(+)-JQ1 compound results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA24796395
D007854LeadLead affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA28903495
C045463leflunomideleflunomide results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA28988120
C045463leflunomideleflunomide results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA24136188
C482199lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5"[lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 co-treated with Particulate Matter] results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA"15522845
C482199lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5"[lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 co-treated with Vehicle Emissions] results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA"15522845
C482199lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5"lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA"15522845
D008558MelphalanMelphalan results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA22363485
D008727MethotrexatePTPRG protein affects the susceptibility to Methotrexate16217747
D008731MethoxychlorMethoxychlor affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA20829426
C004925methylmercuric chloridemethylmercuric chloride results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA28001369
D018817N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine"N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA"26251327
D008769MethylnitronitrosoguanidineMethylnitronitrosoguanidine results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA12634122
D009151Mustard GasMustard Gas results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA15674843
D009151Mustard GasMustard Gas affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA15651846
D037742Nanotubes, Carbon"Nanotubes, Carbon affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA"25554681
D037742Nanotubes, Carbon"Nanotubes, Carbon analog results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA"25554681
D037742Nanotubes, Carbon"Nanotubes, Carbon results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA"25620056
C029938nickel sulfatenickel sulfate results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA22714537
C002741N-nitrosomorpholineN-nitrosomorpholine results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA19716841
D000073878Palm OilPalm Oil results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA18042831
D010278ParathionParathion results in increased methylation of PTPRG promoter22847954
D052638Particulate Matter"[lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 co-treated with Particulate Matter] results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA"15522845
D010634PhenobarbitalPhenobarbital affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA23091169
C027373potassium chromate(VI)potassium chromate(VI) results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA22714537
D011374ProgesteroneProgesterone results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA23018184
C014175pyrazolo(3,4-d)pyrimidine"pyrazolo(3,4-d)pyrimidine analog affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA"21152443
D011794QuercetinQuercetin results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA21632981
C059514resveratrolresveratrol results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA16624241
D015474IsotretinoinIsotretinoin results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA20436886
C017947sodium arsenitesodium arsenite affects the methylation of PTPRG gene28589171
C017947sodium arsenitesodium arsenite results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA22714537
C016104sodium bichromatesodium bichromate affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA22110744
D012969Sodium FluorideSodium Fluoride results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA21340527
C012568terbufosterbufos results in increased methylation of PTPRG promoter22847954
C501413tesaglitazartesaglitazar results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA21515302
D013749TetrachlorodibenzodioxinTetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA26290441
D013749TetrachlorodibenzodioxinTetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA19465110
D013749TetrachlorodibenzodioxinTetrachlorodibenzodioxin affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA22298810
D014028Tobacco Smoke PollutionTobacco Smoke Pollution results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA28065790
D014028Tobacco Smoke PollutionTobacco Smoke Pollution affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA20133372
D014212TretinoinTretinoin results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA21934132
C057693troglitazonetroglitazone results in decreased expression of PTPRG mRNA28973697
D014635Valproic AcidValproic Acid affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA25979313
D014635Valproic AcidValproic Acid results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA23179753
D014638VanadatesVanadates results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA22714537
D001335Vehicle Emissions"[lipopolysaccharide, E coli O55-B5 co-treated with Vehicle Emissions] results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA"15522845
D001335Vehicle EmissionsVehicle Emissions affects the expression of PTPRG mRNA23940539
C025643vinclozolinvinclozolin results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA23555832
C088658zoledronic acidzoledronic acid results in increased expression of PTPRG mRNA24714768


GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0004725protein tyrosine phosphatase activity-IDA19167335  
GO:0005001transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase activity-TAS8382771  
GO:0005515protein binding-IPI19167335  21112398  25970784  
GO:0042802identical protein binding-IPI15978577  19167335  
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0007169transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway-TAS8382771  
GO:0007420brain development-IEA-  
GO:0010633negative regulation of epithelial cell migration-IMP21724833  
GO:0010977negative regulation of neuron projection development-IEA-  
GO:0035335peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation-IEA-  
GO:1903385regulation of homophilic cell adhesionNOTIMP21724833  
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0005887integral component of plasma membrane-TAS8382771  
GO:0070062extracellular exosome-HDA23533145  
Reactome ID Reactome Term Evidence

Interactions (STRING v10.5, Interaction Score >= 0.400)

Publications (Co-occurrence of gene symbol strings and ANCO-Dependence terms)

PMID Title (Year) Author Journal